View Full Version : How to change a tire with your father.

12-12-2009, 11:08 PM
I was on a job and ran over a tool and that tool stuck in my tire. Didnt have a spare but called my boss, who happens to be my father, to bring me a tire.

1. Get bottle jack out.
2. Raise truck.
3. Lower truck to loosen lug nuts.
4. Raise truck.
5. Realize bottle jack jack doesnt go up high enough.
6. Look for wood to put under bottle jack.
7. Dont find any but Dad pulls out 4 phone books from his truck.
8. Dad instructs you to put them under the dif.
while muttering "Phone books are a lot stronger than you think."
9. Lower truck.
10. Dad hands you a fifth phone book to put under the jack.
11. Raise truck.
12. Aluminum rim stuck to axle.
13. Try very carefully to get rim off without truck falling off jack/phonebook.
14. Dad thoroughly sprays everything with Free-All (including brake rotor) while saying something about "That will wear off of those brakes."
15. Tire comes off.
16. New tire goes on.
17. Tighten lug nuts and lower truck.

12-12-2009, 11:11 PM
I do steps 1-4 almost every time I take a wheel off anything... You gotta make sure the jack works before you waste time taking lug nuts off:D

12-13-2009, 08:22 AM
Slick idea using the phone books...Kinda funny he had so many in the truck.


Go Bengals!! WHO-DEY!!!!

12-13-2009, 08:37 AM
You have to love those moments with your dad.:D