View Full Version : Hydro Assist Issues

01-07-2010, 07:48 AM
Seems the hydro assist on the YJ has a mind of its own sometimes. It's almost as if the ram and the steering box aren't on the same page. If I'm driving down the road and say the Jeep drifts to the right, when you try to steer left to straighten up, it tends to overcompensate and jerk. All the steering linkage has been upgraded, the heim joints have been replaced, as well as the bearing and kingpins, so I know everything is tight. I'm thinking the box is going bad, but am looking for other opinions.

01-07-2010, 10:24 AM
possibly have excessive play in the box and its allowing the ram to move faster than the steering wheel. maybe dissconnect the ram and see how much play you have in the normal linkage and steering box and adjust as needed or if its beyond that replace. also check all your joints from the steering wheel to the box. i have seen many steering column u joints and rag joint on various vehicles

94Dodge Truggy
01-08-2010, 07:10 AM
Check the u-joints in the steering shaft for play or being froze up. It never was a perfect driver on the road but I could do 60mph comfortably before I put the beadlocks on. After U rebuild the links will it squeak any more? That was its trademark!

01-08-2010, 09:47 AM
Sorry, but the squeak is nearly gone from what I can tell. I haven't really done much with it other than put it back in the garage. All the lower joints were replaced as well as getting new links put in. Steering joints were upgraded as well and it's got 35 spline inner and outer axles up front. The rear brakes were converted to disk as well. The rear shafts are twisted and will need replaced in the near future, but other than that, she's ready for the new wheeling season.

Once the weather gets a little better, I'm planning on looking at all the steering components and replacing what needs replaced. I can get the ram rebuilt for about $100 here in Dayton and I'll probably end up re-plumbing the system.

Oh, and tightening up the front end and removing the 20 lbs of mud in the left front tire really helped with the shaking going down the road.

01-15-2010, 04:50 PM
The ram was $90 from TSC when I bought one a year ago. 2 inch bore 8 inch stroke. My system is plumbed into the stock steering box and has always worked perfectly.