View Full Version : trans

01-19-2010, 01:09 PM
what do you all think is the best trans and transfer case combo to run behing a small block chevy

01-19-2010, 01:10 PM
oh and a manual trans not auto

01-19-2010, 02:14 PM
SM 465 /205 twin sticked or a 205/203 doubler

Bear Chow
01-19-2010, 02:17 PM
Tranny: SM420, twice the weight and half the size of a modern tranny. Can be found in 1/2-2 T vehicles including some large dump trucks. SM465 slightly larger but has a higher first gear and can more easily be found. Or go modern with an NV4500 or NV5600.

Atlas, NP205 for absolute strength, D300 for better gearing or maybe just shell out and get an Atlas.

Best is subjective and dependent on available funds and the platform it is being installed into. Availabuility not of the big pieces but rather the bell and adpters will be the hardest part to source.

01-19-2010, 03:53 PM
I swear the Pirate guys rub off on me more and more but who cares about tech. forums and gen. discussion forums, just post everything in the General Discussions.

Go with a doubler and what vehicle is this going it?

01-19-2010, 06:23 PM
its goin in a yota cab truck

01-19-2010, 06:26 PM
Trail rig or DD or combo?

Dirt cheap = SM465/Np205
Big bucks = NV4500/Atlas

Doubler's are pigs that take up a bunch of space...my ORD 203/205 took up way more space and weighed twice what and Atlas does.

94Dodge Truggy
01-19-2010, 09:27 PM
Nv4500, mini stak 3 speed. Stout, short and plenty of gearing options.

01-19-2010, 11:35 PM
its just a trail rig will never see the road unless i pull it out the to load it haha

01-20-2010, 08:12 AM
I've always been a fan of auto trans.....but you want a manual.

The SM465 is the obvious choice for a transmission. Super strong, cheap, will bolt right up to the engine, and easy to find since there were about 40 million of them bolted to small block Chevys that rolled out of the factory.

Nothing wrong with the SM420 except usually much harder to locate since they haven't been used in production for 30+ years now. They do have a slightly lower 1st gear than the SM465 but the difference is very small (I believe it's about 7.0:1 vs. 6.55:1).

The NP205 is super stout and fairly easy to find because so many rolled out of the factory, though you are going on 20 years since it was found in Chevy trucks. It's also pretty easy to twin-stick it to allow front digs or 2 low operation. Downsides are it is heavy and has a poor low range ratio. Though the combination of the granny gear manual and V-8 in a presumably light vehicle would probably be fine.

Most people don't consider this option but starting in the late-80's you could get a NP241 t-case that would bolt up to the SM465. It's much lighter and has a significantly better low range ratio than the 205, can be found in both passenger and driver side drops, and slip yoke eliminators are fairly cheap and easy to install. The only downsides is you can't twin-stick them, and must have some sort of skid plate to protect the aluminum case. These were used in up to 1-ton trucks with 454's with Chevy, and Dodge used a variant behind the Cummins engine.

01-20-2010, 04:08 PM
thanks for the info

01-20-2010, 05:45 PM
I will (eventually) be running a 203/300 doubler in the Jeep, (after the NP435...GM version exists, but not very common)
adapter/LRG/adapter/t-case takes up gobs of space,
and not nearly as pretty as Carwash's STaK,
but I should have enough levers to keep my mind occupied... :D

(if I saw the STaK before I had my doubler bits, would have a nice shiny STaK sitting between the frame rails right now...)

NV4500 is nice... overdrive... some say noisy... VERY specific oil requirement
they had a few different flavors... almost all of them need attention given to 5th gear under load... (just what I've read)....

Just for giggles...

Here's the difference in a Chevy C3500 NV4500 and a Chevy C3500HD NV4500

C3500 (harmonic balancer on end)


C3500HD (drum driveline brake on end, cast iron tailhousing instead of alum. above)
