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View Full Version : Angela's Revenge 4X4 Road Rally, Madison, Indiana 3/7/2010

01-26-2010, 01:34 PM
Event: Angela's Revenge 4 X 4 Road Rally.

Where: Madison, Indiana.

When: Sunday, March 7, 2010.

Who: Open to all four wheel drive vehicles. 50 vehicle limit.

What: A 65 mile four wheel drive road course on the back roads of Jefferson County, Indiana. Includes several stream crossings up to 18" deep plus driving up and down a public road known as Angela's Revenge.

Cost: $45.00 per vehicle.

Sponsored by: Jake Sweeney Jeep of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Road course designed by: Scenic Road Rallies, LLC of Sunman, Indiana.

To view pictures from last years road course, go to: http://www.scenicroadrallies.com/photos.asp?show=&category=125

Very family oriented. Bring your wife and kids!

For a flyer with full details, go to: http://www.scenicroadrallies.com/downloads/2010AngelasRevengeRoadRallyFlier.pdf or call 812-623-5727 with questions or to pre-register.

01-26-2010, 02:56 PM
post this on www.cincystreetscene.com/forum

lots or wrx and evos there

01-26-2010, 03:02 PM
By the looks of the pictures, instead on hauling my buggy I could drive my wifes car and the whole family could go.:D.
Just kidding looks like everyone had fun

01-27-2010, 09:54 AM
I thought about taking my Jeep to one of these this year...hmm

01-27-2010, 10:22 AM
I thought about taking my Jeep to one of these this year...hmm

you and your jeep going somewhere other than macys :eek:

01-27-2010, 10:58 AM
i am interested in this. looked through the pics and looks like a whole lot of fun.

01-27-2010, 10:11 PM
These Rallys are alot of fun for the Family. I've been helping and attending Satolli and Bev's rallys for years now and have a blast every time. This route is a new one for this years rally and should proove to be alot fun. Its not a hard core off road rally by no means but a fun filled day/cruise in the country on some of Indiana's best back roads ever.

Satolli and Bev are great people and make the rally alot of fun for all. They put alot of hard work and time into these events.

Hope se see everyone there!

01-28-2010, 04:35 AM
looks like i could bring my 4x4 truck and never leave it for the whole truck...they did say it is for the beginner wheeler so it can not bee that bad, 18" deep water hole is not a water hole lol~!:rolleyes:

01-28-2010, 09:12 AM
There has been a crossing in the past that hydro locked a grand cherokee. Some creek crossings may be deeper than ya think in spots. I've had water up to my grille before on my TJ. You probally won't use your four wheel drive unless your skeered!

01-28-2010, 09:35 AM
I haven't done this one, but my sidekick and I will most likely volunteer for a stream crossing.They are a good time and she has a blast at them.:D