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View Full Version : Big Rock OffRoad, Maysville Ky: Grand Reopening!

02-05-2010, 01:24 AM
As of March 6th, Big Rock will be reopening their whole 2000 acres to all rigs: jeeps, toys, zooks, trucks, whatever. It's been years since they let our fullsize rigs in to play, and even then we were limited to just a part of the park. Now it'll be all rigs, all trails, all the time!

(For whatever reason, 2wd buggies -vee-dubs- are still out, but everything else goes)

For those that don't know, Maysville is right on the river, about 60 miles east of downtown Cincinnati. Same distance as Haspin (closer for us eastsiders!:D) and nearly triple the real estate!

We'll be cutting as many trials as we can between now and then, but it's a given that a park this size will grow over time.


I'm flat thrilled about the potential, and can't wait to get started!


02-05-2010, 06:05 AM
It s been killin you to keep this one hasn t it. lol

02-05-2010, 06:38 AM
nothing ont he link about the big rigs!!!

As of March 6th, Big Rock will be reopening their whole 2000 acres to all rigs: jeeps, toys, zooks, trucks, whatever. It's been years since they let our fullsize rigs in to play, and even then we were limited to just a part of the park. Now it'll be all rigs, all trails, all the time!

(For whatever reason, 2wd buggies -vee-dubs- are still out, but everything else goes)

For those that don't know, Maysville is right on the river, about 60 miles east of downtown Cincinnati. Same distance as Haspin (closer for us eastsiders!:D) and nearly triple the real estate!

We'll be cutting as many trials as we can between now and then, but it's a given that a park this size will grow over time.


I'm flat thrilled about the potential, and can't wait to get started!


02-05-2010, 06:44 AM
sounds like im headin there on my return to the states from japan

02-05-2010, 06:55 AM
Glad to hear this. Ill be making a trip down this year.

02-05-2010, 09:34 AM
i was there on a quad one time and didn't see to many trails that would challenge a decent built rig. What is the potential like as i was only there a couple times.

02-05-2010, 10:20 AM
It s been killin you to keep this one hasn t it. lol

Absolutely KILLIN' me! This is huge! :D

nothing ont he link about the big rigs!!!

Nope, not yet. This is a brand new development.

i was there on a quad one time and didn't see to many trails that would challenge a decent built rig. What is the potential like as i was only there a couple times.

When I was there with my jeep guys, we were a little disappointed how smal it was: We spent all day climbing in and out of one valley/creekbed.

The terrain was cool, the hillclimbs were steep, some rocky, some muddy, but we had no idea how big it was.

Like I said, two THOUSAND acres, nearly triple the size of Haspin.

Should be great!


02-05-2010, 10:21 AM
i was there on a quad one time and didn't see to many trails that would challenge a decent built rig. What is the potential like as i was only there a couple times.

Potential is good. I've been there a couple times with my old Rubicon and it was a lot of fun. I haven't taken the YJ there, but with 2000 acres, I'm sure people can find some good stuff to do. There were a couple decent hill climbs and there's a pretty cool creek bed that we played in. I do know that I enjoyed it much more than Haspin.

On a side note, I really hope this place doesn't become like Haspin. Nothing against Haspin at all, I enjoy going over there, but Big Rock is a lot cleaner and the attitudes of the patrons seem to be a lot better.

02-05-2010, 10:32 AM
Big Rock will NOT become another Haspin:D

02-05-2010, 10:34 AM
nothing ont he link about the big rigs!!!

On a side note, I really hope this place doesn't become like Haspin...

Couldn't agree more.

From Big Rock's Facebook page:

We have pretty much worked out what the rules and regulations are going to be in order to allow Full Size 4x4's back into Big Rock! Don't all you quad and bike people freakout, this isn't going to turn into another Haspin. There are plans for Mudbog events, tough truck courses and hill climb events. Fun for all to watch!

For starters, I figure the "no-booze" rule will help discourage some of "that element."


02-05-2010, 11:46 AM
Couldn't agree more.

From Big Rock's Facebook page:

For starters, I figure the "no-booze" rule will help discourage some of "that element."


Tough TRUCKS.... AWESOME, I just happen to have a tought ruck racer sittin here that I run at alot of the county fairs.

I went down twice before, we were mildly built at the time, and found some pretty good stuff. Havent taken a quad down but I may and scope it out on the quad to see what else si on that 2000 acres first.

02-05-2010, 12:58 PM
I think the no Alcohol rule will help keep things calm, but the only restriction I have heard of was no sandrails or 2wd bugs and that s supposed to be a park rule. The park will only become like Haspin if the people that ride there allow it to become like Haspin.

02-05-2010, 01:35 PM
was there for the first opening. had potential. had the big tire pit, logs, ect. but after 8 months, it was as if the park went backwards. i know they owed crazy keith almost $5k for the dozing work he did.

I would love to visit it again with some real wheelers promoting it. post up some pics if you go there. i was eyballing some rocky creeks there a few years back.

alchohol can ruin a good park quickly.

02-05-2010, 01:39 PM
Not to toot horns but I am friends with Duke (the owner) and he let me organize "club rides" at the park in 2009 for the MuddyBuddy's club. His big issue 2 years past when he opened to the public (for full size rigs) was drinking and irresponible wheelers (like we've all seen alot of over Haspin way). Duke was speaking of organized rides for groups that are responsible. I have ridden all 2,000 acres and there is no camparison they have all terrain you could want. Would be a great place for Club rides, and is a couple miles from town.

94Dodge Truggy
02-05-2010, 02:57 PM
I went up a wicked hill climb there that would destroy most any built rig's roll cage if something went wrong. The telephone poles in the pit were a blast as well! Tire climbing was ok. I will hit this place this year a few times for sure. Watch the speed limits on AA highway!

02-05-2010, 03:30 PM
mmm maybe I can go this time around

I was looking at there site.
I was wanting to know once it get warm are they still closeing down at 5pm???

02-05-2010, 04:47 PM
Awesome!! 2000 acres and only 60 miles from cincy.Looks to be a good wheeling season close to the house...


02-05-2010, 06:59 PM
Just wondering. Does this mean that anyone can go there anytime, or do you have to go with a club on an organized run?

02-05-2010, 09:10 PM
Just wondering. Does this mean that anyone can go there anytime, or do you have to go with a club on an organized run?

After talking with Duke he will welcome any size group that can be assured they can "self recover". Recovering full size rigs was an issue when he opened to all in the past. I would reccoment 4 rigs so you can always recover anyone broke or stuck.

02-05-2010, 10:20 PM
After talking with Duke he will welcome any size group that can be assured they can "self recover". Recovering full size rigs was an issue when he opened to all in the past. I would reccoment 4 rigs so you can always recover anyone broke or stuck.
Cool deal Kenny. Thanks for clearing that up. It's always a good idea to go wheeling with a group, regardless of where it is.

02-06-2010, 12:41 PM
I used to ride quads @ Big Rock seveal years ago, before they ever let full size rigs in, and it was great. Had any type of terrain that a person could want. I will definatly take my Sammy-Thing down if I ever get it built.....:(

02-06-2010, 02:11 PM
I have been there on my trx450r and i felt it was all field, dont see to much potential for the rigs, I may have missed something but to me a mild build would go everywhere there no prob. But hey its ground close we can crawl around on so to that i say thumbs up

02-06-2010, 02:56 PM
Ther eis alot of wasted space in that 2000 acres that is field, but There are some very steep climbs, some smaller but very loose/wet rocks and some creek beds that I know of for sure.

I think a 4 or 5 vehicle minimum would make sense.

02-06-2010, 06:30 PM
I have been there on my trx450r and i felt it was all field, dont see to much potential for the rigs, I may have missed something but to me a mild build would go everywhere there no prob. But hey its ground close we can crawl around on so to that i say thumbs up

yea i'd say you missed quite a bit!!!!

02-07-2010, 01:01 AM
Tough Trucks? AWESOME! Cant wait!

02-07-2010, 08:30 AM
I used to ride a Banshee there. I am in for going with the jeep. There were plenty of spots that would be fun to crawl around in.

02-08-2010, 12:12 PM
Ive been to big rock at least or hundred or so times with my dirt bike and friends who ride quads and theres is some hairy stuff there for any type of vehicle you just have to know where to go.Most of it is in the back of the park where not alot of people go. I know the widow maker would be interesting to go up in a rig. You just basically have to pick a trail and go.lol.you will find hills and creek beds, along with some mud pits, and there are a few ponds that ive seen quads try to get through and lets just say it was deeper than they ever expected. point is you have to find the hills, i know when they first had it opened to rigs they were only allowed in a certain area and I believe it really wasnt that great for the rigs to have a wide variety of terrain. but best of luck to you all in your rigs ive been stranded in the park before with snapped handle bars and a buddy who had a dead battery but duke is always there to help in anyway.

02-08-2010, 04:41 PM
March 7th. Lets go. Robert will you be running?

02-12-2010, 09:14 AM
From their site re:March 6th allowing full size rigs:

4x4 Rules and Regulations

*Every person entering the park (all participants including passengers and spectators) will get a copy of the park rules, must fill out and sign a release of liability waiver.

*A parent or legal guardian must sign a release of liability waiver in the presence of a park staff member and must accompany any person under the age of 18.

*No alcohol or mind=altering substances, firearms, weapons or explosives are allowed on the property. All vehicles are subject to search at any time.

*No disorderly conduct

*Only full size 4x4 vehicles such as Jeeps/trucks/SUVs and 4x4 buggies are allowed. No sand/ rail buggies allowed.

All full sized off road vehicles must be insured and have the following:
-At least one tow point
-Proper rollover protection including coverage for all passengers. NO backseat passengers allowed without above head roll bar protection.
-Full size spare tire or a tire big enough to get you out of the park
-Battery tie down (bungee cords do not count)
-Seat belts for all occupants
-Trash bags
-Tow strap (within the group)
-Safety flags are recommended
-Straps required for the safety of the trees

*Winches & lockers are highly recommended for the more difficult trails

*No one under the age of 18 is permitted to operate a full size vehicle within the park. All drivers must show a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance at time of check in.

*All operators and passengers must wear seat belts while vehicle is being operated. Infants and children must be restrained in legally required child safety seats

*Vehicles must travel in a group of 2 or more. Anyone found alone will be in violation of this rule, except in emergency situations.

There is a 5mph speed limit in the parking area and 15mph everywhere else in the park. The parking area is for parking. No tricks or horseplay! Please do not cause commotion or damage to other vehicles. Excessive speed and reckless driving will not be tolerated!

*All trails are 2-way!

*Please be courteous to oncoming traffic. The vehicle that can pull over with the least amount of difficulty should do so. Respect proper trail etiquette and do not block a trail.

*The terrain is constantly changing. Check each hill. Pre-ride all trails with caution!

*Stay within the boundaries of the park. Do not enter any property not owned by the park

*No littering! Please pick up all of your trash! Carry-in / Carry out

*Tread lightly. All participants must stay on designated trails. Do not blaze a new trail unless you have written permission from Big Rock Off Road Park management.

*Use tree saver straps, the correct size tree, etc.. Do not cut down trees. Anyone caught cutting down or removing trees will pay for that tree!

*No Rain checks or refunds for breakdowns

*Be courteous at all times

*Recovery is available at times, however there is a fee. Big Rock Off Road Park is not required nor should be expected to recover, repair or escort non-emergencies out of the park. Please have a way to get yourself out of the park if you are broken. Big Rock Off Road Park staff, if able to do so, will do their best to offer assistance.

*Big Rock Off Road Park personnel take these rules very seriously. Individuals failing to comply with park rules and safe operating procedures can at the very least be ejected from the park without refund and they may also be suspended from any 0future visits to the park as well. Penalty charges, in addition, may be assessed as indicated in the following:
$20 penalty charge if found alone, away from group
$50 penalty charge for disorderly conduct including, but not limited to speeding
$50 penalty charge for littering

*All abandoned vehicles will be recovered at the owner’s expense. Minimum of $150

02-12-2010, 10:40 AM

Hope Springs Hauler
02-12-2010, 10:46 AM
No explosives, need a full size spare and proof of insurance. Guess I'm out:eek: :D

In all reality, I'm not paying for insurance for a vehicle that will never see the road.

02-12-2010, 10:50 AM
Yeah, wow.

I was gonna post em up this morning, but Lisa beat me to it.

Honestly, though, I don't see much that's unreasonable. "No solo riding" is an unusual rule, but really not a bad idea.

I really think they're just being proactive, as was said, trying to avoid Haspin-status...

Or did I miss something?


<Edit> Crosspost w/ Hope... I'm sure the insurance is to target Haspin-contraptions. No different than most public land, is it?

Hope Springs Hauler
02-12-2010, 10:56 AM
<Edit> Crosspost w/ Hope... I'm sure the insurance is to target Haspin-contraptions. No different than most public land, is it?

My point is that if insurance only covers what you do on road, why worry about it as soon as you drive off road?

02-12-2010, 11:05 AM
Same reason 491 won't let you trailer.

He's trying to keep out Rufus and Jimbob with their junkyard F250 on used 44s.

I assume...


02-12-2010, 11:05 AM
My point is that if insurance only covers what you do on road, why worry about it as soon as you drive off road?

yes,,, I talke to a few different insurance companys and once you leave the road they do not cover you.

So I guess I am out too then :(

02-12-2010, 11:10 AM
No explosives, need a full size spare and proof of insurance. Guess I'm out:eek: :D

In all reality, I'm not paying for insurance for a vehicle that will never see the road.

Maybe you could tell him it's just a great big side-by-side?


Hope Springs Hauler
02-12-2010, 11:33 AM
I may go out on a limb here, but they say that if they are going to allow 4x4buggies, the insurance language is for the park libility insurance. I say this because I wonder how would you get insurance on something w/o a VIN, make or model.

I may try to go get insurance for a 2010 Dan's Screaming Squirrel :D Vin# = 1

02-12-2010, 12:12 PM
I may try to go get insurance for a 2010 Dan's Screaming Squirrel :D Vin# = 1

Funny stuff there

Hope Springs Hauler
02-12-2010, 12:21 PM
Funny stuff there

Then I'll see if Fairfield will let me drive it on the street.:p

02-12-2010, 12:39 PM
I agree with the insurance thing.i believe duke(the owner) is trying to keep away from big rock turning into another haspin.as far as trails go i think its smart to n not allow solo riders because it gets pretty risky just on quads and dirtbikes with just two guys.whenever i go i like to have at least three people that way if someone gets hurt or breaks down one can stay and the other can leave to get help especially if the people in the griup dont know the trails there that well. i have been in those situations needing assistance and its nice to have someone there to stay and one to go get help with experience with the trails. it can take 10 minutes or longer depending on trail conditions to get from the back of the park to the front for help with someone who knows how to get there. and for the spare tire regulations thats smart considering the trails there are somewhat difficult in areas. oh also watch out for trees in the middle of the trails especially on hills a buddy was going up on a qquad 3rd gear pinned and hit a rock and nailed a tree.

02-12-2010, 01:52 PM
Solo riders getting stuck and him having to rescue them was a problem before, thus the reasoning behind the solo rule.

I would guess the insurance rule is is also to keep the unsafe, drunk guy in a barn built out of exhuast pipe tube buggy out. Probably if you showe dup in a respectable looking 4x4 rig you could slide through.

Ive been on several rdes where tags and insurance was mandontory but I was never asked for proof.

As far as insurance coving stuff, if I run into your vehicle out in the woods with my trail rig, your vehicle is covered as long as there is an accident report. This is base don what State Farm told me. My agent knows exactly what I use my BroncoII for and said any mishaps out in the woods will be covered.

there is some more ifno on thier facebook page

02-12-2010, 02:06 PM
As far as insurance coving stuff, if I run into your vehicle out in the woods with my trail rig, your vehicle is covered as long as there is an accident report. This is base don what State Farm told me. My agent knows exactly what I use my BroncoII for and said any mishaps out in the woods will be covered.

I have talked to 3 different agents for 3 different companys start farm, progressice and all state and they all told me that if something happens out in the woods they would not cover it b/c it was not on a road and that is were ther coverage is good at.
that is the whole reason I do not have any insurace on my off road rigs now

02-12-2010, 02:41 PM
I have talked to 3 different agents for 3 different companys start farm, progressice and all state and they all told me that if something happens out in the woods they would not cover it b/c it was not on a road and that is were ther coverage is good at.
that is the whole reason I do not have any insurace on my off road rigs now

I dont trailer very often anymore so I keep insurance for the purpose of street driving but I did look into what would happen if it rolled down a hill and smashed someone elses ride, as far as my agent is concerned if there is an accident report they will cover the other vehicle and passangers in it. Of course if they REALLY will or not, hopefully I never have to find out

02-12-2010, 04:28 PM
Can't wait to check this place out.....I've seen the insurance rule in most parks and even hear clubs require it. Never have been asked to produce the proof though. I have always carried insurance,you never know... It's interesting to hear agents saying when you leave the road they won't cover you.


Hope Springs Hauler
02-12-2010, 04:48 PM
Agreed, if the rig is on the road, it needs insurance. If it is going to be trailered, then I don't see the need.

Also, food for thought, if it is liability that is a concern, an ATV can do some mean damage as well and is more likely to roll over or go out of control.

02-12-2010, 04:56 PM
They're putting insurance restrictions on "full size" rigs to keep the extreme fringe wheelers out...they want a group of respectful , orderly off roaders with semi-built rigs.... that's where the money is.

I'd much rather flop down a hill in Carwash or Yellowjacket's "non-insured" tube rig than some street driven TJ with 35" mt's and a show bar.

I fail to see how they equate "insured" with "safe-to-wheel" as they don't have to go hand in hand and take a skilled eye to distinguish.

Hope Springs Hauler
02-12-2010, 05:43 PM
They're putting insurance restrictions on "full size" rigs to keep the extreme fringe wheelers out...they want a group of respectful , orderly off roaders with semi-built rigs.... that's where the money is.

I'd much rather flop down a hill in Carwash or Yellowjacket's "non-insured" tube rig than some street driven TJ with 35" mt's and a show bar.

I fail to see how they equate "insured" with "safe-to-wheel" as they don't have to go hand in hand and take a skilled eye to distinguish.

Thank you for articulating this in a non monetary fashion.:beers:

02-13-2010, 01:07 AM
Well, I thought the insurance thing was pretty reasonable, but it looks like they're gonna be flexible on it anyway.

From facebook:

Proof of insurance on a offroad rig ? not many will have that due to it is a tube rig fab job!
We understand the insurance issue on the tube rigs, not a problem


02-13-2010, 01:17 AM
yeah asked the question to them about the insurance but he seems flexable on that due to most rigs are fab up tub rigs... and yes never wheel alone that is stupid... and if you break you better have a way to get it back out.. hence have your buddies tow you out..

02-13-2010, 01:45 AM
due to most rigs are fab up tub rigs...

Well, no offense, but I thought that bit was kind of a copout.

Very few rigs are truly fabbed from the ground up. Almost all are just modified production vehicles. They do have VINs, they could be titled, registered, and insured if you chose to.

I undertand they're not street driven (or roadworthy?) so it'd be a waste of money.

But it's not because they're VIN-less fabrications.


02-13-2010, 02:29 AM
Well, no offense, but I thought that bit was kind of a copout.

Very few rigs are truly fabbed from the ground up. Almost all are just modified production vehicles. They do have VINs, they could be titled, registered, and insured if you chose to.

I undertand they're not street driven (or roadworthy?) so it'd be a waste of money.

But it's not because they're VIN-less fabrications.


well my rig started as a street legal and all but for from it, it is off road and never will see the road to why i ahould have a title or insurance for it is sorta pointless unless i kill someone in it while wheelin..

02-13-2010, 09:24 AM
I will be surprised if they even check for proof of insurance.You see it mentioned in most rules and regulations as a blanket statement.I think the only reason it's mentioned is to satisfy the insurance company of the business and /or club.


02-13-2010, 09:57 AM
all of this is gay
if u dont like it, dont go its that simple. thats why theres rules and thats why this place didnt work the first time.
if you dont like rules then please stay in the malls or haspin

Hope Springs Hauler
02-13-2010, 03:57 PM
all of this is gay
if u dont like it, dont go its that simple. thats why theres rules and thats why this place didnt work the first time.
if you dont like rules then please stay in the malls or haspin

Why is it "gay" to dislike a rule?
What if every park out there was only for jeep brand vehicles? I pose the question because I do not like selectively enforced rules and also it is assanine to have an insurance requirement for only some of the occupants of the park. If you want all of the 4x4's to have insurance, make all vehicles on your property have it.
How would you like it if they had said no exo-caged vehicles? Or no orange vehicles?

02-13-2010, 06:39 PM
gay (Webster's New World Dictionary ) 1.joyous and lively;merry;happy;
light-hearted. 2.bright;brilliant:as gay colors 3.given to social life and pleasures:as,a gay life;hence, 4.wanton;licentious:as,a gay dog.

Never met a gay dog.....:confused:


Hope Springs Hauler
02-13-2010, 06:59 PM
Never met a gay dog.....:confused:


obviously you've never been leg humped by a lap dog.....:eek:

02-13-2010, 07:08 PM
Why is it "gay" to dislike a rule?
What if every park out there was only for jeep brand vehicles? I pose the question because I do not like selectively enforced rules and also it is assanine to have an insurance requirement for only some of the occupants of the park. If you want all of the 4x4's to have insurance, make all vehicles on your property have it.
How would you like it if they had said no exo-caged vehicles? Or no orange vehicles?

I would say ther insurance rule si so that crazy inbreds with unsafe/stolen vehicles dont come around. I would bet they never check for insurance if your rig looks decently safe.

02-13-2010, 07:10 PM
obviously you've never been leg humped by a lap dog.....:eek:

Oh hell.....


02-13-2010, 08:55 PM
I'm gonna guess before long you guys will get the low down on it...

02-13-2010, 10:06 PM
I'm gonna guess before long you guys will get the low down on it...

March 6th they open, March 6th is my Bday. How bout we go down and see if they check or not?

Wheel all day and then get some beers at O'Rourke's Pub. Sounds like a good time to me.:beers:

02-13-2010, 10:47 PM
March 6th they open, March 6th is my Bday. How bout we go down and see if they check or not?

Wheel all day and then get some beers at O'Rourke's Pub. Sounds like a good time to me.:beers:

Sounds like a fun time...Great way to spend a bday.

02-13-2010, 11:30 PM
No mind altering substances :confused:

I'm wondering what will be said to the folks with legit perscriptions or what they consider mind altering? Not that they'll ever check and it's prob. there for insurance and keeping it clean/sober....but I myself would be in bad shape without my medications and would like to have someone tell me I can't have them when wheeling. Again...prob. not a biggie and there just wanting to keep out the person stoned out of there mind on pain pills or whatever.

02-13-2010, 11:59 PM
I'm gonna guess before long you guys will get the low down on it...
I posted this yesterday, but apparently everybody missed it:

Proof of insurance on a offroad rig ? not many will have that due to it is a tube rig fab job!
We understand the insurance issue on the tube rigs, not a problem

Confirmed that with him today.

The insurance clause is basically a way to snag the crudest of the crude, the most obnoxious (even unsafe) rigs that most "real" wheelers would just shake our heads at.

Reasonably well-built, trail only rigs won't have a problem...


02-14-2010, 09:16 AM
It's kind of funny, but Superlift Offroad Park in Arkansas has pretty much the same rules, including the insurance requirements.


I think if you do a search online, you'll find that most of your organized offroad parks are the same way. Just be lucky you don't live in Washington State. All of their offroad areas were public land and your vehicle not only had to be insured, but had to be licensed as well. Killer wheeling, so nobody really had a problem with it though. Bottom line is that rules are rules. Follow them, or don't, it's completely up to the individual. I just think it's cool that there's another park opening up.

02-14-2010, 09:38 AM
all of this is gay
if u dont like it, dont go its that simple. thats why theres rules and thats why this place didnt work the first time.
if you dont like rules then please stay in the malls or haspin

X2. Seems like alot of people sweating the small stuff.
Threads like this sure makes me glad we have private property to wheel on.:beers: :beers: :beers:

02-14-2010, 09:49 AM
Im pretty sure by mind altering they mean stuff that makes you wacky... weed, booze,

It is illegal to drive intoxicated on private or public property even without the park having its own rule saying so.

02-14-2010, 06:31 PM
Glad we got the insurance issue resolved..:p

Let's wheel.


02-14-2010, 06:54 PM
Glad we got the insurance issue resolved..:p

Let's wheel.





02-14-2010, 08:04 PM

I'm already there ....:D


02-14-2010, 09:43 PM
Glad to see all the interest. We hope to make Big Rock one of the premier 4x4 parks around. Safe and fun for those responsible people who like to get off road! We are looking forward to all of you coming to check us out. Remember, we are a work in progress, and plan on only getting better.
By the way, speaking of dogs, you know why a dog licks himself?...........because he can! lol Don't fret the little stuff, it's not worth wasting your time on.

02-14-2010, 10:06 PM
Looks really tame from the D.O.R.K pics... any plans for some real trails?

02-14-2010, 10:29 PM
.!. :D .!.

That's what we ran (with a very mixed group) in 4" of snow.

I guess I shoulda taken pics of the hillclimbs coming out of that valley, but they probably wouldn't have really shown up in the pics, anyway.

I'd compare the terrain to Hillz n Hollarz, I guess, but some of those hills were crazy-steep.


02-14-2010, 10:54 PM
Here is a link with about 100 pics from our last MB to the Rock in June '09


There is some good stuff there! and 2,000 acres come on it's big!


02-15-2010, 11:21 AM
Any rock gardens?The creek looks interesting.The steep hills sound good.

With 2000 acres I'm sure theres good wheeling..


02-15-2010, 11:28 AM
Any rock gardens?The creek looks interesting.The steep hills sound good.

With 2000 acres I'm sure theres good wheeling..


There are lots of rocky creeks and hillclimbs already, but we're working on trucking in rock for a real garden.

It sounds like it's really going to happen, I'll post up with progress reports...

See ya

02-15-2010, 06:38 PM
Looks really tame from the D.O.R.K pics... any plans for some real trails?

?? We just ran the general trails to get a view of the park before we go back down to help develop some real trails. Didnt really hit any "hard" trails. But trust me, some of the stuff we'll be developing and clearing will be "real". Just watch out though, you might slice a tire...or two...:p

Right now in development is a tough truck challenge including mud pits, log pits and a few tire pits ranging from small car tires to huge tractor tires. Carwash, it could be a nice place to test out your rig before you go out west and break it in front of the world :D

02-15-2010, 07:22 PM
Brad, the 4x4 playground over there has tractor tires, a car tire pit, and a log pit that's been there for years, are you planning on moving or adding to this??

When I spoke with Duke he was just talking about adding the mud pits down on the east hill where the quads have already dug it up pretty deep, maybe for a tough truck challange type thing like HnH was doing. They also have a make-shift quad circle track on the east hill.

02-15-2010, 07:32 PM
Stuff will be added. He has a great base for the Tough Truck Course, now it just needs to be refined, a few nice mud pits added, the log pit needs to be dug out a little and then it taped off for the course. Right now most of the place is either general trails through the hills and fields, or some really tight ATV stuff in the back from when it was still an ATV place. While we were riding we saw all kinds of old ATV race course markers and signs.

There are numerous, NUMEROUS amazing hill climbs just covered in rocks and roots that will definitely be challenging, even for built rigs. The main trail is going to be opened up a bit so riders can pass and the current ATV trails (which are really nice and techincal) will be widened up as well. The biggest thing we plan and hope on doing is numbering/marking/rating all the trails, that way when you come to ride you know where the easy/moderate/advanced stuff is, as well as where the main trail goes and where the different parts of the tough truck course are.

It will definitely be a work in progress, thats for sure. But with some time and man power its gonna be an awesome place. There is so much room there and Duke (the owner) is very excited about everything and very open minded.

The opening day is March 6th and we hope to see everyone there!

02-15-2010, 08:51 PM
There are numerous, NUMEROUS amazing hill climbs just covered in rocks and roots that will definitely be challenging, even for built rigs. The main trail is going to be opened up a bit so riders can pass and the current ATV trails (which are really nice and techincal) will be widened up as well. The biggest thing we plan and hope on doing is numbering/marking/rating all the trails, that way when you come to ride you know where the easy/moderate/advanced stuff is, as well as where the main trail goes and where the different parts of the tough truck course are.

I would love to see just a couple of pics of the potential I keep hearing about.. I road there on ATV's a couple years ago and never saw much ... it was fun but seemed like fields and tractor trails.

I'll be there on opening day for sure..unless it muddy then I'm out..:D

02-15-2010, 09:56 PM
I would love to see just a couple of pics of the potential I keep hearing about.. I road there on ATV's a couple years ago and never saw much ... it was fun but seemed like fields and tractor trails.

I'll be there on opening day for sure..unless it muddy then I'm out..:D

These are back on 06
The guy int he yota was a local that lead us around

02-15-2010, 11:53 PM
It will definitely be a work in progress, thats for sure. But with some time and man power its gonna be an awesome place. There is so much room there and Duke (the owner) is very excited about everything and very open minded.

Yep, I've known Duke for years, since he opened the park, rode KX250s out there for a while. MuddyBuddy's (I'm a member with them as well) wheeled club rides last year (I talked Duke into the organized riding). If you know Duke you'll know the issue after the first season open to trucks and Jeeps. So the organized riding makes those issues go away.

MB is setting up a big Jeep Jamboree type weekend for this summer.

Hope to hook-up and ride with you guys sometime, sounds positive all the way around.

02-16-2010, 06:45 AM
MuddyBuddy's (I'm a member with them as well)

Is there a cream for that? :eek: :rolleyes:

jk ;)

02-16-2010, 11:28 AM
Is there a cream for that? :eek: :rolleyes:

jk ;)

WOW, I can just feel the love.... :D

02-26-2010, 04:41 AM
I fell there is some potential there just get it going and open it up and keep family friend and safe for all and I think it will be great! make some good challenges for all...

02-26-2010, 10:12 AM
Are the truck trails wide enough for Hummers? Actually I should be asking if the more difficult trails are wide enough for Hummers? I'd hate to go out there and find that all the really fun stuff is still a squeeze for Wranglers etc.... Also how are you comming along with the trail markings/rating and maps?

What is the policy on alcohol there? One thing I cannot stand is all of the drunks at Haspin. Haspin is the only offroad park I have been to where almost everyone wheeling is completely hammered.

02-26-2010, 11:10 AM
Right now the "fun stuff" is still pretty tight. It has been an ATV park for years. We will be cutting and widening, I for one wasn't dedicated enough to do it in the snow.

The consensus is to try like hell to keep it from becoming another Haspin. The "No Alcohol" rule is step #1 towards that end.


02-28-2010, 06:06 PM
How hard would it be to sneak beer into the park?

02-28-2010, 06:07 PM
How hard would it be to sneak beer into the park?

Oh please do so we can have you arrested.

02-28-2010, 06:46 PM
How hard would it be to sneak beer into the park?

thats why you pre-make jack and coke 20oz's! lol

02-28-2010, 08:03 PM
How hard would it be to sneak beer into the park?

thats why you pre-make jack and coke 20oz's! lol

well if you can not go wheeling with out drinking maybe you should just not go to this kind of park then.

02-28-2010, 08:18 PM
well if you can not go wheeling with out drinking maybe you should just not go to this kind of park then.

Yep, I hear Haspin's nice! :rolleyes:


02-28-2010, 08:27 PM
Dont get me wrong I enjoy a few beers as much as the next guy. But seriously, have some respect for the park owners and their rules.

If I saw you on the trail having a cold one with lunch or in the lot at the end of the day I could care less. But it's they guys that drink all day while they are wheeling that I cannot stand. Thats totally dangerous and irresponsible.
Not to mention that drinking and driving is also just as illegal off road as it is on road.

02-28-2010, 08:32 PM
Yep, I hear Haspin's nice! :rolleyes:


Yeah man,even when you choose not to drink and wheel...

Save the drinking for the campfire.:cool:


02-28-2010, 08:34 PM
Will it be approved to have an adult beverage at your campsite? Or is it banned from the park all-together?

I live in a dry county but I can have a drink at my home. This would basically be the same principle as long as I am not operating a motorized vehicle or causing a public disturbance. :beers:

02-28-2010, 08:36 PM
thats why you pre-make jack and coke 20oz's! lol

Don't ruin your Jack with Coke. Just put it on the ROKS!!

02-28-2010, 08:38 PM
nice..if you are successful at it twistedzuk, let me know and i will meet up with you at lunch...:beers:

02-28-2010, 08:43 PM
Yeah man,even when you choose not to drink and wheel...

Save the drinking for the campfire.:cool:


Here, Here... X10 on that!!!!

These are the same type rules that Badlands has always had. Duke has also always had this policy since he opened years ago for ATVs and bikes.

02-28-2010, 09:11 PM
nice..if you are successful at it twistedzuk, let me know and i will meet up with you at lunch...:beers:

x2!!!! or if you need a bail outta jail while tryin to do so look us up...we help you out!!! :beers: :beers:

02-28-2010, 09:21 PM
:beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers:
Thought this would be fitting

:beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers:

02-28-2010, 10:51 PM
Can I have a beer while web wheeling or is it going to piss some people off??

02-28-2010, 11:59 PM
Can I have a beer while web wheeling or is it going to piss some people off??

Yeah, cause it's almost the same thing...



Hope Springs Hauler
03-01-2010, 08:35 AM
Can I have a beer while web wheeling or is it going to piss some people off??

Does the keyboard have a full roll cage? It would be a shame to wreck the computer with some drunken typing.:evilgrin:

03-01-2010, 11:57 AM
Does the keyboard have a full roll cage? It would be a shame to wreck the computer with some drunken typing.:evilgrin:

No roll cage here....The edit button works for me.:D



03-01-2010, 11:58 AM
Can I have a beer while web wheeling or is it going to piss some people off??

Only if you share.

03-01-2010, 06:41 PM
Can I have a beer while web wheeling or is it going to piss some people off??

dont hurt yourself old man!!! :beers: :beers: :D :D

03-01-2010, 11:23 PM
Does the keyboard have a full roll cage? It would be a shame to wreck the computer with some drunken typing.:evilgrin:

No roll cage on the keyboard but the the roll around desk chair has a padded cage with a 5 point harness.:beers:

03-02-2010, 04:34 AM
There was this one time..............

So... whats it gonna cost to get
into this mudhole anyway?

Anyone allowed to say without breaking
some sort of policy or law?

and do you have to be with a club to get in?

Hope Springs Hauler
03-02-2010, 08:05 AM
No roll cage on the keyboard but the the roll around desk chair has a padded cage with a 5 point harness.:beers:

With that and a koozie for the can, you should be OK. Warm beer is yet another party foul:beers:

As far as the price, I'm not sure that anyone has heard anything definate yet.

03-02-2010, 12:51 PM
There was this one time..............

So... whats it gonna cost to get
into this mudhole anyway?

Anyone allowed to say without breaking
some sort of policy or law?

and do you have to be with a club to get in?

$20 per vehicle 1st day, $10 second day for the weekend. Can't be alone must be a group, but not required to be an official "club".

More rocky hill climbs and creekbeds than mud. If you're a lookin' for a mudhole better go hit Haspin!

03-06-2010, 11:51 AM
If anyone is out there today let me know how the conditions are if its not too sloppy muddy I am seriously considering coming out tomorrow.

03-06-2010, 12:18 PM
I couldn't make it (to the event I posted :mad: ) but if it's anything like my yard, I'm sure it'll be a pretty sloppy mess.

That said, you should definitely go get that Deuce dirty!

And post pics!


03-06-2010, 06:50 PM
Is anyone up for heading out tomorrow?

03-06-2010, 06:55 PM
i wish

03-06-2010, 07:46 PM
Says on thier facebook that it snot to bad, DUST in the fields supposedly

03-06-2010, 08:58 PM
Says on thier facebook that it snot to bad, DUST in the fields supposedly

Not bad at all. You can avoid the nasty mud if you want to. We had a great time there today. Lots of potential. Can't wait to go back:cool:

03-06-2010, 10:33 PM
Well I am going with an H3. I will be headed out of Mason between 8-8:30am. If anyone wants to tag along email me over night or first thing in the AM with your number and I will tell you our 20.

03-06-2010, 11:14 PM
Our group rode there today and cut some trails out.

If you want to play in the mud, its there but only in the mud holes, not on the trails. You can avoid it all pretty much. Not sloppy at all.

The place was awesome. We ran a few nice rocky staircase trails as well. Definitely awesome.

You'll get a little muddy in some spots but its not bad at all. Pretty dry actually.

03-07-2010, 06:01 PM
what bout insurance...did they check?

03-07-2010, 07:51 PM
what bout insurance...did they check?

I thought we beat that horse to death a month ago...

Well, I thought the insurance thing was pretty reasonable, but it looks like they're gonna be flexible on it anyway:

Proof of insurance on a offroad rig ? not many will have that due to it is a tube rig fab job!
We understand the insurance issue on the tube rigs, not a problem


03-07-2010, 08:50 PM
I thought we beat that horse to death a month ago...


you guys did but i was waiting till the opening to here what they actually did

03-07-2010, 09:32 PM
Had a good time there today. I look forward to going back and seeing more of the park. The trails are a little tight for the H2 thats for sure. Because of the tight trails I broke off my CB antenna.

I also was trying to play show off and ended up breaking a 1/2 shaft. No big deal really. I swapped it out on the trail and was back in business.

03-08-2010, 12:53 AM
The trails are going to be tight for awhile. We are working on cutting them out. You can hit the creek and go from there. There are some decent hill climbs out of the creek. Most are still ATV trails. We are working on getting a dozer down there to make em wider. Duke is talking about renting one for a month, but I'm not sure that will be enough due to the size of this park. I can see Big Rock getting to be a great spot to wheel. We have been to the back of the park and there's some really steep hills. And from what he said there are spots that you wouldn't take a jeep. Give this some time come out and visit you'll see the potential.

03-08-2010, 12:15 PM
Our group rode there today and cut some trails out.

If you want to play in the mud, its there but only in the mud holes, not on the trails. You can avoid it all pretty much. Not sloppy at all.

The place was awesome. We ran a few nice rocky staircase trails as well. Definitely awesome.

You'll get a little muddy in some spots but its not bad at all. Pretty dry actually.

got any pictures???

03-08-2010, 08:27 PM
Look on torcoffroad.com

03-08-2010, 11:26 PM



<Edit> More on TS: http://terrainstompers.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=32972#32972

03-09-2010, 08:10 AM
With all the people & resources around, you would think that someone interested in developing the park (as a wheeler) would have access to a bulldozer they could trade rental/use of towards a lifetime admission pass or something.

03-09-2010, 09:31 AM
With all the people & resources around, you would think that someone interested in developing the park (as a wheeler) would have access to a bulldozer they could trade rental/use of towards a lifetime admission pass or something.

That is exactly how Joe over at HnH got all thier heavy equipment work done. Of course the lifelime pass didn't pan out well.... :eek:

I think you'd be safe, Duke isn't going anywhere! He had cows on the land before opening the offroad park, and he's been established a while (no zoning issue either)! :beers:

03-12-2010, 04:15 PM
That would be great, if someone would do that!