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View Full Version : my cake decorating skills!!lol

02-26-2010, 10:55 AM
my grandson is turning 3 saturday and we couldnt find a good monster truck /mud bogg cake so i made one for him. lol just thought id share .

Hope Springs Hauler
02-26-2010, 11:20 AM
THATS what grandparents are for!! Ruining children and sending them back to their parents and saying "thats what you get.:p "

Great job. He'll remember it. I still remember the stuff that my grandparents did special.

02-26-2010, 11:27 AM
were going to thunder nationals tonite. in wheeling wv, tonite cant wait!!! there coming over in march and the monster jam is in toledo might have to have tickets for that to!!!

02-26-2010, 11:28 AM
That looks great!!!

Bear Chow
02-26-2010, 11:46 AM
That's very cool. I tried to decorate cake once, it was so poorly done it made the cake taste bad. On a serious note I've got a great suggestion for next year. All you parents out there, trust me this works.

Make/buy a cake only put the top coating on. In my daughters case I had the top painted green. Get the kids involve, I gave her a bag that had plastic fencing and horses and barn. She fooled around with that a bit and put them where ever she wanted them. It was great fun 4 year olds, 10 year olds 25 year olds age doesn't matter. Now you have to have kicker so for a barn scene it could only be one thing. I pulled out a bottle of chocalate sprinkles. My daughter put a little poop here and little poop there and on a specific place she choose for her piece was a whole lot a poop.

Animals - poop sprinkles
Cars - Road rubble (tiny candies)
Trucks - rocks (bigger candies)

It's great fun. Your decorating skills way out shines my past attempts.