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View Full Version : Pictures from boatin.....I mean wheelin' this weekend

03-15-2010, 12:17 PM
**edit - changed the links to a different site**
Our monthly club ride was this past Saturday. We missed the nice weather by a day (almost 70 the day before) as it was maybe 50 and rainy the whole day. I've been riding at this place for 10 years and have never seen it anywhere close to this wet before.

This is a creek at the end of a little connector trail we use to cut over to the main trail. Usually has 6" or less of water and maybe 5' wide that you can drive a car through. I wasn't even to the actual creek channel yet when water started running through the floorboards and I backed out. Wound up running this trail backwards and then took paved and gravel roads over to the other area.

YJ on 37's with D60's that took a bad line and got crossed up. Notice the water running down this pretty flat section of trail.
Big washout. I backed up about 2' and bumped it to drive out...would have made it the first time but I chickened out and lifted throttle.
The YJ in the same spot. He slid the driver's side down into the rut and almost laid it on the side. About 6 of us put a strap on the side and pulled on it while he backed out.

The 4.0L smoked for a little while afterwards, but he made it on the next attempt easily.
We were only able to make it about halfway through the main trail because there is a bigger creek to cross. I've been through this area probably 30 times, so I knew since the water was way out of the banks (couldn't even really tell where the creek bed was) it would have been 5' deep. .

This area usually isn't much of an issue. It's hard to tell from this side, but it's a small creek/ditch on the other side than a small bank to climb. There are about 4 different lines. Here is 78Buford on the right using the winch after getting a tree wedged between the cab and back tire, and a TJ on the left getting ready to be pulled again. The TJ struggled the most because of half-bald radial tires and open diffs front and rear. Everybody else in our group had Super Swampers or Boggers and at least one locker.

I don't like deep mud, and I'm staying on the shallow side. All of the small rigs snaked through the trees around this.
Guess I needed an excuse to pack the bearings and change out the diff fluid.

Bear Chow
03-15-2010, 12:20 PM
No pictures but I'm behind an effective firewall.

03-15-2010, 12:37 PM
I get invalid attachment specified

Is it in a members only forum?

03-15-2010, 12:46 PM
Links don't work and where was this at????

03-15-2010, 02:06 PM
Yep, images don't work... (and I even get logged in over there when I click it...) If you attached them in the ohio4x4 post, not sure that you can link easily... (especially if in a Private forum over there)

Could always attach here too?

03-15-2010, 04:36 PM
Saved the pictures on another site and linked them, so hopefully will work now.

03-15-2010, 04:58 PM

Text makes far more sense now...

Wow, it was saturated... Thanks for sharing.

03-15-2010, 05:18 PM
Wow, it was saturated... Thanks for sharing.

x2 no wonder you said boating..

03-15-2010, 05:26 PM
Hell i could have told ya it was a swamp in there, I only live 4 miles from there an play in there alot, the place is getting pretty beat up...

03-16-2010, 07:58 AM
Hell i could have told ya it was a swamp in there, I only live 4 miles from there an play in there alot, the place is getting pretty beat up...

I've been running this area for over 10 years, and definitely agree it's a lot harder than it used to be because the ruts and holes are getting dug out more. Not surprised the creek on the main trail was too deep to cross, but was surprised to find the little one on the connector trail too deep.