View Full Version : Kobalt Tools?

03-15-2010, 03:21 PM
Years ago, I purchased 2 sets of Kobalt tools in grey cases. They have always been dependable, never broken & thanks to the decent plastic cases I've never lost any of them so far... anyways the 1/4" ratchet is finally at the end of its lifespan. (becoming a pin to use; not reversign easily)

I went to take it back to Lowes for the "no hassle warranty". The lady with a thick accent at the service desk told me to go see the man in the hardware dept to discuss exchanging the ratchet. He told me that he'd never seen a kobalt ratchet like that. All of the ratchets they have in-stock in the store have plastic "switches" for forward/reverse & are an entirely different shape to the handle. (much worse imho) He told me he would swap out my ratchet for one of those reluctantly, stating that the tool exchange is supposed to be for the "exact same model", which they don't seem to carry. I told him I wanted a ratchet up to the same specs as was originally purchased; and the replacement wouldnt fit into my set/case. He said I could try the 800#, so I called it with him standing there, and it just asked for my zip code & then told me the address of the store I was standing in at the time... at that point I was upset so I said I'll try online. Went to the website & there's no info about the warranty, just links to Lowes.com & photos of the new (junk) ratchets, nothing like mine at all...

What gives? I assume at this point I'm SOL unless I want to exchange for the new chinese junk, mine says Made in USA on it.

I cannot recommend Kobalt anymore, and to think I was going to buy a larger chest and a set of their nice through ratchets... I guess not now.

94Dodge Truggy
03-15-2010, 03:31 PM
Crapsman gives you a rebuilt ratchet unless you hit 105 db. in the Sears stores. After that a new one will be retrieved for you. I had a very old pro series ratchet and had to finaggle a bit to make that work out as well. Mac may be a bit better than the rest but I am not sure. I carry back up ratchets out on the trails as I am unable to rely on any of them although I often abuse them past their recommended torque limits.

03-15-2010, 04:08 PM
I already know about the junk ratchets Craftsman gives you as replacements, I have a few of them now, they seem to break on the first or second job now... that's why I've been using the Kobalts more recently and ran into this problem. I assumed "lifetime hassle free warranty" meant what it said. :mad:

I also have some SK stuff to exchange if anyone knows where the heck there's somewhere around here to take them. Their website is also less than helpful.

Hope Springs Hauler
03-15-2010, 04:35 PM
Crapsman gives you a rebuilt ratchet unless you hit 105 db. in the Sears stores. After that a new one will be retrieved for you. I had a very old pro series ratchet and had to finaggle a bit to make that work out as well. Mac may be a bit better than the rest but I am not sure. I carry back up ratchets out on the trails as I am unable to rely on any of them although I often abuse them past their recommended torque limits.

Really? I got an upgrade when they didn't have the same model in stock. One time a guy tried to "rebuild" one in front of me, but when I said, "I don't think so," he walked over to the rack and got a new one.

Torque limits??? whats that? :evilgrin:

03-15-2010, 04:38 PM
I will give you my Kobalt ratchet. Iwill look tomorrow to see if its the one you have. Im sorry but I hate it. I dont like the way it feels but it works fine.

03-15-2010, 04:56 PM
Really? I got an upgrade when they didn't have the same model in stock. One time a guy tried to "rebuild" one in front of me, but when I said, "I don't think so," he walked over to the rack and got a new one.

Torque limits??? whats that? :evilgrin:

Agree completely with the "torque limits??" part... (they do say UNCONDITIONAL LIFETIME warantee!!) unfortunately, (at least at the closest Sears Hardware to me) they ONLY rebuild rachets in front of you now and have said that the exchange is no longer an option (corporate greed imho). I think this will get worse before it gets better. Even simple hand tools like combination wrenches are being "cheapened up" through simplification of design/engineering/production to better pad the pockets of the manufacturers while charging more for the "new design."

Jason, clearly the Made in USA version that you have is higher quality (metal good, plastic bad), and no longer produced... that sux.

If anyone has any quality tool (manufacturer) that they love, speak up... I don't have any MAC stuff, but I'm assuming that would be a top name... anyone have anything else?

03-15-2010, 05:04 PM
Soak it in ATF. I bet it will help.

03-15-2010, 07:19 PM
I had a broken SK ratchet and exchanged it at the hardware store in Blueball. That was back in the day when I was working at Armco and went by there everyday. I don't know if they are still there but I would start checking the hardware stores.

03-15-2010, 07:25 PM
Ya get what ya pay for, all my tools at work are either Snap-On Matco and some MAC. I cant afford to break a cheap tool and not be able to call the tool man to have him make a special trip over to the shop for me. I know you cant do that on the trails, but i say spend the little bit of extra money and get the good stuff. Jmho I spent $118 on a 1/4 Matco 6" flex head rachet that i can just about jump on and wont break, and if it does, all i have to do is call Tony (my Matco guy) and he is to the shop within the hour. :beers:

03-15-2010, 09:03 PM
Side note, I was in Lowes tonight... they're still Made in the USA... and the rachet that I saw had a black metal switch, but I thought it was acceptable...

03-15-2010, 09:18 PM
Kobalt is now manufactured by Danaher tools that make brands such as Gearwrench and Matco, but this was a recent change. Prior to that they were manufactured by snap-on which would be the ratchet Jfiscus had. Most of the wrenches and socket sets are still made U.S. but other things like pliers and screwdrivers may not be, you just have to check. I bought a couple socket and wrench sets before Christmas last year and have had no problems whatsoever. I’ve put a high lift jack handle on my ratchet and stood on it without breaking to get bolts lose. Craftsman is now also being manufactured by Danaher tools. Until 1994 they were made by Stanley Tool Company. Stanley makes MAC, PROTO and HUSKY tools as well as Stanley brand.

03-15-2010, 11:43 PM
Snap on all the way on ratchets I use the dual 80 model with the comfort handle. You will never go back to the others. It has 80 tooth gear compared to like a craftsman 20 tooth. Also go for the bent flex head and you will never use a straight ratchet again!


03-16-2010, 08:25 AM
I will give you my Kobalt ratchet. Iwill look tomorrow to see if its the one you have. Im sorry but I hate it. I dont like the way it feels but it works fine.

Let me know, I do really like this one. I have all types of tools & ratchets from Harbor Freight though MAC. It all depends on the individual tools & how they are used. For reliability I have to say SK has done the best for me, but I still somehow managed to break the handle in half on a 1/2" drive ratchet...

Tried soaking it in everything I have but it still doesn't "freespin" correctly and that makes it a PITA for the small stuff where you can only get 1 hand in there.

03-16-2010, 11:03 AM
Snap on all the way on ratchets I use the dual 80 model with the comfort handle. You will never go back to the others. It has 80 tooth gear compared to like a craftsman 20 tooth. Also go for the bent flex head and you will never use a straight ratchet again!


Snap On is the way to go.

The Craftsman line wrenches flex as you use them. The Snap On's are beefier.

03-23-2010, 02:50 PM
Husky is the same PITA. You break your ratchet and to into homedepot and they give you an 800 number. Buncha Crap

I started buying Gear Wrench stuff from Advance Autoparts. Its lifetime Guarantee. If it breaks I just take it back in and they swap it out.

03-23-2010, 06:36 PM
Let me know, I do really like this one. I have all types of tools & ratchets from Harbor Freight though MAC. It all depends on the individual tools & how they are used. For reliability I have to say SK has done the best for me, but I still somehow managed to break the handle in half on a 1/2" drive ratchet...

Tried soaking it in everything I have but it still doesn't "freespin" correctly and that makes it a PITA for the small stuff where you can only get 1 hand in there.

I cant find it right now. I will continue to look though.