View Full Version : Battery boils and then blows up CJ7

03-17-2010, 07:49 AM
Ok so you may have read my thread titled "My battery blew up today" http://www.jeepforum.com/forum/f27/my-battery-blew-up-today-942070/

weeellll since then I checked the alternator and it was bad.

Parts replaced: Alternator, Starter solenoid, and new Red top Optima batttery.

Since the alternator was checked and it was bad I put a new one on and thought that solved the problem. SO the last month I have been swapping gears, adding a rear locker, shocks, making sure the beadlocks are tight ect.. getting ready to take this rig out for the first time this weekend.

Tonight I let the thing run for about 30 minutes to make sure everything was good for this weekend so I tuned my carb I just rebuilt and adjusted the timing. THE THING IS A BEAST I SWEAR haha

After running for 30 minutes and getting everything right and where I wanted it I shut it off and I hear it...the battery is sizzling again. DE JA VUE!

Soo I am here tonight wondering whats going on out in the barn.

what I am wondering is what the hell is going on with this thing?
I would love it if someone had a diagram of how to hook up a volt meter to each spot coming from the alternator to the battery showing the ammount of volts coming though at each spot. I mean am I out of options? I am tired of throwing money in something and just getting annoyed when I think I am finially done and ready to roll I am back at square one with a problem I thought I had solved.

By the way the battery only sizzels/smokes when the jeep is running. The battery and everything has been hooked up for over a month with no problems. I am just trying to think of everything I did to it just so everyone knows whhats going on and I want to make everything clear.

By the way its an 1981 CJ7 with a 304 V8

any ideas fellas??

03-17-2010, 08:35 AM
only one more part to replace, voltage regulator.

94Dodge Truggy
03-17-2010, 08:37 AM
Overcharging. CW is right! Make sure battery is grounded to chassis and motor well!

03-17-2010, 09:48 AM
only one more part to replace, voltage regulator.

i agree they are still external on those correct ?

03-17-2010, 10:59 AM
YEP ! if it has a exturnal regulator just GET RID OF IT COMPLETLY!! go get you a GM alternator and get a 1 wire kit for it and yer done.. or go to ANYPLACE that rebuilds alternators or starters and they probly already have 1 set up!! there so simple i use them on my farm tractors ,bobcat,my 2 old cars,and everything! 1 wire to run from back of alternator directly to positive post on batery, once the motor starts turning and reaches 200 RPMs it self ignites [ or starts charging] when the engine stops turning it stops and self disconects so it woun't discharge,,:beers:

03-17-2010, 06:57 PM
It should be internal regulator, since you are JF. I would wait or pm (Jeep Hammer,Junk Yard Genius, whatever he goes by on JF), make sure you are in the CJ section. He will put you on the right path, make sure all of your ground straps are clean and on. John Streck is also an electrical guru on JF, and you might want to double check that alternator to see why it isn't regulating the voltage.