View Full Version : Powerstroke help
I have a 97, F350 with 160cc DIY injectors and a TS 6 position programer that has a small miss and I can't figure out why.... It starts fine,and has enough power to blow the tires off on number 6. But there is a small miss all through out the RPMs. It shut down on me twice last week but started right back up. I narrowed the problem to either number 6 and/or 8 cyl. and replaced the "O"rings on both yesterday and it fixed nothing. There are no check lights on and I'm wondering if its a bad injector. Is there a local place to get them pop tested? And is there anything else I'm over looking that could be the problem?
04-04-2010, 09:14 PM
could be bad solenoid on an injector. what kinda shape were the under-valve-cover harnesses in? Since you did diy injectors, did you check to make sure plunger/barrel tolerance was in spec? Best place for answers would be
94Dodge Truggy
04-04-2010, 09:26 PM
how does the coolant look? Diesel in the oil or coolant? What is the fuel pressure at the injection pump?
The oil was black as night and I changed that today, but it was just oil, and the antifreeze is just that. All the harnesses and plugs seem to be in good condition, and I haven't checked pressure at the pump yet. The way I singled out 6 and 8 was to unplug the plugs that go into the valve cover 1 at a time. When either on the driverside were unplugged, and the front on the pass side there was an obvious change in the idle. When I unplugged the rear plug on the pass side nothing changed. Then when I unhooked each injector (6 or 8) the idle didn't change much, if any at all for either 2 bad injectors, or bad harness????
Hope Springs Hauler
04-04-2010, 10:46 PM
If it is like my 96, check the condition of the pass through VC gasket. Mine was paired up (1&3, 5&7, etc.) so that if 1 acted up, both would. The signals could be grounding out before they get to the injector. Also, recheck the condition of the under valve cover wiring. With age and miles, the insulation will get very brittle. I lost a few gp's because of that.
04-04-2010, 11:07 PM
Is it a miss at idle only or does it stay under throttle? Is your chip running off the shelf tunes or did you get custom tunes burnt for the new injectors? What about the cam position sensor? They are notorious on our trucks for failure, causing a stall or miss. just a thought. Is the fuel filter clean or is it black from oil past the o-rings?
Its a constant miss, and I replaced the fuel filter yesterday too but it just looked like an old fuel filter.
Is it a miss at idle only or does it stay under throttle? Is your chip running off the shelf tunes or did you get custom tunes burnt for the new injectors? What about the cam position sensor? They are notorious on our trucks for failure, causing a stall or miss. just a thought. Is the fuel filter clean or is it black from oil past the o-rings?
The programer is set up for econ., 80Hp, 100Hp, tow haul, then custom for the 160CCs, and then a fast idel setting.
and I forgot to say before that the truck seems to run smoother/better when it cold.
04-08-2010, 10:39 PM
A buddy of mine has a 97 superduty 450 2wd,but he had a miss also like you are haveing ,put on my scanner and had missfire on #6 or #8? anyway later we found the wiring thru v/c was bad need to be replaced.
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