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View Full Version : Hydraulics Shop Recommendation Needed

05-06-2010, 12:58 PM
I have an old '74 Mark Twain boat with a 115 HP Merc motor on the back and the trim and tilt cylinder has a stripped out connections.

I know the threads on the female end are 1/2-13 straight threads and the hose just has a flare on the end. So basically the clinder housing is aluminium and the steel nut stripped the threads.

Do you guys thinks its possible to tap it out to M14 maybe and use a metric nut to hold the flared end on to the clinders end?

I was hoping to be able to do this on my own and not have to pony up too much money. Hopefully I can solve this other wise I need a recommendation for a hydraulics shop in the Fairfield/Hamilton area.

I was thinking of popping my head in to Aeroquip on 747 and seeing what they have to say.

05-06-2010, 01:14 PM

05-06-2010, 01:40 PM
aeroquip was my suggestion considering your locale. do you have a parker/fluidair dealership up there anywhere? that's who i use down here.

05-06-2010, 04:11 PM
Ohio Hydraulics off Princeton Pike, 1 exit north of GE has about everything you could ever come across for a hydraulic line, I'd check with them.

05-06-2010, 06:44 PM
Ohio Hydraulics off Princeton Pike, 1 exit north of GE has about everything you could ever come across for a hydraulic line, I'd check with them.

x2 We used to use them a ton @ my former employer.

05-06-2010, 08:20 PM
Thanks for the recommendations guys. Do you think its possible for me to fix this?

05-06-2010, 10:34 PM
x3 on ohio hyd. we (my work) use them almost daily. they do great work and s41t gets done quick too.

05-25-2010, 10:24 PM
Well I solved this but I had to do some running around. I went to Aeroquip and they can only make a hose and sell fittings. Went to Bob's Braided Hose on a suggestion from the Aeroquip guy. Well Bob's is over in Mason but the dude only works 1-3 on most days. So after I arrived after that and wondered why noone was there since it closes at 6 and its a tad after 4 I was a little mad.

So went back to Aeroquip and bought a 1/4in inverted-flare to 1/4 NPT and bought a 1/4 NPT tap from Grainger. So since the NPT was just barely too big for the hole I tapped it until the tap bottomed out then cut a 1/8th off the end and tapped again until it bottomed out. I repeated this until I could get as mush of the adapter in there. So its all good now I just need to remember how to bleed this system. I "bench" bled the cylinder by lifting the motor up and then lowering it down while I poured the fluid in the bleeder valve.