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View Full Version : Give that kid a salad

Bear Chow
05-18-2010, 10:38 AM
Have you ever had this conversation?

"Is it supposed to be green?"

"Yes, that's spinach."

"Did it fall off a truck, get run over, picked up, only to fall off again?"

"Funny, No it's supposed to look like that."

"Did (pause), did something already eat it?"


My kids know better, but my nephew well he can be a bit dramatic. The other day my wife and sister in law where talking about my nephew, he has been having some eating problems (getting fat). Well let’s just say if all you give a kid from birth to 10 years old is Taco Bell, McDonalds and Burger King. You’re going to develop some eating problems.

Most these problems are going to be pretty basic, such as identifying fruits, vegetables and unprocessed meat. Kids need to be able to relate that apple sauce is made from the red round ball things and that orange juice doesn’t grow in plastic bottles. I swear I just don’t understand how people can live that way and expect their kids to be healthy.

Any who, my wife and sister in law where talking and my wife said, “Send him here, Paul will straighten him right out.” In the back ground she heard, “HELL NO!” from a ten year old. I would have had to hang up if I had heard it. I’m still angry and that was three days ago. I think I’m going to get my son to invite him over this weekend to come plant my Garden. We can then sit around and chew on a bunch of celery sticks for lunch.

He might be eleven now, but he shouldn’t be speaking like that until he’s thirty.

05-18-2010, 12:57 PM
I loooove reading your posts Paul...

05-18-2010, 01:02 PM
you need to send him this info in a text or email or twitter or facebook because thats the only thing they seem to beleive in anymore. fortunatly my son likes more of the good for you stuff than i do and my daughter has a peanut allergy so she is allready on a well watched diet plan but if either one of them talked to an adult like that they wouldnt wake up for a while.

05-18-2010, 01:12 PM
if either one of them talked to an adult like that they wouldnt wake up for a while.

:D Mine would wake up tomorrow, or the next day, wondering what the heck happened!!! :beers:

Crazy how people let the kids get away with that kinda disrespect!

05-18-2010, 01:26 PM
It really is a shame how people are letting thier kids gorw up these days. I grew up outdoors and eating right, but I do get taco bell or something of the like a few times a week. But I do eat plenty of fruits and vegetables on a regular basis, which is kinda wierd since everyone else my age doesn't (I am only 20). I'm in great shape pretty muscular and weighing in at only 145lbs. I could prolly stand to gain a little weight actually. :rolleyes:

As for your Nephews problem take him camping and try to get him interested in the outdoors more. Generally people who are more interested in the outdoors are in better physical shape and eat better on a regular basis. :beers:

Bear Chow
05-18-2010, 02:55 PM
It was a rant, set with a humoristic overtone. The problem with kids today is they have crappy parents that believe easier it better and dirty fingers are bad. They also believe the TV is everything a kid needs. I do agree outside activities can greatly enhance a kids health. Kids need to be taught respect and need to work side by side with their parents. I mean really work, not that let's go cut grass for 15 minutes, I'm talking about strain to gain type of work. I wouldn't say they need to do it everyday, but every few months kids should realize how much life could suck.

Parent - Here's a garden weezel go get the weeds.
Rotten Child - There's 5 acres out there.
Parent Then you better get started and grab a jacket it looks like it's going to rain.

Parent - Here's a shovel go shovel the snow
Rotten Child - The drive way is 700 ft
Parent - And
Rotten Child - That's a long long way
Parent - Yes it is, and your mother needs to go get groceries so we better get busy.

(not all kids it's a generalization)