View Full Version : Zuk Spook Oct 29-31, Haspin Acres - Laurel ,IN

07-23-2010, 06:12 AM
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs031.ash2/34909_142242759134754_100000470923305_366196_74477 77_n.jpg

ok since it has been talked already i thought I would start it up...

where: Haspin Acres Laurel, IN
when : Oct 29 - 31
who is invited: Geared to Suzuki model, but all are welcome!
Camping available

Event Scheduled:
Group Picture at 1:00 pm Oct 30, large open field by barn
possible small group trail rides after picture,
if we get volunteer trail leaders no more than ten rigs per group to keep the group moving. match up similar rigs together...
cb's are recommended
3 different groups - hard core , medium core , easy core


offical thread and updates:

fine print: drive at your own risk. not associcated with Haspin Acres or Gotmudd.com- just bunch of guys wanting to get together and wheel.

08-05-2010, 11:06 AM
ill be there! Bringing a few more sami guys too :D

10-07-2010, 12:35 PM
so who all is going to this ill be there with my yota. Been thinking about building a sami and kinda excited to watch the wheel more than I am excited to test out the new gears and lockers. Also is a good excuse to test the new tow rig. Ill be there first thing sat morning till sunday some time.