08-20-2010, 12:46 PM
Leaving the house at 645a this morning for work. Carrying coffee mug, computer bag, purse, plus motorcycle helmet and jacket (selling); I notice a dark spot in my pool. I sigh, set everything down, go outside and contemplate the fact that this is the third squirrel to drown in said pool. One day, I came home as one was nearing the end of the squirrel-paddling stamina afforded to him, and rescued him with a pool skimmer. Told him he was welcome and to spread the word to the rest of the squirrel community that the big blue wet thing in back yard is bad…I’m gonna go with that didn’t translate.
I find it interesting that this is the 3rd one I’ve found on Friday. Which leaves me wondering if there is some big squirrel block party bash that happens on Thursday nights, I mean it is trash night. Think about it…all the neighborhood squirrels hanging out/in the pool, eating peanuts, drinking beer, guys trying to get lucky, listening to top 40 squirrel dance music and dancing their little tails off. Basically just a wild bunch of party animals (I said it). Maybe some just don’t know when enough is enough, have too much to drink and can’t figure a way out of the big blue wet thing. Maybe? Or maybe they just lose their little squirrel grip on the telephone line or fence and fall in. I personally like the party idea better.
Anyway, I’m now contemplating the purchase of squirrel size floatation devices to allow their head to remain above water til a rescue party shows or perhaps a ladder for them to be able to climb out. For those of you thinking if I just put a cover on it, it would be fine. Did I mention it’s oblong not round (like it should be), so a 10’ round don’t fit, and a 12’ round is on the ground. I really would rather not find one wadded up in the cover from thrashing around caught x days after it was in there…ick. It’s bad enough having the beady little eyes looking at me as a I say a little something as I dump them in a trash bag…
Anyway, if you have a 3 foot pool ladder sitting around not doing anything; I could take it off your hands. :p
It's Friday, and I'm having a severe lack of motivation at work right now. :rolleyes: I know some of you won't make it through a post this size, and you know who you are...
I find it interesting that this is the 3rd one I’ve found on Friday. Which leaves me wondering if there is some big squirrel block party bash that happens on Thursday nights, I mean it is trash night. Think about it…all the neighborhood squirrels hanging out/in the pool, eating peanuts, drinking beer, guys trying to get lucky, listening to top 40 squirrel dance music and dancing their little tails off. Basically just a wild bunch of party animals (I said it). Maybe some just don’t know when enough is enough, have too much to drink and can’t figure a way out of the big blue wet thing. Maybe? Or maybe they just lose their little squirrel grip on the telephone line or fence and fall in. I personally like the party idea better.
Anyway, I’m now contemplating the purchase of squirrel size floatation devices to allow their head to remain above water til a rescue party shows or perhaps a ladder for them to be able to climb out. For those of you thinking if I just put a cover on it, it would be fine. Did I mention it’s oblong not round (like it should be), so a 10’ round don’t fit, and a 12’ round is on the ground. I really would rather not find one wadded up in the cover from thrashing around caught x days after it was in there…ick. It’s bad enough having the beady little eyes looking at me as a I say a little something as I dump them in a trash bag…
Anyway, if you have a 3 foot pool ladder sitting around not doing anything; I could take it off your hands. :p
It's Friday, and I'm having a severe lack of motivation at work right now. :rolleyes: I know some of you won't make it through a post this size, and you know who you are...