View Full Version : Event Feedback ??

08-30-2010, 08:14 AM
To help us make next year's event even better, we need your thoughts about this years. So what did you like, dislike or were confused about. All this helps us plan better next year. Anything and everything about Sat. (Yes we will avoid Gravelrama weekend next year...)

Did you find the event entrance ok? Or would a few more signs have helped?
Did you eat at Barn n Bunk or did you go off site?
Tents and chairs good idea?
Did you like how the raffles were multiple items or would you have preferred multiple winners per drawing?

Thanks in advance...

08-30-2010, 12:11 PM
i think it went very smoothly.

I would have liked the drawings to be broke up more. but thats just me..

over all i think it was great

08-30-2010, 12:32 PM
I really liked the tent and chairs so you could sit down in the shade for a few minutes.

Ran to McDonald's for lunch, but mainly because my 5 y.o. will only eat McNuggets (off topic but waiting 8 minutes for McNuggets, Big Mac, and fries is ridiculous).

The field was mowed much better this year than last.

I'm thinking that just having cars for the crush might make it better for people to try. Wasn't there the entire time but didn't seem like most people could do anything with the SUV.

tom tom
08-30-2010, 01:13 PM
1st time there i enjoyed it :beers:

08-30-2010, 01:21 PM
That's the worst McD's in the history of the world. Who knows what they are doing that whole time. We do know it's not gettin gyour food ready.

Hope Springs Hauler
08-30-2010, 01:30 PM
I really liked the tent and chairs so you could sit down in the shade for a few minutes.

I'm thinking that just having cars for the crush might make it better for people to try. Wasn't there the entire time but didn't seem like most people could do anything with the SUV.

Having the tents was awesome and not THAT much work for setup/teardown. Lets save that contact info for next year.

As far as the cars go, I agree with this statement. 1 person made it all the way over, but the fun ratio would be better if we could get two sedan/coupe type vehicles next year.

08-30-2010, 02:45 PM
The reason I got the Exploder is because every year prior we have a lot of BIG rigs that destroy the cars and want something bigger and more challenging ....

next year you need to let me know what you want as a club a few weeks prior to the event.

08-30-2010, 03:12 PM
i agree that two smaller cars would probably make a few more people give it a try(even though i made it over in my little samurai :evilgrin: ) and i have to admit that i was one of the ones saying go big but maybe if we could get 3 cars again and place 2 shorter ones side by side and 1 big one next to that just for the wow factor or us bigger (samurai) vehicles. thanks in advance for any arangement you can come up with sarge

Hope Springs Hauler
08-30-2010, 03:19 PM
The reason I got the Exploder is because every year prior we have a lot of BIG rigs that destroy the cars and want something bigger and more challenging ....

next year you need to let me know what you want as a club a few weeks prior to the event.

Don't worry man. It wasn't a bad choice. The grass is always greener on the other side kinda thing going on here. Just remember, we would have a lot harder time putting together this part of the show without you.

08-30-2010, 03:29 PM
Event entrance is easy enough although I do know a guy that can make signs if you need them;) . Went to Taco Hell for lunch. Tents and chairs was a great idea! I agree that the raffle should be broken up a little more. I also agree that the cars should be just that, cars or like mentioned above, two cars and an suv/van. Maybe more event for the rigs like a teeter totter or ??? Otherwise, the event was Great!

08-30-2010, 03:34 PM
Probably valid to ask to see where everyone is at then anyway. Economy could impact those with brand new tires not wanting to get them chewed up in metal or scratch other new parts. Noted to ask next year.

Barn N Bunk commented they were getting calls about when the crush would take place. So this one event is a huge impact to our overall success...

08-30-2010, 03:35 PM
Event entrance is easy enough although I do know a guy that can make signs if you need them;) . Went to Taco Hell for lunch. Tents and chairs was a great idea! I agree that the raffle should be broken up a little more. I also agree that the cars should be just that, cars or like mentioned above, two cars and an suv/van. Maybe more event for the rigs like a teeter totter or ??? Otherwise, the event was Great!

I've been trying to find someone/club with a teeter totter thing. Do you know of one?

PS Thanks for the support as well. Without sponsors, we couldn't put this event on!!

08-30-2010, 04:04 PM
it was a great my kids definitely had a blast they loved the car crush and watching from the shade

08-30-2010, 05:36 PM
my 2 cents

RAFFLE more winners smaller bundles ( example insted of giving one person 2 or 3 passes to big rock call a number for each one )

CAR Crush 2 cars and 1 suv/van if possible

TENTS great

SIGNS yes more/better placed signs ( more for trailer parking for sure )

4X4 101 Class what happened to that? sounded like a good idea

Something interactive for people to do ???? no ideas on what at this time

08-31-2010, 10:48 AM
I've been trying to find someone/club with a teeter totter thing. Do you know of one?

PS Thanks for the support as well. Without sponsors, we couldn't put this event on!!

I have access to the balance blocks if that is what your thinking of.

08-31-2010, 11:01 AM
I have access to the balance blocks if that is what your thinking of.

I have no idea what I'm thinking...I just keep hearing these phrases tossed around... :D

08-31-2010, 04:22 PM
First: Thanks! :beers:

Reply to your questions:

Entrance was easy to find, but I was aided by a delay in the onset of Alzheimer's and remembered it from last year.
Walked over to Yardbirds
Agree with the raffle un-bundling noted earlier (i.e. "Spread the joy!")
Combine the event with a trail ride if you're going to continue to schedule on days with perfect weather.
Find some things that club members do REAL well and hold a how-to clinic or two (e.g. Winching, using a Hy-Lift, Shade-tree wheel alignment, etc.)
If there was a swap-meet/parts-4-sale corner, probably would have had to Look/$ee

08-31-2010, 06:39 PM
I've been trying to find someone/club with a teeter totter thing. Do you know of one?

PS Thanks for the support as well. Without sponsors, we couldn't put this event on!!
I do not know of anyone that has a teeter totter but I am sure there are enough fab guys on here that could make one. Also, glag I could help out!:beers:
First: Thanks! :beers:

Reply to your questions:

Entrance was easy to find, but I was aided by a delay in the onset of Alzheimer's and remembered it from last year.
Walked over to Yardbirds
Agree with the raffle un-bundling noted earlier (i.e. "Spread the joy!")
Combine the event with a trail ride if you're going to continue to schedule on days with perfect weather.
Find some things that club members do REAL well and hold a how-to clinic or two (e.g. Winching, using a Hy-Lift, Shade-tree wheel alignment, etc.)
If there was a swap-meet/parts-4-sale corner, probably would have had to Look/$ee

I agree with the swap meet idea. People always love buying other peoples junk.

08-31-2010, 06:49 PM
x2 on swap meet would probabaly bring more people also