View Full Version : Big Rock Off Road Park
02-01-2007, 04:53 AM
Looks like a good day trip spot not to far away . check it out
94Dodge Truggy
02-01-2007, 07:18 AM
Been there! It is okay, but it really does not have alot of trails. Some of the hill climbs can become more challenging than devils backbone at haspin when wet. On the plus side you can ride bikes and quads too! The creeks are fun to crawl in, and their is potential for new trails to be established. On the bad side, no wheelin at night, and no brews. If you want to go let me know.
02-01-2007, 08:46 AM
this is a park that i will try once, but i don't see myself liking it at all. from the pics i have seen, it blows goats. might get better, who knows.
94Dodge Truggy
02-01-2007, 09:01 AM
It's nothing spectacular, but it is close and new scenery.
02-01-2007, 09:15 AM
If i'm gonna pay to get in somewhere, it's gonna be attica. Big rock is an hour from me i guess... Attica is a little over 2 hours. Worth the extra drive for me.
02-01-2007, 03:04 PM
I will not touch foot in haspin and this place is worse! quads and 4x4's have no place together!
02-10-2007, 01:34 PM
I will not touch foot in haspin and this place is worse! quads and 4x4's have no place together!
Big Rock's theory on this is a little different, there are 2 seperate areas. One for quads/dirt bikes and another for 4x4's that quads and bikes are allowed into but it's the toughest terrain in the park so not many of them venture over to that side.
I went there in December and checked out a few trails, it's a decent place but needs more work on the trails. They need more trails and the existing ones need worked on. My club (Terrain Stompers) has talked with the owner about coming out to do some trail work and he said he'd welcome the help.
02-11-2007, 06:15 AM
Big Rock's theory on this is a little different, there are 2 seperate areas. One for quads/dirt bikes and another for 4x4's that quads and bikes are allowed into but it's the toughest terrain in the park so not many of them venture over to that side.
I went there in December and checked out a few trails, it's a decent place but needs more work on the trails. They need more trails and the existing ones need worked on. My club (Terrain Stompers) has talked with the owner about coming out to do some trail work and he said he'd welcome the help.
Yeah well Duke is a nice guy an all but still not worth the effort. Why spend time fixing a private pay to ride park you pay them to supply you with the trails and Roy from performance off-road is supposed to be in on the deal for his new park we will see how that all goes..... :rolleyes: Maybe they let you in for free a few times so you can work your ass off and they make money off it!
A persons time and or clubs time would be used more wisely to work towards keeping public and private(no pay) land open for our use and future use... Get involed with something that will mean something your club should contact the (The CORE club could also take the hint to get more involved!) This would be alot more productive to our sports future.
If you have ever been to Slade, Jellico, Harlen, Livingston, Tellico, etc..... you would or should understand where im coming from and work towards keeping these open.
02-11-2007, 08:45 AM
I have no problem whats so ever paying a private owner money to use thier land. We've got a private park that we charge admission on, and most people that come once, come back. I had a good time at BigRock and found alot of trails others havent seemed to have found. But we asked for a trail guide and he showed us the good stuff. Duke as also told us we can come back anytime and make some new trails, and we are incorporating him into a large event we hold each year. The one thing I dont like though is the quads can ride with us and we cant ride with the quads. I think they shouldnt be allowed on the truck side. Sometimes its nice to have a quad or so with your group as a parts runner, but quads randomly running around you doesnt work. I'll definately be going back though, it was worth the 2hr drive for me. Not to mention other than our own privately owned land, and a few ohio townshiproads its the closest thing to me.
I've been to livingston, tellico, slade etc... and I'll still pay private owners to ride if needed. imo priavte parks are the future of our sport, exspecially in ohio. I dont forsee any big name corporation, or the state ever buying land to open as an offroad park here. Big Rock is close enough to Ohio, I'm going to support it, wether I fidn the trails suiting for me or not. Differant people like differant trails.
03-01-2007, 02:22 PM
Seems to me that jett455 and carwash have an axe to grind. Certainly not the first time that's happened before! I've seen it before. I'd say that both of you have shown your colors quite well. I just hope everyone else sees it for what it is. As far as who owns it or who is in on the deal, who really knows exactly what is going on and who cares? You guys try to do stuff on the side and make money, but no one else is allowed to?! Real nice!
Either the place will turn out to be a good wheeling place or it won't. Right now it certainly isn't the greatest wheeling place. And it may never be, but it is only starting out. Badlands wasn't the place it is now when it first started either. BigRock does have some great potential. If it will ever reach it is a good question, but I think that Duke will listen to constructive criticism (not ranting for ranting's sake) and make changes. For instance, I hate that the quads can come into the big's area! You still have to worry about making mush out of the suckers. That would be my first recommendation. Second would be more trails and more rocks. I'd like to see them make a rock crawling course and probably the only weay to do that would be to bring in the rocks. As far as the mud goes, I think that will get better with time. The trails just need to be taken down a bit.
We'll just have to see how committed Duke is to making it a first class full size 4x4 wheeling area.
94Dodge Truggy
03-01-2007, 02:30 PM
Uh oh! :(
03-01-2007, 02:44 PM
Seems to me that jett455 and carwash have an axe to grind. Certainly not the first time that's happened before! I've seen it before. I'd say that both of you have shown your colors quite well. I just hope everyone else sees it for what it is. As far as who owns it or who is in on the deal, who really knows exactly what is going on and who cares? You guys try to do stuff on the side and make money, but no one else is allowed to?! Real nice!seriously, this is quite humorous...
you show me what i said that says i have an axe to grind... or let me quote myself...
this is a park that i will try once, but i don't see myself liking it at all. from the pics i have seen, it blows goats. might get better, who knows.I am stating facts here, it is a park that i will try once. If it is great, i will go again. the pics of the place look like a mudpit with a tirepit thrown in. Eventually they will get down to the rocks if they bust ass and excavate some trails. Like i said, might get better, but for now my money goes to a park that i already know i love and like. I don't have 40 weekends a year to go wheel, i head out probably once every two months, so it doesn't make sense for me to head to an area to wheel that i don't think i am going to thoroughly enjoy.
If i'm gonna pay to get in somewhere, it's gonna be attica. Big rock is an hour from me i guess... Attica is a little over 2 hours. Worth the extra drive for me.Here, just more facts, I love the Badlands, and it's worth the 2 hour drive for me, to offer me the terrrain that my rig needs to get utilized properly.
Now, you show me my axe. You show me where i mention who owns this park and what it has to do with ANYTHING. I don't care who owns it. I have no problem with the owners. I have been to Big Rock on quads, and it is fine for that. In 10 years, it may be great for jeep and rockbuggies too.
It seems as though i don't have an axe to grind, but is sure seems that you have some ass-kissing going on. I would bet my bottom dollar that you are somehow involved with the owners, previous or new, or that you have some sort of stake in the place. What's your real name? How are you connected to this park? And why do you have such a beef with me not liking it? You can love it and profess it, but i can't dislike it and say that as well?
Honestly, i dont give a crap, you can come here and promote the park all you want, that's great. But, you cannot come here and tell me that i can't say i don't like and will go somewhere else.
You guys try to do stuff on the side and make money, but no one else is allowed to?! Real nice!and what does this have to do with anything? because i don't like this particular park and won't give them my hard earned money, that means i can't make any other money on the side too? You don't make much sense.
Don't group me into a category with other users here, i have my own thoughts and reasons for things, and make my own choices.
Axe to grind? what an ass.
03-01-2007, 03:09 PM
Seems to me that jett455 and carwash have an axe to grind. Certainly not the first time that's happened before! I've seen it before. I'd say that both of you have shown your colors quite well. I just hope everyone else sees it for what it is. As far as who owns it or who is in on the deal, who really knows exactly what is going on and who cares? You guys try to do stuff on the side and make money, but no one else is allowed to?! Real nice!
Either the place will turn out to be a good wheeling place or it won't. Right now it certainly isn't the greatest wheeling place. And it may never be, but it is only starting out. Badlands wasn't the place it is now when it first started either. BigRock does have some great potential. If it will ever reach it is a good question, but I think that Duke will listen to constructive criticism (not ranting for ranting's sake) and make changes. For instance, I hate that the quads can come into the big's area! You still have to worry about making mush out of the suckers. That would be my first recommendation. Second would be more trails and more rocks. I'd like to see them make a rock crawling course and probably the only weay to do that would be to bring in the rocks. As far as the mud goes, I think that will get better with time. The trails just need to be taken down a bit.
We'll just have to see how committed Duke is to making it a first class full size 4x4 wheeling area.
Ha! It is very nice of you to post up your garbage you could at least introduce youself before you rant about others opinions. I went to the park in December with a group so I can tell you how it was and my ideas of it. And it will take alot more to make it worth it. But overtime maybe it will be the place to go........and on my ideas that a clubs time is better spent working to keep public land open for our future use. And if this does not make sense to anyone they should not be on the trails to begin with!
03-01-2007, 03:59 PM
On the Little Bias part I call and why don't you tell everone here who you are on your knees for to get so offended? Cause you have been around the old boards in the past and only open your mouth when one name is raised. Now go
You guys try to do stuff on the side and make money, but no one else is allowed to?! Real nice!
By the way always looking for ways let me know if your wife needs a new pimp!
03-01-2007, 06:29 PM
This board was nice and peaceful and see what you guys did.
I can't see why you can't let anyone else make money on the side.
WTF is that **** coming from. I don't get it.
The place is a mud pit from what I hear.
Only way you are gonna get trucks is have a few open days for the
trucks, that means free, I am a tight SOB
so that would be about the only way I would load my **** up and bring it.
and to keep the quads seperate, well I mite wanna cruise over to where they break their necks and watch the carnage, but that is just me
03-03-2007, 09:57 PM
First, I am not promoting the park. As you said, "i dont give a crap" if people go or not. I can 100% guarantee you that I am not seeing any money from it.
It's just that someone tries something different to promote his business and there you are putting him down. And yes it is most definitely a mud pit at this time. No arguments there. What do you want the guy to do, pipe in everything brand new the first couple of months it is opened? Give the guy a chance. I think that Bill (at least I think its his name) has big plans for the place. They're just getting started. If he does nothing with it this spring and summer, then we'll know what its going to be like probably for a long time.
I've met both of you guys a couple of times in person and you seemed pretty decent. But on the boards you come across completely different. Carwash I did appreciate your response. I agree that you are entitled to your opinion. And if you read my comments I think you'll see the major difference is that I just want to cut the dude some slack to see what he does with the place before condemming him. What it is now does not mean that's the way its going to stay.
jet455 your reply lacked class. If my wife ever needs a pimp, I'll send her to someone that actually knows something about getting laid, sorry about your luck. As far as not introducing myself. I'ver told you that I've watched you guys work. I'm not getting in line for that long line of b.s. for anything.:cool:
94Dodge Truggy
03-03-2007, 10:21 PM
coming to the meeting buckhard?
03-04-2007, 10:32 AM
I really don't get why this guy is on my ass... i did nothing to him, just said i didn't want to go to this park, etc.
It's just that someone tries something different to promote his business and there you are putting him down.I don't understand this... i didnt put down his advertising techniques, etc. And show me where i have put him down. all i have said is that from the pictures i have seen and the first hand reports i have heard, the place is not that great. Just stating facts.
I've met both of you guys a couple of times in person and you seemed pretty decent. But on the boards you come across completely different.Where have i met you before? How does my responses in this thread change your "decent" opinion of me? Show me where i have become indecent. What have i done to tarnish myself in your eyes? Is it because i don't agree with you.
Take a hike... It would be different if these weren't your first **** riddled posts on this board. You sign up here, and all you have done is bash other's opinions... seems the pot is calling the kettle black.
94Dodge Truggy
04-25-2007, 06:12 PM
Caution!! Big rock raised its price to $20.00 to play. :eek:
04-25-2007, 11:13 PM
great, just what we need... bring this thread up again...
94Dodge Truggy
04-25-2007, 11:26 PM
Buckhard is coming to the next meeting to put on a slide show for big rock park. (I was told) :D
04-25-2007, 11:57 PM
Buckhard is coming to the next meeting to put on a slide show for big rock park. (I was told) :D
It will just be a bunch of pics of Buckhard kissing Roy's ass!:D
04-26-2007, 09:16 AM
Buckhard is coming to the next meeting to put on a slide show for big rock park. (I was told) :D
serious or joking?
that would be delightful.
94Dodge Truggy
04-26-2007, 09:23 AM
Just sturrin the kettle! ;)
04-26-2007, 09:48 AM
serious or joking?
that would be delightful.
Shame you would have had such a goodtime.
04-29-2007, 10:53 AM
Well I have met Roy and I dont like him. Anything he is involved with, im not.
Muddy 1
06-04-2007, 08:08 PM
Hey everyone, this is my first post on here so I will introduce my self. My name is Rob and I spend most of my time on Muddy Buddys forum, Jeepinohio and Pirate but I met 94Dodgetruggy down at Big Rock. It was alright. I was reading on here and someone said that it was a just mud pit. No, a mud pit is Haspin when it rains. There were quads down there but they weren't crazy ass quad guys like Haspin. The trails aren't tough but it is a good place to bring some newbies to pop their off road cherry.
94Dodge Truggy
06-04-2007, 09:48 PM
Hey muddy1 good to hear from ya! We will have to go wheelin somewhere soon.
Muddy 1
06-05-2007, 07:44 AM
Hey muddy1 good to hear from ya! We will have to go wheelin somewhere soon.
Yeah for sure. Check out our site we have a bunch of stuff scheduled. It is under the trail rides heading. We got some good trips planned.
06-05-2007, 05:22 PM
Glad to have you on our site Muddy1. Post up the address of your site.:)
94Dodge Truggy
06-05-2007, 05:42 PM
Glad to have you on our site Muddy1. Post up the address of your site.:)
09-19-2007, 08:39 PM
yall come to the hollars and we will ride and break our quality equipment for free dont be scared its only rocks
09-20-2007, 06:14 PM
yall come to the hollars
and just where is "the hollars"? ;)
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