View Full Version : hydro assist!?!?!?

10-30-2010, 06:12 PM
I can not get this damn thing bled!!!! I have been through a gallon and a half of PS fluid and still no solid movment! anyone know any tricks?!? thanks:beers:

10-30-2010, 08:12 PM
I can not get this damn thing bled!!!! I have been through a gallon and a half of PS fluid and still no solid movment! anyone know any tricks?!? thanks:beers:

Specs on the rig and what are doing to bleed it?

I know on mine the cylinder had to be forced to completely cycle a couple times before it was bled. And you really shouldn't be going through much more P/S fluid than what it takes to fill the system (you are just displacing the air, with the air bubbling out through the reservoir).

94Dodge Truggy
10-30-2010, 08:28 PM
the reservoir above the pump? crack a line by the cylinder and work the steering wheel? is it a chevy motor?

93 Krawler
10-30-2010, 09:13 PM
I can not get this damn thing bled!!!! I have been through a gallon and a half of PS fluid and still no solid movment! anyone know any tricks?!? thanks:beers:

I assume since you have more than a gallon of ps fluid in it that you have an external reservoir. It has to be the highest point in the system or you will always have problems. If you have a cooler, make sure the lines are not vertical. The round tube end can trap air. Is the box tapped correctly?

If all that is right, then it should bleed fairly easy.
PSC reccommends raising the tires off the ground and cycling the wheels back and forth slowly. After no change in the levels, crank the engine over but disable it from starting. Repeat until no air comes up.
I tried that, and I got tired of waiting. I cycled, then started it for a few seconds. Checked the fluid, and repeated. Depending on the throw of the ram, you might have to take one side off and make sure it extends and retracts fully. If it starts to foam up, let it sit. If all this doesn't work, then there's a blockage or the ram seals are junk.

10-30-2010, 10:45 PM
Also, when your filling it for the first time, cracking the fittings at the ram helps to "burp" the system.

As noted above, you're simply swapping PS fluid for air, so it's hard to make out what you're saying with "been through a gallon and a half of PS fluid"

Good luck!

10-30-2010, 11:15 PM
its a 77 cj 7 with a 304 box tapped right, the cylinder is a 8 in stroke, i was tring to bleed the air out ofthe lines by cracking them at the cylinder ( i was bleeding to HOWE specs) and it just kept acting like it had air. I took the lines of the steering gear and pluged the fittings to start from a I know Im good situation because i got the box from a friend and had been sitting...... well the gear is junk!! so I am going to start back from there

10-31-2010, 01:03 PM
When i have done all of mine, i have actually filled all the lines and components with fluid before hooking them up. Takes some time, and it's a *****, but i have never had an issue bleeding it. Make sure your highest point in the system is the reservoir. If it isn't, make it so temporarily at least by moving the cooler lower in the system, or other component if necessary. Also make sure the ram is not hooked up to the axle while trying to bleed it. Take all the stress off the ram or wheels, etc while trying to bleed it.

10-31-2010, 05:50 PM
Thanx everyone, it was the steering gear... took it off put my spare on bleed it and its push 42in rockers with 4pounds of air on concrete so i think im good! hahaha thanks again!