View Full Version : Propane stalling????
What would cause a propane powered rig to stall? There was a hill this weekend with step that you had to bounce pretty hard to get past and everytime I landed the buggy would die. It would start up again with no trouble, but I never made it up that stupid little hill. The tank was 3/4 or more full and besides this it runs good.
10-31-2010, 05:52 PM
What would cause a propane powered rig to stall? There was a hill this weekend with step that you had to bounce pretty hard to get past and everytime I landed the buggy would die. It would start up again with no trouble, but I never made it up that stupid little hill. The tank was 3/4 or more full and besides this it runs good.
There is alot of possibility's there did you peice the system yer self??? check yer solenoid and wiring, thats what it sounds like to me
The entire system came off a county service truck so its all meant to be together. I have the vaporizer/regulator mounted verticaly and most others I've seen are mounted laying down,does it matter how its mounted?
10-31-2010, 07:39 PM
that shouldnt matter sure its all solidly mounted... my system is fed off of a soleniod style valve i had a problem simulur to yers in the past and it was my ground wire. dont know how yer set up is though
10-31-2010, 08:25 PM
I'm guessing that Jason was onto something when he talked about electrical... it sounds to me like it could be the IGN wire loosing connection just for a split second...
Just doesn't sound like fuel to me... especially not Propane...
My $.02
11-01-2010, 07:33 AM
Mine were mounted vertically on the firewall, so i doubt that's yer issue. Do you have a vacuum actuated lockoff or electrical?
Electric lock off, and looked at all the conectors lastnight and they all seemed good...
11-01-2010, 11:21 PM
I'd say your lockoff is the issue... i can't put my finger on what else it could be.
11-04-2010, 05:16 PM
why ya need a lockoff? cant yee just shut tank off when done wheelin? it just remain under pressure unless ya hav a leak
11-04-2010, 11:03 PM
The lockoff works kinda like a fuel pump. It only lets fuel come thru when the engine is running (vacuum actuated lockoff) or when the ignition is hot (12v actuated lockoff). Without the lockoff, the propane flows from the tank freely, as it is under pressure in there. It would be like on a gas engine if the gas just kept dumping into the carb even when the vehicle was turned off.
make sense?
11-05-2010, 08:53 AM
not really a carb dont dump fuel in motor unless u open it up so what would a carb under fuel pressure hurt. shouldnt be using propane unless it running or u hav a leak the system just remains under pressure. or am i way off? none the tn buggys run a lockoff, just shut tank off when done wheeling.
Been too busy to figure out my problem, but I've always thought you needed a lock off and have a hard time believing you don't. What stops the propane from flowing into the mixer when its not running?
11-06-2010, 08:56 PM
"none the tn buggys run a lockoff, just shut tank off when done wheeling."
you sure about this? there are not jets, etc, like in a carb. No floats, etc. no accelerator pump like a carb, etc. there is a huge freaking hole in the side of one venturi. as the slide moves, it lets more vapor in. so, if there is no lockoff, it will send vapor into the mixer, at least at the rate it would if the motor were idling.
11-06-2010, 09:13 PM
nope 425 mixer and no lockoff, just shut tank off when done. sure of it! dont have to believe it telling you what i seen! your rite it would waste propane untill shut tank off but sure off it no lockoff
I said I can't believe you don't need them not that it hasn't been done. Even with a lock off I turn my off tank everytime we stop for more than a few minutes and when the buggy is parked in the garage I completely unhook it. The more fail safes you have the better.
11-07-2010, 09:55 AM
you rite I would feel safer with shutoff! I gonna put one on my buggy, aint sure why they dont use them but i hav one!
11-07-2010, 06:49 PM
a vacuum block off is also a filter, and you can prime your system by pressing the pressure switch on the reg. and then opening the filter/lock off with a small allan wrench or test light
besides ive had a small propane explosion:eek: and trust me u want a vaccum lock off, so when u stop cranking your motor or when u shut it down its not still pressurised
11-07-2010, 08:55 PM
The 12v ones always worried me... vacuum is the way to go.
Its what I had at the time and didn't care either way really, but I'm going to switch to vacume and see if that helps.
Haven't had time to really mess with this yet, but I started it today and let it run just because. I turned the tank off while the motor was running and it died about 2 seconds after. Opened the tank and restarted just fine then died 2 seconds after I closed the tank again.Switched to a full tank and got the same results. Checked the line for leaks and didn't hear see or smell any. This doesn't seem like a lock off problem after all, but possibly the vaporizer?
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