View Full Version : Weekend in Slade

11-07-2010, 08:37 PM
Just got back from a long weekend in Slade/Red River. I'll copy the trail report over along with pictures when complete. I will say the most "interesting" thing we saw was after climbing Lower Staircase and playing on Upper was walking back down and see a stock TJ in the middle of Lower Staircase. It had maybe 30-31" street tires, open diffs, but a winch. Keep in mind it was starting to get dark at the time and there was no other vehicle with them.

No major carnage and all vehicles could be driven back to the motel at the end of day. One broken front D44 shaft, one broke 9" shaft, and a broke track bar mount was pretty much the extent.

11-07-2010, 09:26 PM
just out of curiosity, did anyone call charles and ask permission to ride over there? if not...keep in mind that it is a privelage to ride his property and not a right especially this time of year when he doesn't really want people riding there due to it messing up their hunting season.

11-07-2010, 11:30 PM
I noticed two rigs still on the trailers at Lil' Abner's on Saturday. What's up with that? With what Boomhauer said, gun season coming up, be sure to respect the land owners.

11-08-2010, 10:34 AM
We had talked with Charles awhile back and he was planning on leading us around that day. Unfortunately he hurt his foot a few days prior and was on crutches and therefore couldn't go. His wife stopped by Saturday morning to confirm it was still okay to ride his property. We fumbled around a little finding everything since the last time he led us around we were all over the place.

The rigs on the trailer were broke. Not sure which ones you saw but there was a big maroon TJ with tube fenders that broke a rear driveshaft Friday on Widowmaker and a flat black early Bronco that snapped a rear 9" shaft climbing the trail that goes to the top of Hairpin, within view of the gravel road. There was also a late-70's fullsize Bronco probably sitting in the parking lot with a broken front D44 shaft.

Friday we ran Slider, Little and Big Widowmaker, and then went out the top of Carb. Saturday we ran Holiday Hill (Jacob's Ladder), ran to the top of Hairpin (it's a nice little trail) with some people going down and then coming back up, then ran Lower Staircase and one rig played on Upper.

11-08-2010, 02:59 PM
Sounds like a great trip, wish I could have joined in. Unfortuntely my tcase is in the shop and having issues getting one good one out of two.