View Full Version : To All Paid Members

11-11-2010, 08:09 AM
There is now a separate section for Members Rigs, you can navagate to it from the header. This is a place for paid members to post pics and stats about their rigs for everyone to see. Check it out and you'll see everyone's name and a couple of pics. If you had info before, that info appears there. For some, it's not current (Pater, Jamie). For others, it's empty.

To get yours updated, I need a couple pics to use on your page and a third to use as the thumbnail pic you click to get to your page. Shoot me them via email to lisa92068@aol.com or a link to whereever it is. I also need the specs/info for said rig (or rigs if you have two you'd like to highlight, we will try to make it work...Brody).
Here's what we have used in the past:
Years Wheeling
Favorite Spot
Front Axle
Rear Axle
Wheels Tires
Other details you want to share

Any questions, just holler here or via PM.

Green Zuggy
11-11-2010, 08:12 AM
Thanks! :D

93 Krawler
11-22-2010, 01:47 PM
We still need info from most of the paid members. I would like to update this and the forum during the Thanksgiving holiday. I will most likely update the site backend on Saturday morning. The site will be down for several hours during the updates. The big improvement will be the use of the gallery again. :D

11-22-2010, 01:56 PM
Yea the Gallery will work!!!!