12-09-2010, 08:03 AM
'03 2500HD w/ 10.5" AAM
So the Gov-lock decided to lock and stay locked the other morning on the way to work. No loud bangs or anything, just started noticing some weird handling around curves and then verified in the parking lot that the rear tires were locked together and acting like a spool.
Anybody have an exploded diagram or maybe something out of the factory service manual that show these things. I can identify a Gov-lock pretty easy, but can't necessarily determine what little weights and springs are supposed to be where (unless something is obviously fubar'd).
Any suggestions on what might have happened? I'll be pulling the cover on Saturday.
Can anybody verify if the Dodge factory torsen limited slip would fit. I know they use the same 10.5" AAM. I've had quite a bit of experience with them and they seem to work good. Not even completely against putting in another Gov-lock as up until the other day I never had any issues with it and was happy with it's performance.
So the Gov-lock decided to lock and stay locked the other morning on the way to work. No loud bangs or anything, just started noticing some weird handling around curves and then verified in the parking lot that the rear tires were locked together and acting like a spool.
Anybody have an exploded diagram or maybe something out of the factory service manual that show these things. I can identify a Gov-lock pretty easy, but can't necessarily determine what little weights and springs are supposed to be where (unless something is obviously fubar'd).
Any suggestions on what might have happened? I'll be pulling the cover on Saturday.
Can anybody verify if the Dodge factory torsen limited slip would fit. I know they use the same 10.5" AAM. I've had quite a bit of experience with them and they seem to work good. Not even completely against putting in another Gov-lock as up until the other day I never had any issues with it and was happy with it's performance.