01-08-2011, 01:36 PM
Our President, Scott Armstrong, opened the first meeting of 2011 by welcoming our guests.
Guests: TJ Beyer (now a paid member), Rob Nicholls, Zach Simmons, Adam Ford (now a paid member)
Treasurer report: We have money
Club Info: In 2011 we will ask everyone to wear a name badge at the meetings to get some faces to go with names (we had 35 people at the meeting this month)
2011 Monthly meeting schedule:
All meeting fall on first Monday of month. This year we will have two that fall on the second due to holidays. Date for July meeting will be 7/11, due to July 4th, and Sept will be 9/12, due to Labor day. Thread in the General Club Info forum that has dates, these are also listed on our calendar. Forum thread at:
CORE Merchandise:Reiterated the request of using only approved vendor’s to produce items that contain a reference to CORE or cincyoffroad
Checking into possibility of hats with CORE/cincyoffroad on them. Update at Feb meeting.
Tshirts – Current vendor cannot do darker color club shirts (like black or navy) possibility of exploring other vendors to produce these. Maybe other items as well. update at Feb meeting
Club Stickers – defined price list for stickers
Large CORE - $10 (receive 2 of these with paid membership)
Small CORE – TBD need to replenish stock, will define price at that time
Round TriColor CORE - $10 (receive 1 of these with paid membership)
Stuckers (stuck stickers) $2 each (black or white)
Windshield banner - $15
Member Dues: Slight revision to new member dues beginning in 2011. New members joining CORE prior to the November meeting, dues will be $50 and will renew the following year for $30 (payable by March meeting). New members joining CORE in November or December, dues will be $50 and will carry through the following year. All renewing member dues are $30 and must be paid by the March meeting; if not, will be subject to full $50 at/after April meeting.
Please note that all members renewing in 2011 will be asked to sign a new policy/waiver to include updated contact information. Also need to have guest waivers signed for any/all who attend runs. If any minors will attend runs, we need waivers signed for them also by parent/guardian.
Monthly Trips: Only ones defined are: May (Memorial Day) as WVA, July (2nd weekend usually) as Zookimelt, Aug 13th as Benefit, and Sept (second or third weekend, TBD) as WVA.
Discussion around a Member only summer party versus (or in addition to) a Holiday Party in December. Talk of a party the night before the benefit. Grill out at BnB Friday night???? But some like the holiday party idea since people don’t wheel as much in colder weather and they get a chance to see people as much. Will discuss in more detail as spring approaches…More to come
Bob working on a list of wheeling sites within different radius (like 1 hr, 2 hr, 4 hr etc) from Cincinnati. This hopefully to allow club members to know of new/different places to try. Also to provide to clubs out of state about our local sites, if asked. Using TrailSource and offroadnorthamerica, to name a few sources.
4x4s For A Cause: Will have a website specifically for benefit. Working on content and timing
Will have a sponsor flyer created/available at Feb meeting (hopefully before, will post when available). Earlier timing to allow for us to get sponsors in early phases of their annual budget.
Rib City is moving to Famous Daves old location above Hooters at I275 and Rt4. Timing TBD. Plan is to send a flyer out to everyone a couple weeks out from the official move date. Make sure your address is updated to ensure you get the notice if you don’t get on the website. Easiest is to make the address or email address legible on the sign in sheet at the meeting. KEEP AN EYE ON THE WEBSITE TO BE NOTIFIED OF WHEN THE MEETING LOCATION MOVES!
Monthly Trail Runs:
Monthly CORE Runs:
November – ran through Rocked Tour and Black Friday run (since we’ve not had a meeting since)
January – Hangover Run held at Big Rock this year (some of CORE went to Haspin)
February – Ideas???
Guests: TJ Beyer (now a paid member), Rob Nicholls, Zach Simmons, Adam Ford (now a paid member)
Treasurer report: We have money
Club Info: In 2011 we will ask everyone to wear a name badge at the meetings to get some faces to go with names (we had 35 people at the meeting this month)
2011 Monthly meeting schedule:
All meeting fall on first Monday of month. This year we will have two that fall on the second due to holidays. Date for July meeting will be 7/11, due to July 4th, and Sept will be 9/12, due to Labor day. Thread in the General Club Info forum that has dates, these are also listed on our calendar. Forum thread at:
CORE Merchandise:Reiterated the request of using only approved vendor’s to produce items that contain a reference to CORE or cincyoffroad
Checking into possibility of hats with CORE/cincyoffroad on them. Update at Feb meeting.
Tshirts – Current vendor cannot do darker color club shirts (like black or navy) possibility of exploring other vendors to produce these. Maybe other items as well. update at Feb meeting
Club Stickers – defined price list for stickers
Large CORE - $10 (receive 2 of these with paid membership)
Small CORE – TBD need to replenish stock, will define price at that time
Round TriColor CORE - $10 (receive 1 of these with paid membership)
Stuckers (stuck stickers) $2 each (black or white)
Windshield banner - $15
Member Dues: Slight revision to new member dues beginning in 2011. New members joining CORE prior to the November meeting, dues will be $50 and will renew the following year for $30 (payable by March meeting). New members joining CORE in November or December, dues will be $50 and will carry through the following year. All renewing member dues are $30 and must be paid by the March meeting; if not, will be subject to full $50 at/after April meeting.
Please note that all members renewing in 2011 will be asked to sign a new policy/waiver to include updated contact information. Also need to have guest waivers signed for any/all who attend runs. If any minors will attend runs, we need waivers signed for them also by parent/guardian.
Monthly Trips: Only ones defined are: May (Memorial Day) as WVA, July (2nd weekend usually) as Zookimelt, Aug 13th as Benefit, and Sept (second or third weekend, TBD) as WVA.
Discussion around a Member only summer party versus (or in addition to) a Holiday Party in December. Talk of a party the night before the benefit. Grill out at BnB Friday night???? But some like the holiday party idea since people don’t wheel as much in colder weather and they get a chance to see people as much. Will discuss in more detail as spring approaches…More to come
Bob working on a list of wheeling sites within different radius (like 1 hr, 2 hr, 4 hr etc) from Cincinnati. This hopefully to allow club members to know of new/different places to try. Also to provide to clubs out of state about our local sites, if asked. Using TrailSource and offroadnorthamerica, to name a few sources.
4x4s For A Cause: Will have a website specifically for benefit. Working on content and timing
Will have a sponsor flyer created/available at Feb meeting (hopefully before, will post when available). Earlier timing to allow for us to get sponsors in early phases of their annual budget.
Rib City is moving to Famous Daves old location above Hooters at I275 and Rt4. Timing TBD. Plan is to send a flyer out to everyone a couple weeks out from the official move date. Make sure your address is updated to ensure you get the notice if you don’t get on the website. Easiest is to make the address or email address legible on the sign in sheet at the meeting. KEEP AN EYE ON THE WEBSITE TO BE NOTIFIED OF WHEN THE MEETING LOCATION MOVES!
Monthly Trail Runs:
Monthly CORE Runs:
November – ran through Rocked Tour and Black Friday run (since we’ve not had a meeting since)
January – Hangover Run held at Big Rock this year (some of CORE went to Haspin)
February – Ideas???