01-15-2011, 08:57 PM
Here are the pics and videos from today!:beers:
"Nail Biter" was quite a challenge for me... I think it's meant for much narrower vehicles:evilgrin:
Tyler was riding shotgun the whole day, we were looking right at the ground when we went through Nail Biter and I dragged my soft top on some trees on the passenger side... have a few real bad scuffs at the B and C pillar bows. It was VERY nerve racking... but what happened next was freaking crazy.
We got through the first part and then there was a large "mound" to the right that I had to go up... my Jeep was too wide to drive around like you're supposed to... So I had to get turned around 90 degrees to the trail, and then give it hell to get up.
I must have tried about 10 times before making it up... trying various gears 1-3. I tried shifting from 1st to 2nd quickly at one point and ground the HELL out of that gear... then it wouldn't stay in 2nd reliably at all. Well I ended up hitting the mound in 3rd gear giving it hell, I had to back up the other side of the trail to get a running start and even then just barely made it... here is where I was backing up against...
Then on the final attemp bouncing off the rev limiter in 3rd giving it HELL we finally get up... Then SURPRISE it drops off IMMEDIATELY after that!!!
I could only describe what happened as a crash... using my tires :p I literally about **** myself.... here is where I ended up after overshooting the "mound" and falling down the other side and "crashing" into another adjacent mound...
How's this for "full stuff?" :evilgrin:
Tyler was riding shotgun, he drove my Jeep down there on his work truck(thanks again buddy:beers:) and my friend Jake from Lima, OH was also with us.
We were wheeling with JT(Jonesy... that's your name right?) initially and then we met up with Nick and another dude in a TJ(name slips my mind):
Now awaiting for others to contribute pics :)
"Nail Biter" was quite a challenge for me... I think it's meant for much narrower vehicles:evilgrin:
Tyler was riding shotgun the whole day, we were looking right at the ground when we went through Nail Biter and I dragged my soft top on some trees on the passenger side... have a few real bad scuffs at the B and C pillar bows. It was VERY nerve racking... but what happened next was freaking crazy.
We got through the first part and then there was a large "mound" to the right that I had to go up... my Jeep was too wide to drive around like you're supposed to... So I had to get turned around 90 degrees to the trail, and then give it hell to get up.
I must have tried about 10 times before making it up... trying various gears 1-3. I tried shifting from 1st to 2nd quickly at one point and ground the HELL out of that gear... then it wouldn't stay in 2nd reliably at all. Well I ended up hitting the mound in 3rd gear giving it hell, I had to back up the other side of the trail to get a running start and even then just barely made it... here is where I was backing up against...
Then on the final attemp bouncing off the rev limiter in 3rd giving it HELL we finally get up... Then SURPRISE it drops off IMMEDIATELY after that!!!
I could only describe what happened as a crash... using my tires :p I literally about **** myself.... here is where I ended up after overshooting the "mound" and falling down the other side and "crashing" into another adjacent mound...
How's this for "full stuff?" :evilgrin:
Tyler was riding shotgun, he drove my Jeep down there on his work truck(thanks again buddy:beers:) and my friend Jake from Lima, OH was also with us.
We were wheeling with JT(Jonesy... that's your name right?) initially and then we met up with Nick and another dude in a TJ(name slips my mind):
Now awaiting for others to contribute pics :)