View Full Version : Hey sarge!

01-22-2011, 01:59 PM
Or any other police dude....
When a state boy pulls up behind you cause he wants to check u out on the highway, why do they tailgate so close for so long?. I can se maybe for a second to get ur plate numbers then backing back off. But this never happens, they juat stay close. Is there a reason?. This has happened every time i ever been pulled over in my life.. Maybe ten times or so.
im curious cause when its of a night its really distacting when ur driving and you know its a cop tailgating but you cant tap ur brakes like for a regular tailgator cause you know that will tick him off. But it creates a dangerous situation if you deeded to brake for a deer. And if you did and he hit u he would somehow make it your fault cause hes the law...

Im curious on why they do it and if they are cautioned against creating this situation?

01-22-2011, 02:31 PM
He's setting you up for the pit maneuver!

01-22-2011, 04:08 PM
it is for YOU to give probable cause for a traffic stop ! by that hime just being behind you will make you nervis wether you'v done anything wroung at that point or not SO givin that if you drift left of center , weave, no turn signal,several reasons can be considered AS probable cause I can follow someone in my priviate car car the same way as i do in the patroll car an get the same reaction just the presents of the COP being behind you will make you nervis to give him probable cause if he wants to stop you for something !! 15 yr law enforcment.:eek:

01-22-2011, 04:16 PM
I say break check them! They (Police Officers) are no better or worse than anyone else on the road and have to follow by the same laws. I have been passed by the law on the interstate when I was rolling 75 mph. I just spped up and follow them at thier rate of speed. I do it all of the time. I also watched a cop drive by my house at a minimum of 50 mph with no lights or siren. The Speed limit is 25 mph. I caught a glimpse of his car # and gave the chief a call. I then ran into the same cop a week later and ask him WTF his problem was. He was not happy! :D I let him know that I was the one that called the chief. :thumbup:

mike shelton
01-22-2011, 05:46 PM
i for one am glad they speed on the big road. can you see all the traffic backed up behind one doing 70 on the interstate? be glad you have someone to call when you need them...

01-22-2011, 11:01 PM
Don't get me wrong. I respect them for what they do.

01-22-2011, 11:41 PM
I don't care who they are, they get too close I start slowing down.

01-23-2011, 11:07 AM
will this guy get ticket

01-23-2011, 01:28 PM
O hell no, lol that's good **** lmao

01-24-2011, 01:25 AM
yea ! probably so ! just like us having to GET OUT IN THE RAIN ! yer probly gona get a tickett ! LMAO !:beers::thumbup:


tom tom
01-24-2011, 04:53 AM
but why follow if we the people aint doing nothing why make use nerves to give reason to pull us over :sweatin::confused::evilgrin:

01-24-2011, 08:09 AM
Gotta meet that quota for the month man. Plus the department needs money for the cookout and took keep the horseshoe pit clean with fresh sand.

01-24-2011, 08:38 AM
they did away with the quota thing years ago ! now OSP does theres on a points or PINCH system NO one else does this method . following you closly to get yer tag # and to observe your driving well it's a POLICE THING ! just like the ability to speed over the postid limit WITHOUT lights and sirens= eliment of suprise.:eek:

01-24-2011, 09:47 AM
Well I havent got an answer I agree with yet. I will say that whenever ive been tailgated, its split halfway,...sometimes I had been speeding, sometimes I had not, sometimes my vehicle matched a description of another ones that they were searching for. Im not questioning why they get close. Obviously its to get my plate numbers. What I dont understand is wht they keep on my tail, sometimws for milea before they either pull me over or decide to give up...i think getting plate numbers only take less than a minuite, and im in a camry so its not like they would lose me. If you ever been tailgated at night you know how hard it is to concentrate on road and traffic ahead. Surely theres another reason.

01-24-2011, 10:23 AM
at night it is for DUI paranoid drunk people watch for cops in the mirror, you drive out of yer mirror you swerve ( thats why you turn them up and focus):evilgrin: ...like fuzz said it is to make you give them a reason to pull you over. Trust me no one wants to be behind YOU that long for no reason... the smell is horrid :eek: , During the day it usually is to wait until you are in a safe area to pull you over.

01-24-2011, 10:27 AM
If your Camry is like mine put the cruse on and at night flip the mirror. If you have to stop for some reason then it will be their problem. Maybe because I haven't had a ticket since I was 20, I don't care what they are doing.

01-24-2011, 02:55 PM
Well I havent got an answer I agree with yet. I will say that whenever ive been tailgated, its split halfway,...sometimes I had been speeding, sometimes I had not, sometimes my vehicle matched a description of another ones that they were searching for. Im not questioning why they get close. Obviously its to get my plate numbers. What I dont understand is wht they keep on my tail, sometimws for milea before they either pull me over or decide to give up...i think getting plate numbers only take less than a minuite, and im in a camry so its not like they would lose me. If you ever been tailgated at night you know how hard it is to concentrate on road and traffic ahead. Surely theres another reason.

face it they got a report of a holdup at dunkin donuts and a car with the same description as yours was spotted leaving at a high rate(sorry you said it was a camry)impeding traffic and was wanted for questioning :eek::thumbup:

01-24-2011, 05:53 PM
they did away with the quota thing years ago ! now OSP does theres on a points or PINCH system NO one else does this method . following you closly to get yer tag # and to observe your driving well it's a POLICE THING ! just like the ability to speed over the postid limit WITHOUT lights and sirens= eliment of suprise.:eek:

And it your daughter that gets ran over and killed when they are doing 50+ in a 25 residential area. "It's a police thing"? Please :rolleyes:

01-24-2011, 06:50 PM
wow ,I step away from my computer for a couple days and look what I missed .

Rob , let me try to answer your question.

Troopers like to give tickets , thats all they know how to do . If you put a Trooper in a section 8 apartment complex on a weekend evening they would have to shoot their way out because they do not know how to interact with people other then .... Sir can I see your license and insurance ? but it's not their fault ....... they put something in the water while their in the academy......

So if you are having a problem with the troopers coming up on your bumper and hanging out , you are prob. driving a little on the aggresive side. He first getting your plate number and then looking for the PC for the stop or the continued aggresive driving . My suggestion is that if you can cheange lanes , do. If you are already in the slow lane , go ahead and pull over. He will stop behind ...... When he asks what the problem is be honest and tell him that he was too close to your rear end and you did not think he was operating in a safe manor. Remember to speak clearly and be polite because you are on tape if he gives you a citation for what ever the reason given you can go to his post and talk it over with his supervisor. There are bad apples out there , in all jobs.

Biggin ,

I understand that you were upset because the officer sped past your house , however, keep in mind the officer could have been responding to a call . We do not always run lights and siren and are allowed to safely travel over the speed limit if warranted , but we are still held at fault if we are running hot and have an accident. I have had to put Officers at fault many times during investigations. Now , the other side of that would be that the officer was not responding to a call and was just speeding through the hood at twice the speed limit , he would be in the wrong. But , calling the Chief of police and thinking the officer is going to get in trouble is just wasting yours and the Chiefs time unless you have a calibrated radar gun and a video of the cruiser passing your home...... Oh , and that video has to be time stamped...... In a nut shell , you have to prove what the speed was and at what time and date or the most the officer is going to get is questioned and or cautioned about his driving habits.

01-24-2011, 11:15 PM
Since we are telling lovely cop stories.......

Last snow we had I pulled into the left turn lane next to a trooper. He rolled down his window and was looking at me so I rolled down my window. He then yelled at me (and I really mean yelled) and told me that I wasnt in the proper lane and I needed to pay more attention. I was shocked. Didnt know what to say especially because I could look out my drivers window and see the double yellow under the snow. Meaning I was in the right spot to make a left turn.

01-25-2011, 05:14 PM
Biggin ,

I understand that you were upset because the officer sped past your house , however, keep in mind the officer could have been responding to a call . We do not always run lights and siren and are allowed to safely travel over the speed limit if warranted , but we are still held at fault if we are running hot and have an accident. I have had to put Officers at fault many times during investigations. Now , the other side of that would be that the officer was not responding to a call and was just speeding through the hood at twice the speed limit , he would be in the wrong. But , calling the Chief of police and thinking the officer is going to get in trouble is just wasting yours and the Chiefs time unless you have a calibrated radar gun and a video of the cruiser passing your home...... Oh , and that video has to be time stamped...... In a nut shell , you have to prove what the speed was and at what time and date or the most the officer is going to get is questioned and or cautioned about his driving habits.

I did not call the Chief to get the guy in trouble. I called to make a point. I do not give rats ass if the officer was responding to a call (no lights or siren :rolleyes:) or racing to the donut shop. It makes no difference, if there would have been an accident, it would have been totally avoidable. It would be no different if a Trenton cop was doing donuts in your culdesac. You would be pissed.

01-25-2011, 07:26 PM
I think this will explain everything

01-25-2011, 07:31 PM
that was funny tom i watched it twice and i thought the second time i could see yellowjackets camry in the distance.:eek::thumbup:

01-25-2011, 08:07 PM

93 Krawler
01-25-2011, 08:26 PM
Too funny...

01-25-2011, 08:42 PM
Lets all pick on the fat kid...:) actually im ok with it, cause I have lost 17 lbs this year so far. Without amputation... Hey jwend, I left u a vm.... Call me if u wanna do my gutters

01-25-2011, 11:02 PM

I did not call the Chief to get the guy in trouble. I called to make a point. I do not give rats ass if the officer was responding to a call (no lights or siren :rolleyes:) or racing to the donut shop. It makes no difference, if there would have been an accident, it would have been totally avoidable. It would be no different if a Trenton cop was doing donuts in your culdesac. You would be pissed.

See , right here is the point that will always be debated with out answer . you say you don't give a rats ass if he was responding to a call or the donut shop ..... Thats complete bull **** !!!! if it was your daughter being assaulted or something worse .... you'd give a rats ass !!!!!! IT'S A 2 WAY STREET ... JUST REALLY EASY TO BUST ON THE POLICE .. .it's ok most of us have thick skin and just laugh it off.

95% of the public have no idea whats it's really like out there in the real world , 4 % been there and walked a mile in our shoes and the other 1% ***** about **** they don't understand and keep repeating that they pay our salaries and we should be at the donut shop.

01-26-2011, 07:19 AM
So Sarge, twist or cream filled?

You guys bust ass and I appreciate it.

01-26-2011, 09:17 AM
not picking sides at all because we will never know at this point if he spilled his coffee or was truly responding to a call. i have a little more of an understanding of what a officer looks at everyday being the son of a now 10 year retired 28 year on the force officer and i personally cant amagine going to work everyday with alot of the bad rap that the good ones take. that said you are driving around in a mobile billboard and you do need to act as such and unfotunatlly not alot of them do because they have a get out of jail free card. i would think that officer would want to use better judgement in a area where people (kids in this case) are present just so he wouldnt want to live with guilt of what could happin if it wasnt a valid response. in this case we will not know what the situation was at this point and everyone did what they thought they needed to do and that would be there right.

93 Krawler
01-26-2011, 11:13 AM
I think it is plain wrong for a cop to hide on a ramp so I can't see him and pull me over for going 105 in a 65... :D
Ha, he clocked me as I was slowing down from 125. :eek: That's why I don't drive the SS much. It's trouble...

01-26-2011, 11:39 AM
sir do you know why i pulled you over.....a yes officer i do but im more interested if you know why :D

01-26-2011, 11:45 AM
sir do you know why i pulled you over.....a yes officer i do but im more interested if you know why :d


01-26-2011, 05:11 PM
See , right here is the point that will always be debated with out answer . you say you don't give a rats ass if he was responding to a call or the donut shop ..... Thats complete bull **** !!!! if it was your daughter being assaulted or something worse .... you'd give a rats ass !!!!!! IT'S A 2 WAY STREET ... JUST REALLY EASY TO BUST ON THE POLICE .. .it's ok most of us have thick skin and just laugh it off.

95% of the public have no idea whats it's really like out there in the real world , 4 % been there and walked a mile in our shoes and the other 1% ***** about **** they don't understand and keep repeating that they pay our salaries and we should be at the donut shop.

You are taking this way out of line Sarge! I am done!

93 Krawler
01-26-2011, 07:47 PM
Can't we all just get along. :thumbup:

01-26-2011, 09:43 PM
Can't we all just get along. :thumbup:

As long as you have enough doughnuts:D

01-26-2011, 10:26 PM
As long as you have enough doughnuts:D

MMMM doughnuts....


01-27-2011, 07:39 AM
MMMM doughnuts....

So what's your fav donut shop? For plain ole gooey goodness you can't beat a hot Krispy Kreme as it rolls off the belt being covered in ooey gooeyness.

I'm gonna need a minute :D

01-27-2011, 08:09 AM
Sarge i bet likes Milton's. Downtown and they make fresh ones and are open all morning, I think they used to be open from midnight to like 10AM.

01-27-2011, 09:03 AM
So what's your fav donut shop? For plain ole gooey goodness you can't beat a hot Krispy Kreme as it rolls off the belt being covered in ooey gooeyness.

I'm gonna need a minute :D

jesus after that disciption im gonna nee a minute :eek:

Hope Springs Hauler
01-27-2011, 11:09 AM
jesus after that disciption im gonna nee a minute :eek:

Do you need a towel? Or Brakleen?:eek:

01-27-2011, 02:26 PM
brake wash is for if you get something in your eye :rolleyes:

01-27-2011, 07:18 PM
It's a good thing I live close to a KK goodbye.:D