View Full Version : IOK Rock / IOK Fourwheelers 2011 Calendar of Events
03-02-2011, 09:21 AM
Here is the 2011 IOK Rock calendar of events for Rock Competitions, Offroad Jamboree, IOK Swap Meets, and miscellaneous events:
All of these events are held at the IOK Fourwheelers grounds (aka - Gravelrama site) in Cleves, Ohio.
Swap Meet - April 9th - 10th, October 8th - 9th
Rock Comps - May 21st, July 16th, August 27, and October 22nd
Offroad Jamboree - July 15th - July 17th
Sand Drags - May 20th - 21st, October 21st - 22nd
Gravelrama 41 - August 24th - 29th
Become friends with "IOK Rock" and "IOK Fourwheelers" on facebook for the latest news. Visit for more information. Check back on, we are currently moving to a new host so it is currently down but should be up soon.
We are still planning the Offroad Jamboree, some of the items on the list are a Rock Competition, Teeter totter, Tug-o-War with your offroad rig, RTI Ramp, Door Prizes, R/C Rock Crawl, Car Crush, play day on the IOK grounds, etc. We have booked the "Rubber Knife Gang" for Saturday evening entertainment. As soon as the plans are finalized I will post a formal flyer.
Plan to attend the events.
03-02-2011, 06:13 PM
Fmlewis... Thanx for the info. Something ive been wantin to mention for a while to ya is the possibility of having a werock sanctioned event ever gonna be pursued by iok?. Ive mentioned it to big rich a few times when hes discussed locations, and recently hes pm'd me on pirate askin again..
Me personally would love to see this happen, but its not my place to pursue it farther..:) it would be a nice location,viewer area, plenty of parking in the field, ect... Ironically enough, the lack of a rock course sized appropiatly would be your biggest detrimet imo... But thats small potatos imo..
whatcha think? Could be good for your club:beers:
03-02-2011, 10:51 PM
Our long term goal is to get a WeRock type event there. Each year we add a little more to the rock garden. Last year we added the concrete pipe and was able to start the beginning of a 3rd course. It turns out that is probably one of the most difficult areas of the course. I'm hopeful that in the near future we should be expecting a large amount of rock delivered.
You are right with respect to the grounds. We have great spectator areas, in my opinion probably one of the safest in the industry. Our insurance folks tell us that. Plenty of parking, vendor space, etc.
We have extended an invite to Big Rich in the past to come to our events and from what I understand we just haven't been able to hook up.
If you are in contact with him tell him to contact us at: or
This year you should see alot of changes to our course, from reworking the ridge, adding advertisement bill board space, different types of competitions, etc.
Thanks for the info.
03-03-2011, 07:43 PM
glad u posted this gonna try make few events when possible!! thanks for info:beers:
03-03-2011, 08:41 PM
Ill forward ur info to rich... sure would be nice, great for everyone im sure. Fwiw, spring creek park wasent much of a course till lil rich came and sculpted it...sometimes they prefer a blank canvas anyway:)
ill be at every comp except aug cause thats a werock date. Lookin forward to it, and campin at the swap meet too! You truly never know what ull find there!
03-07-2011, 11:01 PM
could you please post rules, regs, and class specs thanks
03-08-2011, 02:16 PM
could you please post rules, regs, and class specs thanks
Ditto....I can't find the sight.
03-18-2011, 10:00 AM
I have attached the current revision of the rules. These are available the day of the competition. Changes from last year include time limits to stage your vehicle. Basically we want run an efficient event and this will ensure that we can.
Our site is currently down. We are moving to a new host and for some reason there are issues. I don't know what is going on I am not website builder so I don't know anything about that.
If you want IOK Rock information you need to visit However, that to is still under development, but it is up. We are adding pics, videos, and such. There is basic information about the events. The rules should be available there as well in the near future.
Anytime you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. Feel free to email me at
05-15-2011, 10:42 AM
so we HAVE to have a 4 point roll cage????
and im on 38's and dont have 4 point harnesses
05-16-2011, 10:38 AM
Regardless of tire size you need to have some form of safety protection in the event of a roll over. Most guys roll over slow but depending on the weight of your vehicle, integrity of the pillars (assuming full size), if you happen to roll over hard, etc. It is just too risky. With 38's you would end up in a class that would likely have some vertical drops and definately more complex/difficult lines.
One thing that we feel sets us apart from other Rock Crawl Comps is that we try to push speed and precision. We award competitors bonus points for completing the course quickly. With that in mind if your flying through a course your probability of a roll over increases. In the end its CYA for both parties involved.
We have been working on the wording of that section a little. We are changing it state something along the lines of you must have a roll cage or similar apparatus that provides protection to the driver and any passengers, if applicable. We are not going to call-out 4 point or 6 point. If during Tech-In our Tech Officials do not see a roll-cage or similar aparatus to protect a competitor / passenger they will not allow you to compete. They need to feel comfortable that if they were in your vehicle during roll over that they would be safe.
We had a person come out last year with no cage or bar and they really wanted to compete but we had to turn them away. We may have swung the pendulum a little too far but we want to make sure all that participate are safe.
05-16-2011, 11:46 AM
I've seen some sketchy rigs over the years that I know I wouldent want to roll over in, and I think iok has envisioned worst case scenario and is enforcing..
No one wants to see anything gruesome, and this sport already is a higher risk activity.. one bad accident could shut it all down if iok was aproved a " iffy" rig to compete and something went wrong...
I think if u show up with a rig uve built safe enuff to take ur family with on the trail, it will easily pass iok tech
05-16-2011, 10:54 PM
what is the registration price this year?
05-16-2011, 11:13 PM
35 i believe
05-17-2011, 07:36 AM
what is the registration price this year?
This is what I have.
Rock comp $30. late registration is +$10
registration from 8:30-10; late registration 10-10:30
05-17-2011, 06:59 PM
cant wait! camping there friday night!
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