View Full Version : To weld or not to weld...

03-06-2011, 12:11 PM
Ok, so I was removing my factory crossmember in the XJ to install the IROR long arms and all the bolts (has drop down, so studs have been gone) snapped off, of course. Do I really need to drill and tap these stupid things? Id rather plug weld the bolt holes and edges but I know having mechanical fasteners in addition to welding is best. Too risky to weld only? Just curious.

03-07-2011, 07:51 AM
Weldong would hold up fine if you're a good welder, the issue you would have is next time you need to drop the cross member it'd be a PITA to remove.
here's my suggestion: Grind off any protruding bolts/studs, weld on a small bar of 1/4" plate with bolts through it (heads welded) & heads ground off so that you have "new studs" and bolt it back on.

03-07-2011, 08:14 AM
I think what Jason means is to cut an acces panel into the side of one of the psuedo frame fails and slide the plate with bolt welded thru it in. Then have the crossmember bolt to that so the new 1/4" plate is a backing plate and the frame is sandwiched between everything. That way you don't have to weld/possibly make the frame weaker so you don't have the crassmember rip the frame in the HAZ area.