View Full Version : Staun internal bead lock install

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04-11-2011, 09:18 PM
Hey gang I'v got some staun internal beadlocks coming. I was curious if anyone had any tips/ experience on installing them? I hear they are a real *****... But ive always been a DIY kinda guy, So im looking for incite to ease my mind.

My first question :
* I originally put my own tires on with spoons, will I be able to use the same techniques? Or is a tire mounter mandatory?

04-12-2011, 06:32 AM
You can use the spoons. The worst part of installing these bead locks is getting the cover for the tube in. It kinda like putting on a real tight leather sterring wheel cover. You just have to keep streching and working your way around the wheel. Myself and two friends install mine 4 37" tires. It kick our ass.They are well worth the effort.