View Full Version : Fairfield Daycare Centers

04-18-2011, 04:27 PM
I know this probably isn't the best place to post this but I am digging for information. Does anyone have any experience with Jelly Bean Junction on Old Winton and Mack (good or bad)?

My kids currently attend Kids R Kids Fairfield and with the recent decision to close the Fairfield Kindergarten Center my wife and I are looking into our options for daycare that will provide transportation to Fairfield West. We really like KrK but they don't and won't provide transportation to West. Jelly Bean seems nice but we know nothing about the center and hate to have to move our kids over something like transportation when they are comfortable and the ciriculumn at KrK is pretty good.

Let me know. We would really appreciate your feedback.

Bear Chow
04-20-2011, 02:29 PM
Just something to consider. MRDD program takes preschoolers and kindergardners, the idea is children with severe disabuilities, physically and mentally can see and interact with "normal" kids, thus learning proper responses. Three of my kids attended and we never saw anything except pure compassion, strength and unrivialed family involvement.

For every three or five kids there is an adult and there are always two adults. The teachers and aids are the warmest most throughtful people I've ever met. It's a beautiful loving community all in itself. My two "normal" kids and my one that was excepted as a border line need, where all way ahead of the other 1st and 2nd graders.

It was a bit off your topic but they did provide transportation.

Hope Springs Hauler
04-20-2011, 03:03 PM
My wife was saying something about bussing the other day. She works at Fairfield Educational building and she could either tell you or get you to the right person that knows there.