View Full Version : Rock Crawl at Gravelrama

05-02-2011, 09:33 PM
I'm looking for more info on the Gravelrama rock crawling events. Their website has no contact info. I'm looking for class requirements, etc. Let me know if you have any info please.

05-02-2011, 09:41 PM

05-12-2011, 12:29 PM
Thanks for the interest. I just posted information regarding our next Rock Competition.

With respect to some of your questions you should be able to find answers in our Rule Book. I attached it to the event post. If you can't get it email me at FmLewis357@gmail.com and I will forward you a copy.

Our utmost concern is safety for all parties involved.

We create different courses for the different competition classes, basically if a "stock" rig were to compete they would not run the same course that an "Unlimited" buggy would run. We want to promote safe 4x4 activities for all to enjoy.

Basically our classification system is based on tire size and frame type. This covers a pretty good portion of the competitors that come out to compete. We rarely get someone that is completely stock.

If you have questions or concerns shoot me an email.