View Full Version : trail or shop injuries?

05-08-2011, 12:19 PM
Well thanx sarge for posting up that nasty injury photo...:o still don't know how u could be smooth enuff to take a photo..
but it reminded me of my story...

When I moved my rad to rear of my first full buggy ten years ago, I had an air bubble in the lines.... my fath in law came and put his hand over over rad to feel heat like anyone would. Then without thinkin re reached around front to feel too. He couldent see that I had added a electric fan from a taurus that dident have the blades gaurded. I was under the hood and heard a sound like a chipper shredder, looked back and saw him holdin a knawed up chicken bone..

Lss, they put It back on, but he can't do anything with it, ithurts when its cold, and it just gets in the way when he's workin.he wishes they had just left it off...

Pics are from two weeks later, the pins with white heads go all the way the length of the finger...

Y'all be safe out there!http://tapatalk.com/mu/6c73d7ff-c32d-6575.jpg

05-08-2011, 12:33 PM
Ouch....That looks painfull? Hope the doc gave you good pain killers.


05-08-2011, 02:36 PM
Damit man. That's looks like it may hurt a lil. I wish I had some pictures of some of my old trail injurys. I've had some nasty ones. That's why I stick with the buggys now. Get too drunk and dumb on the bikes and quads. Lmfao

05-08-2011, 04:57 PM
Ouch! I put my pick up (99 Chevy 1/2 ton Ext. cab) up on stands to replace a broken wheel stud. I was sitting in a little snap on roll around chair swinging a 2 pounder, beating out the stud. Little did I know, I was actually beating the hole truck off of the stands. It fell and the passenger side rocker, just under the pass. door landed on my left knee. I was fortunate enough to pull myself out from under several seconds later when my ankle blew out! :eek: I now have two $10,000 titanium 3" drywall screws holding my ankle together. I will see if I can dig up the x-rays and pics.

I now have a small fear of being under anything supported by jack stands!:confused:

05-09-2011, 11:05 PM
Well lets see.....

I was trying to hitch up a 12 foot trailer and the tongue wasnt in the right spot so I lifted it up to move it and slipped and it came down on my leg. Massive bruise.

When I had my quad, my foot slipped off the peg and I ran over my leg taking a good portion of skin off.

Who remembers the third gear donuts at Haspin in the parking lot on that same quad? My shoulder still hurts and pops from that one.

93 Krawler
05-10-2011, 12:55 PM
This was more of a work injury. When I was in construction, me and my brother were working on his friends pole barn. It was cold so I had gloves on, and I was on an extension ladder trying to knock a board over above my head a little out of reach. As I was swinging my 22 oz framing hammer as hard as I could at this board, it skimmed off and drilled me right in the lip just under my nose. A little higher and it would have broken my nose, lower would have knocked my teeth out. I guess I was lucky only having a hole smashed through my lip and a permanent scar.