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View Full Version : IOK Rock Offroad Jamboree, July 15 - 17

06-19-2011, 09:55 PM
I know there is another post on this topic, but I wanted one with the latest information. Sorry for the confusion, but this is the official post of the event.

IOK Rock Offroad Jamboree, July 15 – 17

This year we will be having a Food Drive to support the local food pantry. Donate 2 non-perishable food items and receive a $2 discount from your adult admission, otherwise $2 of your general admission cost will go directly to the Food Drive to purchase items.

Also, we will have a table / board for area clubs to post information about their club or upcoming events. Feel free to bring some flyers down and post them.

Free on-site camping with paid general admission.
General Admission = Adult, $12/day / Children (Ages 6 – 12), $5/day / Under 6, Free
*This year General Admission on Sunday will be free.

Door Prizes

Purchase advance tickets at Hilltop Performance, hilltop-performance.com, (Harrison, Ohio) to receive $2 off. You can donate can goods as well and receive the Food Drive Discount. So you can purchase an adult ticket in advance for $8 with 2 non-perishable food item donation.

Friday, July 15
Gate Opens @ 12:00
Rock / Baja Style Race, @ 8:00pm
Registration, 4:00 – 6:00
Late Registration, 6:00 – 6:30 (Late Registration Fee +$10)
Tech-In, 5:00 – 6:30
Drivers Meeting, @ 7:00
Competition Starts, @ 8:00
Competitor Registration Fee = $30

Saturday, July 16
Gate Opens @ 8:00
Rock Crawl Registration, 8:00 – 10:00
Late Registration, 10:00 – 10:30 (Late Registration Fee +$10)
Tech-In, 9:00 – 10:30
Drivers Meeting, 11:00 – 11:30
Competition Starts, @ 12:00
Competitor Registration Fee = $30

Spectator Events, Saturday
Offroad Challenge, 11:00 – 7:00
RTI Ramp, 11:00 – 2:00
Tug-O-War, 2:00 – 5:00
Car Crush, 5:00 – 7:00
Awards, 7:30 – 8:00 (Must be present to win Door Prizes)
Corn Hole Tournament, 8:00 – ???
Live Band (Rubber Knife Gang), 9:00 – ???

Sunday, July 17
Gate Opens @ 8:00
R/C Rock Crawl
Registration, 10:00 – 11:00
Late Registration, 11:00 – 11:30 (Late Registration Fee +$10)
Drivers Meeting, 11:45
Competition Starts @ 12:00
Competitor Registration Fee = $10

Where: IOK Fourwheelers / Gravelrama Site
9580 Valley Junction Road
Cleves, Ohio 45002

Check out iokrock.com for more details and photos of past events. Also, become a friend of IOK Rock on Facebook.

06-19-2011, 10:11 PM
This event is open to all makes and models of offroad vehicles from freshly driven off the factory floor to full blown out customs and everything in between.

Concessions will be available on-site. No glass bottles. You will not be permitted to enter any of the events, competition or spectator, if you are consuming alcohol.

06-20-2011, 02:51 PM
sucks i like get good buzz on b4 i enter baja race, steadys my driving

06-20-2011, 03:02 PM
I should be there. Campin hopefully too

06-20-2011, 04:28 PM
Here is the official flyer regarding the event.

06-21-2011, 11:07 AM
cant wait

06-21-2011, 12:38 PM
thanks for posting this. :beers:
Are there any special safety requirements I need to enter the rock crawl.
I have stock seat belts and a roll cage. :confused:

06-21-2011, 04:04 PM
thanks for posting this. :beers:
Are there any special safety requirements I need to enter the rock crawl.
I have stock seat belts and a roll cage. :confused:

You need to have some form of safety protection in the event of a roll over. Seat belts are required. We do not require a particular type (i.e. - # of points, unless you are in a higher class where more difficult lines are presented). If during Tech-In our Tech Officials do not see a roll-cage or similar aparatus to protect a competitor / passenger they will not allow you to compete likewise, if they feel your roll cage is un-safe they will not allow you to compete.

I would suggest bringing it down and let us take a look at it. If we feel its unsafe for competition at least you can play around on the grounds with it.

06-21-2011, 08:08 PM
i should be caged this time mike.....but can i still run mod??? and i have your gift certificates

06-22-2011, 01:37 PM
You need to have some form of safety protection in the event of a roll over. Seat belts are required. We do not require a particular type (i.e. - # of points, unless you are in a higher class where more difficult lines are presented). If during Tech-In our Tech Officials do not see a roll-cage or similar aparatus to protect a competitor / passenger they will not allow you to compete likewise, if they feel your roll cage is un-safe they will not allow you to compete.

I would suggest bringing it down and let us take a look at it. If we feel its unsafe for competition at least you can play around on the grounds with it.

Thanks for the info.

06-22-2011, 03:59 PM
Printing the flyer now to take to the Hobby Shop. I have about 20+ interested in the R/C Event Sunday :beers:

07-02-2011, 03:06 PM
I just wanted to pass along the information. Friday night is going to be an endurance race. The course is 1.5miles and the run time is 1hour per class. Currently we are looking at running 2 classes basically a stock / modified class and then an unlimited / pro unlimited class. If more competitors show up then we will split the classes up further. The difference between the two is basically the unlimited / pro class will run the rocks and cemetary hill. Cemetary hill is known to brake axles fairly often. Back in the old days they used to run it in the obstacle course of Gravelrama. Its a fairly steep hill with a nasty crest. The stock / mod class is basically baja style with some rocks involved.

Our course developers will be cutting in some pretty nice obstacles for the race through out the grounds.

If you plan to run you need to have the typical safety equipment and an air horn so when you pass someone they know something is coming around them.

07-02-2011, 03:43 PM
Cool. Break out the general lee horn! How many laps is edurance gonna make to make that 1.5 miles?

07-02-2011, 07:12 PM
One lap is 1.5 miles. It basically includes all of the competition areas.

See how many you can make in 1 hour. The one with the most laps is the winner. We will have checkpoints along the course where we will place a sticker on your sheet.

07-02-2011, 08:50 PM
Awesome. I dident guess u could sqeeze a 1.5 mile lap outta there. Ill be there. As a spectater this time:( sounds like you got them old school Iok sand guys pointed in right direction finnaly!

07-11-2011, 02:16 PM
We will have a table / board with up coming offroad event information for other local clubs to post information.

Also, don't forget your canned goods for the Food Drive. The BLOC house in cleves helps families throughout the westside of Cincy. They provide a lot of support in the form of grocery assistance, meals, homework help, various activities, monitored computer lab, etc, etc. Don't worry if you don't have can goods to donate the $2 discount that you would have recieved will still go directly to the BLOC and they can purchase items they need.

If anyone has access to special items like comercial basketball hoop, folding chairs, laptop computers (1.5 years or newer), flooring, etc. Feel free to contact me thru this forum I can get you in contact with the appropriate folks at the BLOC.


07-12-2011, 12:15 PM
Attached is a map of the endurance race course. This competition is Friday 7/15 @ 8:00pm.

The race will run 1 hour per class. The plan is to stage a release of
4, then 6, and then 8 cylinder vehilces with approximately 3 - 5
minutes between release (depending on the amount of competitors will
determine the release interval). At the starting line vehicles will
start potentially up to 6+ wide and will be forced to funnel down. Areas of the course are setup for passing. Vehicles with
larger engine sizes will need to catch up and lap the smaller engine
size vehicles. After 1 hour the race ends and the officials will
tally the number of checkpoint check-ins and the one with the most
check-ins will be the winner.

The first class will be Stock / Modified, basically this class will
not be required to run on the rocks, mainly baja style with obstacles
cut into the course. The second class will be Unlimited /
Pro-Unlimited and they will be required to run the upper ridge rock
course and traverse down axle breaker hill (concrete tubes on the
northside of the rock garden) in addition they will need to climb
cemetary hill (located to the left of the flat drags).

The course length is 1.5 miles.

Hope to see you all there.

07-13-2011, 11:23 AM
I'm thinking about coming down saturday for the rock crawl, but I'll have my daughter with me and the last time I went (2005 or 2006???) some fat ass hole in a black CJ7 drove up and instantly start cussing at me telling me to "hurry the F up if I want to make it to the drivers meeting". I let it slide back then, but I'm not going to waste my time or put my daughter in that situation if thats the type of people that still help out.

07-13-2011, 11:53 AM
The race will run 1 hour per class. The plan is to stage a release of
4, then 6, and then 8 cylinder vehilces with approximately 3 - 5
minutes between release (depending on the amount of competitors will
determine the release interval). At the starting line vehicles will
start potentially up to 6+ wide and will be forced to funnel down. Areas of the course are setup for passing. Vehicles with
larger engine sizes will need to catch up and lap the smaller engine
size vehicles. After 1 hour the race ends and the officials will
tally the number of checkpoint check-ins and the one with the most
check-ins will be the winner.

The first class will be Stock / Modified, basically this class will
not be required to run on the rocks, mainly baja style with obstacles
cut into the course. The second class will be Unlimited /
Pro-Unlimited and they will be required to run the upper ridge rock
course and traverse down axle breaker hill (concrete tubes on the
northside of the rock garden) in addition they will need to climb
cemetary hill (located to the left of the flat drags).

The course length is 1.5 miles.

Hope to see you all there.

So is there going to be a winner in each engin size per class or just a winner per class?

07-13-2011, 07:37 PM
Nutz - I am not sure who you're talking about but we do have sone new faces and have refined the process. If that is the case we need to hear about it. We run fairly close to the schedule. We announce the drivers meeting we don't send people out to hunt drivers down. If you miss the meeting you miss it. We typically start announcing it 30 min ahead. Come down I am sure it will be a better experience.

Endurance race. - at this time there will only be 1 winner per class. We will handicap the smaller engines with giving them checkpoints and also longer time on the course. We think that is the best situation. Come down check it out. Wee plan to pay 1st and 2nd. If we get more competitors then we will pay third.

07-13-2011, 09:25 PM
I see ur giving more attention to how the Friday nite event is gonna go down... is this event the icing on the weekend cake?.. curious cause with a bad back and 2 kids I can't camp, and can't justify two trips out there back to back. So I gotta pick which one to go to... very familiar with saterdays event, but hate to miss Friday if its gonna be cooler

Which would YOU pick?

07-14-2011, 07:53 AM
We will have a table / board with up coming offroad event information for other local clubs to post information.

This sounds like a fun weekend...I'll be out and will bring some flyers for our benefit event in Aug since you're providing an opportunity to help get word out.

07-14-2011, 09:19 AM
Yellowjacket - We got picnic tables or flat concrete you can lay on. LOL I understand get that back in order. Its new and our first time running this kind of event so we honestly have no idea how the Friday night is gonna turn out. We pushed the event to as late as possible to allow people to make the trip in. The more people we get to show up will only mean that we make it bigger and badder for next year or consider running a few of these throughout the year. I know there is a lot of buzz out there about it. We do plan to sell raffle tickets for the items to be raffled off on Saturday. However, you need to be present to win those items on Saturday.

Raffle Items include - Dana 44 diff covers, Dana 60 hi-steer arms (I believe we have 2 sets), a winch, Trail Ready Giftcertificates, Runck Mfg Gift Certificates, various Maxxis swag and stuff, etc, etc. Too much to list.

As far as Saturday goes I basically tell people its an open house for us. Come play on the hills. Crush some cars. RTI ramp. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will have our teeter toter functional. We added a vehicle Tug-O-War this year so that should be pretty cool if people are willing to do it. If you like Bluegrass music the Rubber Knife Gang will be playing at night. They are a very successful local band with ties to Gravelrama.

Its your call. I am excited for the Friday night race. I want to see as many people and competitors show up for that event so we can justify doing it again and also making the course longer. IMO come Friday.

07-14-2011, 09:27 AM
This sounds like a fun weekend...I'll be out and will bring some flyers for our benefit event in Aug since you're providing an opportunity to help get word out.

Please do. That is what the table will be for. I would recommend bringing or finding a rock (I think we have a few we can spare) to weigh them down so they don't blow away. You can even bring info on your club if people are looking are to join a club or hook up with other offroad peeps.

07-14-2011, 10:17 AM
Lisa ill lay on ur papers to hold them down:p

Fmlewis I better check Friday out because honestly it sounds awesomer:beers: building my buggy for xrra style rock racing so you are prob very simular...dagonit I wish it was complete:mad:

07-15-2011, 10:25 PM
At event now... really cool. Fast. Todd puckett layin down some laps.. I think more lighting is needed for nite events.. or make it daytime... either way its purty cool

07-15-2011, 11:09 PM
I myself just home from the event. Definatly a good time but definatly room for improvement. :beers:

07-16-2011, 09:45 AM
Had a blast last night. excellent turnout..atleast 30 rigs total. my electric fan died with 5 minutes remaining and engine went to 280 degrees :eek:. hopefully they will do this event again in the future. i had a 40 second lead in v8 class when it happeed :beers:.. dang the bad luck.

07-16-2011, 10:20 AM
Wondered what happened to ya... one minuite u and the ultra 4 buggy were zippin around, next minuite it was just him and that dang cj5 puttin around.

I know danny had his fans reversed to pull air outta front of the buggy ,and goin fast messed that plan up...

07-16-2011, 04:42 PM
Anyone know how joey Braun did last night? Im on vacation at hocking hills, and haven't heard from them on how they did.

07-17-2011, 12:13 PM
Congrats to Todd Puckett. First event in the new buggy and he won his class in the rock race and won the Rock crawl on Saturday as well. It was a fun day.:thumbup:

07-17-2011, 12:46 PM
Anyone know how joey Braun did last night? Im on vacation at hocking hills, and haven't heard from them on how they did.
Joey rolled and tore a hole in his spare from what I understand. He was spotting so I didn't really get a chance to talk to him too much.

07-17-2011, 12:47 PM
Congrats to Todd Puckett. First event in the new buggy and he won his class in the rock race and won the Rock crawl on Saturday as well. It was a fun day.:thumbup:
What rig was Todd in? We didn't stick around for the results.

07-17-2011, 05:18 PM
Thanks. I finally heard from joey yesterday. He wasn't too excited about the hole in thebrand new sticky spare. Hadn't even touched the ground yet. Said he came in 2nd by 15 seconds.

07-18-2011, 10:27 AM
I had a blast all weekend. Hilltop and iok did a great job with this event. Congrats to Todd Puckett for whipping my ass in both events. Anybody know who was taking the pictures for iok?

07-18-2011, 12:02 PM
What rig was Todd in? We didn't stick around for the results.

Silver single seat DTOR buggy.

07-18-2011, 12:03 PM
Thanks. I finally heard from joey yesterday. He wasn't too excited about the hole in thebrand new sticky spare. Hadn't even touched the ground yet. Said he came in 2nd by 15 seconds.

The sticky is all fixed now:cool:

07-18-2011, 12:51 PM
The event was awesome. Thank you to all who came out. By far it sounds like Friday night was the best. We were racing till about 1AM (Sorry to the surrounding area). I think those that stayed for the Outlaw class of the Endurance race really enjoyed it. We had everything from crashes, roll overs, people getting stuck on the berm from taking a turn too wide, someones brakes caught fire, to a port-o-let getting smacked around a few times (good thing it was empty). The event far exceeded our expectations as well as the turnout. Like someone posted earlier and I agree we do have a fews things that we need to change or enhance. But given that this was our first endurance race I think it turned out well. We plan to reach out to all of the competitors and find out there opinions of the process from registration to the competition.

My favorite part of the race I think was watching the start and all the racers funneling down into one line. There were wheels smacking around and cones flying from people hitting them to avoid crashes. I was surprised we didn't end up with a mound of cars. It was pretty awesome watching a 6 wide start 2 rows deep. I wish my jeep was up for the challenge, maybe next time. Another part I liked was just watching people walk back and forth between the flat drag area and the rock garden.

Photos and Video: At the front gate we had an email distribution list for folks to sign. The purpose is to email out a link of the photos as well as keep people up to date on upcoming events. I will post a link on this forum when we get those established. It may a little while to get through everything. We had several people taking photos from our club members to a few other folks from professionals to people aspiring to become the next great photographer.

Stay tuned I plan to post final results of the competitions and canfood drive. We are already looking forward to the next endurance race.

07-18-2011, 07:15 PM
Silver single seat DTOR buggy.

Any info on this buggy? It was pretty slick!

07-18-2011, 07:27 PM
I thinks it was matt deas old rig if that helps you google...

07-18-2011, 09:28 PM
I thinks it was matt deas old rig if that helps you google...

Nope. A good friend of Todds,Eric Childress, built the buggy and ran it in XRRA finishing second overall in the eastern division in 2007. It has a Pontiac 3.8 in it, some type of Chrysler transmission and a Stak case, Dana 60's and 39" KRTB's. It works incredibly well. Todds KOH finishing buggy, which he built from the ground up, was the blue one with the big DTOR stickers on the side of it. Joe from DTOR now owns it and raced it this past weekend. First time he had ever done anything like that.:cool:

07-19-2011, 04:28 PM
Worked REALLY well.

07-22-2011, 02:01 AM
Good to here the Dirty Turtle buggies out and running around locally ...:D make people go down and see his park....

cant wait for the pics and vids of the event... sounds like a fun time...