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View Full Version : Big Rock Labor day weekend?

08-19-2011, 10:49 PM
Been a while since i have been able to really wheel.

a small group of us are thinking of heading to Big Rock for the First time saturday the 3rd if anyone is interested.

most of us have been there on quads, but never in trucks/jeeps or the like. the more the merrier

08-20-2011, 08:39 PM
I'm down for that day.

08-21-2011, 11:28 PM
cool. i think we are trying to get down there around 10 or so. might have a few of us meeting at the county market around 9 to convoy down.

Red Dog
08-28-2011, 06:57 PM
Wanna go but may have to work that day.:mad: I will know for sure Friday. Should be a good day, only a slight chance of rain.


08-28-2011, 09:11 PM
Me and a few guys might be interested in checkin it out.
We've never been.

08-28-2011, 11:41 PM
i have been many times on quads, but not at all in the last 4 years or so and never in trucks so it will be like the first time again for me.

a few who were originally gonna go with me backed out, but seems there is still a decent group gonna show. Mostly DD's with a few dedicated trail rigs such as mine.

hope you all can make it, only wheeled with a couple Core Members.

08-29-2011, 09:15 AM
still looking forward to this....gotta bring the DD since my trail rig is still experiencing some brake issues. Probably arrive around 9:30am so I can get aired down and ready to go.

08-29-2011, 08:16 PM
don't expect much except trailriding. a few of us went there for the 1st time after the benefit and we were not at all impressed. not to mention he said he was going to raise the pricethe following weekend...20.00 per rig and 10.00 per passenger.

93 Krawler
08-29-2011, 09:00 PM
don't expect much except trailriding. a few of us went there for the 1st time after the benefit and we were not at all impressed. not to mention he said he was going to raise the pricethe following weekend...20.00 per rig and 10.00 per passenger.

It's a work in progress. It's not exactly hardcore, but there is some good stuff. We found a lot of hills and trails we had never seen before the last time we went. You have to keep scouting. $10 for a passenger makes no sense except to make cents... One reason I don't like Hasbin...

08-29-2011, 11:18 PM
It's a work in progress. It's not exactly hardcore, but there is some good stuff. We found a lot of hills and trails we had never seen before the last time we went. You have to keep scouting. $10 for a passenger makes no sense except to make cents... One reason I don't like Hasbin...

trails are fine by me. thats what i like, the tighter the better as well.

and that price is better than other places. some places charge teh same for driver and passenger both.

08-29-2011, 11:19 PM
still looking forward to this....gotta bring the DD since my trail rig is still experiencing some brake issues. Probably arrive around 9:30am so I can get aired down and ready to go.

me and a few of us will be meeting in independence about 9 or so. i know of two DD taco's and a DD YJ coming along with me for sure.

08-30-2011, 10:08 AM
I think it is ridiculous that places charge for passengers... as if the sport isn't expensive enough anyway.. that's how you end up with dishonest HASPIN customers.. charge me more for my rig to come in but not for my passengers. By the time you go to one of those parks for a 4 day weekend and pay you could go to harlan that charges a one year flat rate.. and is 10k acres

08-30-2011, 10:56 PM
I think it is ridiculous that places charge for passengers... as if the sport isn't expensive enough anyway.. that's how you end up with dishonest HASPIN customers.. charge me more for my rig to come in but not for my passengers. By the time you go to one of those parks for a 4 day weekend and pay you could go to harlan that charges a one year flat rate.. and is 10k acres

I must say i do not disagree. But it is a business just like anything else. and To insure a place like an offroad park is outrageous. i don't mind a $5 charge for a passenger, but any more than that is overkill IMO, especially when places charge the same for drivers and passengers both.

08-31-2011, 10:22 AM
I think it is ridiculous that places charge for passengers... as if the sport isn't expensive enough anyway.. that's how you end up with dishonest HASPIN customers.. charge me more for my rig to come in but not for my passengers. By the time you go to one of those parks for a 4 day weekend and pay you could go to harlan that charges a one year flat rate.. and is 10k acres

I think charging for passangers should be keep to a minumum for sure. but I like to support local wheeling places like big rock and Haspin .if i want to drive 4-5 hours each way and spend 150.00 or more just on gas to get to harlen that for me is a one time a year deal and due to the long distance would be for several days. I like that I can go to Haspin or big rock for less than 75 bucks and drive less than 2 hours each way and have a great day trip. or stay and extra day or two and my math says its still cheaper than harlen just due to the cost of getting there and back in gas cost alone. thats just me. I dont like to drive half a day or more every time I want to go offroading so I support the local places as often as I can.

08-31-2011, 10:47 AM
So is the issue charging for passengers? or that it's a $10 fee for a passenger? Do you think there is a plus to having a two day pass that's a slight discount maybe?

Not that I know anything, but Duke is always interested in constructive feedback.

08-31-2011, 11:44 AM
From talking to Bill at 491 the reason he charges the same for a passenger as the driver is insurance. The way his policy is written they make no distinction as to which seat you are sitting in, just that you are on the property. I know that at least 50% of the cost of entry goes straight to insurance if not more. Dirty turtle has a slightly different set up that when you become a "member" by buying the sticker you are subject to different insurance setup ups. And as a member you can't sue yourself or something like that.

That being said, I don't mind paying full price as a passenger. Heck I spend more than that for a couple rounds of bowling, round of golf, or a decent dinner. Plus it helps keep my local riding spots open for a minimum contribution.

Edit: and with that being said, anyone have an open seat that is going down? My yota won't be back together but I'd like to tag along.

08-31-2011, 11:52 AM
I am all for supporting local places to wheel. But 15 or 20 per person per day is alot.. my position is that it is a hour and forty five mins for me to go to big rock or haspin and about a 1hour and a half more to go to harlan which i pay 35 or what ever for a years pass. If i wheel big rock or haspin with two passangers for 4 days it is 60 or 45 a day thats 240 or 135.. it cost me less to go to harlan.. not saying i wont or dont go to big rock or haspin i love the owners of both and like their parks.. but...... for that much money I am south bound... but i am lucky in the aspect i am closer to harlan and slade than anyone else... :thumbup:

93 Krawler
08-31-2011, 12:56 PM
If only Harlan was as close as Big Rock...

08-31-2011, 08:33 PM
The fee is $5 per adult passenger in a full size rig or SxS. I'm asking age for "adult" will post when I hear.

08-31-2011, 08:37 PM
If you've not heard Big Rock is having a Poker Run on Labor Day:

We’re going to have a Poker Run on Labor Day, and give you a chance to win a little CASH! It will be $5 a hand with CASH payout to the winner(s)! Sign-up begins at 9:30am, the Poker Run begins at 11:00am and ends at 5:00pm. We’ll be sending you to all corners of the park so be ready to ride!

Looks like the weather for the Poker Run will be perfect , with a high in the upper 70′s!

We will be having a Night Ride , for those that are sticking around Saturday night!

The Snackbar will be serving Domino’s Pizza by the Slice, the entire weekend!!!

09-01-2011, 11:27 AM
Has anyone here camped there? The wifey and I are looking to get out and camp and have some fun this weekend. Big rock might be perfect for some easy trails with the 3yr old and puppy.

09-01-2011, 03:13 PM
yes a few of us have. i think he only has like 3 electric sites but its nice and grassy and right above the main parking lot. not big but does have a nice tree line to break up the sun or wind a bit but you should be out riding when shade is needed so no problem. i think it would be a great place for you to try out.

09-02-2011, 01:44 PM
just an FYI....
I'll look for you guys, I'll be driving one of those 4 door jeeps. It's green.

09-02-2011, 04:28 PM
just an FYI....
I'll look for you guys, I'll be driving one of those 4 door jeeps. It's green.

I'll keep an eye out. I'll be in probably the ugliest Grand Cherokee you will ever see. it is green and not a straight piece of sheet metal to be found on it. Most likely running around with a black YJ and a Black Taco with tube doors.

Red Dog
09-02-2011, 08:07 PM
Gotta work I'm out :(

09-02-2011, 10:06 PM
You know I love all you guys, but what's the big stink about $5 or $10 for adult passengers? Is it the fact that passengers are just riding along and are having no fun at all or what? How many of you that have a business give stuff away for NOTHING? That's like taking a date to a movie and saying, she's not going to watch, so she should get in free!
Sorry if this is upsetting so many of you. I really appreciate all your business and enjoy seeing you, but keeping these places going isn't cheap. Sure Harlan's inexpensive! Why? Because the local governments foot the bill, not an individual owner.

Duke / sorry, I had to vent!

93 Krawler
09-03-2011, 10:03 AM
You know I love all you guys, but what's the big stink about $5 or $10 for adult passengers? Is it the fact that passengers are just riding along and are having no fun at all or what? How many of you that have a business give stuff away for NOTHING? That's like taking a date to a movie and saying, she's not going to watch, so she should get in free!
Sorry if this is upsetting so many of you. I really appreciate all your business and enjoy seeing you, but keeping these places going isn't cheap. Sure Harlan's inexpensive! Why? Because the local governments foot the bill, not an individual owner.

Duke / sorry, I had to vent!

I get what your saying, but I look at it more like a toll road. You get charged for driving on the road, not by how many people are in the car. So are passengers under 18 free? That's not so bad. Most adult passengers will pay for themselves anyway, so not a huge impact on the drivers.
Keep up the good work Duke. :thumbup:

09-03-2011, 10:33 AM
I'm just tickled that b/r is half hour from me. Well worth me covering my passengers for that small price to pay. Ten bucks dosent go far elsewere... but for hours of fun its a deal imo.

Ill be there monday on a rhino..anyone else goin on Monday?

Sent from my LS670 using Tapatalk

09-03-2011, 11:32 PM
I get what your saying, but I look at it more like a toll road. You get charged for driving on the road, not by how many people are in the car. So are passengers under 18 free? That's not so bad. Most adult passengers will pay for themselves anyway, so not a huge impact on the drivers.
Keep up the good work Duke. :thumbup:

Ditto. granted, i will still happlily pay the $10 as not much else you can do for that much any more. Pay $10 for a move and be entertained for 2 hours. but 10 dollars is all day entertainment when wheeling.

Had a blast today. busted the weld on my rear end playing on the tires kinda early on so had to take it easy for the most part but overall had a good time. will definitely be coming back, hopefully when it is not so hot and dry out.

09-05-2011, 09:04 PM
So, I got a late start on Saturday morning, didn't get to BR till close to 10:30am. My brother rode shotgun and we hit a few trails near the outlook, and ran the lower creekbed thinking we would run into you guys.

Coming out of the creekbed I ended up catching a pointy rock that poked a rather large hole in one of my rear tires. So, gotta grab a tire this week. I think I found you guys later in the day....heres the stuff I shot
http://i199.photobucket.com/albums/aa296/XXJ_photo/BR9311/th_MVI_5884.jpg (http://s199.photobucket.com/albums/aa296/XXJ_photo/BR9311/?action=view&current=MVI_5884.mp4)
http://i199.photobucket.com/albums/aa296/XXJ_photo/BR9311/th_MVI_5888.jpg (http://s199.photobucket.com/albums/aa296/XXJ_photo/BR9311/?action=view&current=MVI_5888.mp4)
http://i199.photobucket.com/albums/aa296/XXJ_photo/BR9311/th_MVI_5889.jpg (http://s199.photobucket.com/albums/aa296/XXJ_photo/BR9311/?action=view&current=MVI_5889.mp4)

09-05-2011, 11:37 PM
yeah, i was not sure if that was you in the JK or not. but that was the group i was with playin on the tires for a while.

We spent most of the morning looking for the waterfall, then half the afternoon waiting on the last two rigs to show up before we really got to hit many trails. It was only be and the Blazer on tons till about 1, then the YJ and Yota showed up for the afternoon trails.

09-05-2011, 11:38 PM
The Rides.
My 1995 Jeep grand Cherokee

Adam S-10 blazer on Full WIdths from a 76 F250

Pickles 93 YJ on 35's

and COdy's 2002 Taco.


Hi-centered on the tires.


09-05-2011, 11:39 PM
adam is fully locked on new 37's. could pick any way he wanted through the tire garden with ease.


09-05-2011, 11:39 PM
What happens when you do a 40 MPH blast through a rough field.

ended the day playing on the tires some more as well. I would have tried some harder lines, but i busted the spider gears in the rear of the jeep so i only had fwd for the most part.


ended up needing a tug as his shackle was hanging up on one of the tires.

and the Yota High centered

tried a new line, to only make it worse
Took a winch and two jeeps hooked together to get him off this time

YJ on the widow maker. nearly made it till he hit a tree near the top

09-06-2011, 07:59 AM
Great pics thanks for sharing. The tires look like fun..