View Full Version : I have a storm cloud stuck above me !!

08-21-2011, 09:29 PM
Well as some of you know, or witnessed, after the benefit a few of us went to the creek to get out of the sun and have some fun in the rigs. Well about an hour into it my little hot rod blew up :eek: and I got a trip home on the strap of shame.

I made a few phone calls and got a complete 4.0 out of a 95 XJ that was pulled a few years ago and been sitting in a shop out of the weather. got the motor to the house on Wens. and had it in and ready to fire Friday evening, but my battery was dead so I put the charger on it and called it a night.

I got up Saturday morning and came out to fire the new motor ......... drummmmmm roll please ..... yep you guessed it .... knocka-knocka knocka ......

I slammed the hood pushed it into the street and almost called a wrecker for a trip to the crusher . I now is a nice flower pot sitting next to house and I really just wnat to sell it ..... 3 motors in 3 months is just no cool.

Just wait my bad luck isn't over ......

About an hour after the Jeep issue , I calmed down decided a little wheeling would make me feel better , so i call my son and tell him to bring me the Jimmy . 20 minutes later I get one of those phone calls that everyone hates..... Um dad .... the Jimmy is broke down I'm sitting in the middle of the road come quick !!!!! Had to have it towed to the house due to a front end locked up.

Pulled the diff and completely gutted the 60 , the outer pinion bearing was completly siezed , Had to use a sledge hammer to get the pinion out :eek:

I got all new bearings and races installed and then figured since it was already on jack stands it would be a good time to remove the axle and rebuild the spring packs .

So hopefully the cloud of bad luck will move on and I can get it back together tomorrow and have at least one rig .

94Dodge Truggy
08-21-2011, 09:57 PM
Straight 6's are tough but hate alot of rpm's for extended time. Your luck is bound to turn around! Have you found a good 4.0 yet?

08-21-2011, 10:51 PM
nope , not even looking, I hate that Jeep right now :evilgrin:

08-22-2011, 12:41 AM
...and rebuild the spring packs...

That sux Sarge, 4th time's a charm... They say that, right?

Making (or re-making) room for the 37's is probably a good idea...
Don't forget, the bend points down this time... :thinking:

I should be by Monday evening... err, tonight... whatever...

08-22-2011, 07:56 AM
The upside of rain is that you can always go mudding.

Besides, the sun doesn't always shine up the same dog's rear end and the same can be said about clouds. Sack up and drive through it. (Assuming you can keep at least one of your rigs together.)

08-22-2011, 08:12 AM
That sucks....Let's try to chase the clouds away



Ok fine...girls, no CareBears. Noted.. But the sunshine stays

94Dodge Truggy
08-22-2011, 08:22 AM
That sucks....Let's try to chase the clouds away



It's too early for that, isn't it... ;)

is that a care bear? It is kind of bright! This will brighten his day!

08-22-2011, 09:32 AM
I like scotts version of a happy day much , much better.... :beers:

Day will be good as long as My Pinion threads can be chased :rolleyes:

93 Krawler
08-22-2011, 12:52 PM
Man that sucks!!! The creek was fun till your Jeep went kaput. We'll have to try it again sometime when we're not pressed to get home. That was a loooong day for most of us. Best of luck with the Jeep. It really needs a SB350. :thumbup:

08-22-2011, 12:54 PM
Wheel that 4.0 with the knock.
They all do it at some point or another.
My xj knocked for four years until I did the motor swap about two weeks ago.
I know several 4.0s that have a nice knock to em. Its just a noisy motor I guess, because they always have the same amount of power.
Thats just my opinion though.
Hope things start lookin up for ya.

08-22-2011, 01:03 PM
Wheel that 4.0 with the knock.
They all do it at some point or another.
My xj knocked for four years until I did the motor swap about two weeks ago.
I know several 4.0s that have a nice knock to em. Its just a noisy motor I guess, because they always have the same amount of power.
Thats just my opinion though.
Hope things start lookin up for ya.

If it was a slight knock I'd run it , but this one is no small knock it's more like hammer , hammer ...... :eek:

94Dodge Truggy
08-22-2011, 01:16 PM
Oh my the care bear is gone! :sweatin: Nice pic! No complaints! :thumbup:

08-22-2011, 06:25 PM
Why not pull the motor a part and throw some bearings rings and a valve job at it.

08-22-2011, 06:45 PM
Ok fine...girls, no CareBears. Noted.. But the sunshine stays

Oh my the care bear is gone! :sweatin: Nice pic! No complaints! :thumbup:

The Care Bears are BACK!!!:thumbup:

08-23-2011, 09:48 AM
Why not pull the motor a part and throw some bearings rings and a valve job at it.

Thats prolly gonna be the plan , but for now I don't want to even look at it . The Jimmy has my full attention , Got the 60 rebuilt and re-installed gonna mount the 37's as soon as I get off work