View Full Version : Minute to win it...

09-03-2011, 10:03 PM
When the wife informed me a few weeks ago that we are having a minuite to win it party labor day weekend,I had no idea the magnitude of what it involved...

48 people rvsp'd sooooo..... guess where we havin it at... yup. My shop. Was able to steal a 30x30 area. Trust me u do not want to look behind the tarp.
The Time I'm gonna spend rreorganizing, coupled w the time I spent cleaning this week...lets just say I coulda got a lot done on the buggy. On the plus side, my shops cleanest its been in a long time..

Enuff bout that. Anyone else on here like that show?http://tapatalk.com/mu/6b308448-dc70-4aca.jpg
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09-03-2011, 10:55 PM
No clue (I'm a Top Gear girl)...but shop looks nice...I want to see behind the tarp now though ;)

09-04-2011, 07:58 AM
silly girl thats a diffrent show!!

09-06-2011, 10:42 PM
Wow, enjoy the nice clean shop... then pull the tarp down and witness the carnage that undoubtedly resulted from... "ehhh, I'll just pile it up and sort it out later..."

I believe I see the outline of two tires... If I squint, I might even see a hint of the cage, with the front of the buggy to the right of the pic?? So how'd everything turn out? Did you win it in a minute?

09-06-2011, 11:18 PM
Wow. Good eyes... well I was postin up and was gonna add pics of people playin and stuff. Thought it make a cool thread pic...
But I stayed so busy I dident have time to take a single pic!. Had 63 people come( word spreads apparantly) and had some pop up canopys to sit under out the door. Good -cause it rained.

I grilled all the steaks and burgers and then I was the host/ mc of the games. A lot of people took pics and vids but I dident git a single one.
But I'm in garage right now reclaiming my man cave. And finding ping pong balls everywhere. I mail ordered 400 for the party but afterwards we made ether- powered cannons and shot each other till 4 am.
Party was lots o fun. Wish I had pics to share

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