View Full Version : RC Crawler guys..

10-15-2011, 10:22 AM
Bought my son a Axial AX10 RTR ..fun as hell little rig. I'm looking at what small improvements can/should we make before we start flogging this thing.

Tires .. lower the COG .. hard parts..?

10-15-2011, 11:09 AM
Fun little rigs. I built a nice little rock garden the back yard for mine. Buy the 4 link brackets that mount to the top of the diffs and get rid of the makeshift trianleation they have. This will help get rid of the torque twist of the body. Also the driveshafts don't last long so get some traxxis driveshafts on the cheap. I also got rid of the stock springs and got softer springs and a new aluminum belly pan.

Tons of fun.

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10-15-2011, 12:43 PM
Register on RCCrawler.com and read through the Axial AX-10 Thread. There is a begginers Guide and lots of free/cheap upgrades that will help you out.

10-15-2011, 01:47 PM
Register on RCCrawler.com and read through the Axial AX-10 Thread. There is a begginers Guide and lots of free/cheap upgrades that will help you out.

Will do..

I did a little E-tradin on Pirate this morn and got a second used AX10..has sticky tires and aluminium links and steering gear.

Thanks, Jeff

10-15-2011, 04:00 PM
Fun little rigs. I built a nice little rock garden the back yard for mine.

Let see some pics of the rock garden.

10-15-2011, 04:02 PM
I'll post up after I get back from wheeling tomorrow.

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10-16-2011, 07:37 AM
Buy a spare parts kit. I had one a few months ago and ended up breaking rod ends and the little "Y" link. I replaced it with an aluminum one. Get a Rooster Crawler from Novak. They sell a kit that comes with the Rooster Crawler and a 55T motor that is a great combo.

Go to a local tire shop and see if you can get some old stick on weights. Most shops will give them away for free and they make great weights for the tires, just stick them between the foams and the wheels. You'll also want to get a new set of tires. White dot Rovers are a great choice and you'll definitely see a difference.

The sky is really the limit on these things, but be careful because you can end up spending enough money on the AX10 to afford an XR10 and those are night and day in regards to performance.

10-16-2011, 08:34 AM
just turn them into scalers. I have 2 scale crawlers.

10-16-2011, 08:53 AM
Buy a spare parts kit. I had one a few months ago and ended up breaking rod ends and the little "Y" link. I replaced it with an aluminum one. Get a Rooster Crawler from Novak. They sell a kit that comes with the Rooster Crawler and a 55T motor that is a great combo.

Go to a local tire shop and see if you can get some old stick on weights. Most shops will give them away for free and they make great weights for the tires, just stick them between the foams and the wheels. You'll also want to get a new set of tires. White dot Rovers are a great choice and you'll definitely see a difference.

The sky is really the limit on these things, but be careful because you can end up spending enough money on the AX10 to afford an XR10 and those are night and day in regards to performance.

The used rig I got has white Rovers on it along with a couple bodies and various sets of soft springs .. it's also a RTC so I think it has a more "crawl" oriented motor and controller?

10-16-2011, 11:03 AM
Move the battery to the front axle. Huge difference in stability.

My son has one and it has started acting up. It's very "jerky" and sometimes wont move unless you adjust the gain on top of the controller all the way to forward or reverse. The steering is also really weak. I was told the servo might be going bad. Any ideas? I'd like to fix it for him.

10-16-2011, 03:56 PM
IMO stay away from the Novak stuff. The drag brake is garbage. I prefer Tekin. A Tekin FXR speedo and the motor of your choice. I would also recommend a 35t or 45t motor.

Again, your best bet is to read up on the AX-10 on RCCrawler and see what everyone else is running. Why spend the $$$ on something not needed?

As far as breaking rod ends, replace the Axial ones with Traxxas Rustler rod ends. Traxxas part # 1942. Much stronger and direct replacement part. :beers:

10-17-2011, 09:40 PM
Let see some pics of the rock garden.

Here are a few that I have on my FB page.


An old video.

Not the best pics but I don't think I have anymore easily linkable.

10-22-2011, 01:29 PM
Well first trip out and I killed the the steering servo..or put a hurt'n on it.

Lost about 50% of it's stroke and broke one ear off it's housing...whats the upgrade?

10-22-2011, 05:18 PM
Well first trip out and I killed the the steering servo..or put a hurt'n on it.

Lost about 50% of it's stroke and broke one ear off it's housing...whats the upgrade?

Was this axial servo? You will want to upgrade to one with steel gears.

Sent from Sputnik. Please send more Tang.

10-22-2011, 07:19 PM
Well first trip out and I killed the the steering servo..or put a hurt'n on it.

Lost about 50% of it's stroke and broke one ear off it's housing...whats the upgrade?

Hitec 7955-TG. Titanium gears, 333oz. of torque. Plenty for your situation.:beers:

10-23-2011, 01:07 PM
Yep , factory Axial unit.

12-26-2011, 12:50 PM
BTT for some more discussion..

I'm now knee deep into these things..I'm looking for a new motor to replace the crappy and too fast 27T in my first crawler.

Any recommendations for a affordable upgrade .. just a better motor or go with a motor/sc combo?

I passed this crawler onto my 8 year old and it's just way to much wheelspeed for his "Tim Cameron" driving style...

Anybody have a 45T motor for sale?

12-26-2011, 05:28 PM
I have sevral 45T's and would gladly give you one if you want it. I recommened cheap Integy 45T's. They are like $18 a piece. When the brushes wear out, pitch it and buy a new one! :beers:

The Eye
12-26-2011, 07:08 PM
I have sevral 45T's and would gladly give you one if you want it. I recommened cheap Integy 45T's. They are like $18 a piece. When the brushes wear out, pitch it and buy a new one! :beers:

I too have several and I agree with the rest .... :thumbup:

12-26-2011, 08:55 PM
Does anyone who has seen the tires at Big Rock think some kind of an RC event would work some how?

12-27-2011, 07:54 PM
Does anyone who has seen the tires at Big Rock think some kind of an RC event would work some how?

I think the hardcore Comp guys would compete anywhere there's a winner and loser.... as a play RC crawler guy I want natural or atleast natural looking rock to have fun on.

12-28-2011, 02:43 PM
My little brother just got one of these. Gonna have to see how his holds up and might buy one for myself.

12-28-2011, 05:36 PM
Does anyone who has seen the tires at Big Rock think some kind of an RC event would work some how?

i think an rc event would be a great addition to big rock. on the tires or some place back in the woods would be great. next time i come down i plan on bringing mine along to drive around while im taking a break between wheeling. heres a picture of the one i built this year


12-28-2011, 05:52 PM
I think you would be better off doing a Scale Comp/Even rather than a 2.2 style Comp. A scale trail run would be cool. Just my $0.02 :beers:

01-02-2012, 09:26 PM
need to get my scaler rolling.....all i need is a pinion.

on the backyard course...

01-23-2012, 07:33 PM
i got one of the first release batch axial's and its been holding up great for almost 4 years.

its on a scale frame chassis now, bb's for weights in the tires, cut springs, and relocated frame end link mounts. 55t lathe motor. hitec servo
battery over the front servo now helps alot.

these things are so much fun. im in for a comp out at big rock:)

here is a little video i shot while i was in the middle of demo'ing our back stairs


01-28-2012, 12:25 PM
Looking for the best bang for the buck shotgun style 7.2 non-lipo batteries out there.

I'm just a backyard basher looking for the longest run time and lipo isn't an option as the charging duties are mostly done by my sons.. and what Ive heard is lipo's are hazardous if not properly handled.

01-28-2012, 01:45 PM
Speaking of needing things anybody have a spare speed control sitting around?

01-28-2012, 03:36 PM
Looking for the best bang for the buck shotgun style 7.2 non-lipo batteries out there.

I'm just a backyard basher looking for the longest run time and lipo isn't an option as the charging duties are mostly done by my sons.. and what Ive heard is lipo's are hazardous if not properly handled.

You are correct on Lipo Safety. They have come a long way but you do not want to charge them unattended. That being said, you should not be scared of them either. As far as a good stick pack with decent run time, Wolf packs are good for the money. Run time = Mah of power. The higher Mah, the longer the run time. This also comes with a little longer charge time. Stop by Hamilton Hobbies and talk to John. He can take care of your battery needs.

Speaking of needing things anybody have a spare speed control sitting around?

How much you looking to spend. I have one I am not using. :beers:

01-28-2012, 06:04 PM
Pm me what you have and a price:thumbup:

01-28-2012, 07:46 PM
Pm me what you have and a price:thumbup:

Sent you a text...:beers: