View Full Version : selling land...?

10-16-2011, 06:43 PM
anyone know whats involved in selling / subdividing land?

i have 15 acres and kickin the idea of selling( trying) about an acre. its up by the road, and on a corner of our land so it wouldent be too bad i guess.
i know id have to have it surveyed, and i guess a seperate title/deed...?.. thats the extent of my knowledge....
i know its not the best time to be sellin land, and im sure what it will bring is a lot less than what it may be worth. it does lay nice,kinda rolling hill topography ect...

i also dont know what id be taxed on if i sold it...cause weve owned all 15 acres for five years, and obviously price would be for considerable more than 1/15th what we paid for entire package...so idk how that works...6% sales tax, penaltys?

land is 100% paid off free and clear so maybe that might make transaction less hassle..

obviously im not thrilled about sellin it but wasent thrilled about puttin buggy up either but life happens, right?

anyone ever done this and have words of advice?

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10-16-2011, 08:06 PM
I would say start by contacting the northern KY area planning commission. I'm sure they could tell you where to start.

10-16-2011, 10:23 PM
Sorry to hear that.I know when my grandpa split up 5 acres to 4 acres for him and an 1 acre with the house he bought next door he had to have it surveyed and then sPlit up some how in court I know it wasn't cheap to get q surveyor and everything but it was worth it to him for the 4 extra acres to have.this is in hanover twp., butler cty, ohio

10-17-2011, 09:06 AM
I've got a lawyer cousin that has always done this type of work for us but my understanding of the process: Survey will be required. It being paid does simplify it some. Since it will be broken off of the current deed you will have to have some one write up the new deed.

10-17-2011, 08:24 PM
I hope you find someone cheaper than we did here in Berea. I had our property surveyed about a year after we bought it as all the bank does is survey it on paper and I wanted to know exactly where our lines where. We paid about $850 to survey and stake off our 1.5 acres.

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10-18-2011, 12:01 AM
And where is this land located at? I may be interested in an acre to build on

11-09-2011, 07:22 AM