View Full Version : history of cincyoffroad....

11-10-2011, 09:48 PM
so whats the story on u guys. i see core prez strongarm joined in 08, chatty girl in 07....ect....but i joined in 08 and seemed like well established at that point.....

was there a club before the site or how did this come to be?

maybe someone needs to make a brady bunch history song intro?

fill us in....

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11-10-2011, 10:03 PM
Good question, I have seen some core wheeling videos that were nicely made from back in the day maybe from the 90's? Whats the story.

11-10-2011, 10:22 PM
so whats the story on u guys. i see core prez strongarm joined in 08, chatty girl in 07....ect....but i joined in 08 and seemed like well established at that point.....

was there a club before the site or how did this come to be?

maybe someone needs to make a brady bunch history song intro?

fill us in....

Sent from my LS670 using Tapatalk

R u drunk again?? Lol

11-10-2011, 10:57 PM
Yes, what the hell is the story? someone fill us in!

11-11-2011, 03:01 AM
Guess they want to keep it to themselves and did not to do a..

So here a story...Of a man named .... :D!!!

11-11-2011, 07:33 AM
Yes, what the hell is the story? someone fill us in!

Watch your mouth mister!!

11-11-2011, 08:46 AM
CORE has been around for awhile. Two local guys decided to start a off road club to meet some new people interested in the sport. In 2002, they filed paperwork and formed Cincinnati Off Road Enthusiasts. I know there were some nice vids done in the early years. Believe there was a CORE DVD that covered 2002 and 2003 runs (of which I can't find my copy).

Alot happened in the 5 years before I joined in 2007, some of which if anyone wants to expand on they can. I've been Secretary since 2008, when there were 15 paid members and 50 forum members. Now in 2011, we now have 42 paid members and I activate at least 5 new forum members a week.

What else ya want to know?

Bear Chow
11-11-2011, 09:01 AM
It all started when two fags met in a bar and offered to buy everyone a few rounds.

-- Ok, that may not be entirely fare, but bizarrely mostly true. And I still watch my 2002 video a couple times a year. It's the closest thing I get to wheeling anymore. My 2003 video is MIA and I'm pretty certain partial video was made in 2004 but never finished.

11-11-2011, 09:07 AM
Thanks tjjeepjeep. :thumbup:

94Dodge Truggy
11-11-2011, 10:31 AM
The server crash made the registry of members more current than what it really is. I have been a member for what seems like an eternity. :o

I believe the founders of the club were a few local yahoos lookin for oil and needed a rig to take them into uncharted territory to prospect. They set off to build swamp buggies in order to cover terrain and pack supplies in. I may have a picture or 2 of the founders from way back. I will look for them! :thumbup:

11-11-2011, 10:40 AM
The server crash made the registry of members more current than what it really is. I have been a member for what seems like an eternity. :o

and you have the post count to prove it ;)

94Dodge Truggy
11-11-2011, 10:41 AM
Some of the first old club pics. Must have been when cameras were finally being made!

94Dodge Truggy
11-11-2011, 10:44 AM
looks like the 80's when the club was going downhill.

94Dodge Truggy
11-11-2011, 10:50 AM
And here are the current day pics! Alot has changed since the old CORE days. That was fun going back into the old COR archives!

Bear Chow
11-11-2011, 10:56 AM
I don't recall all the charter members:

Jeff Smith, Geoff Patterson, Mike Carwash, Paul Kelemen, Tony lastnamecan'trecall. The original charter is out there somewhere, we had to recruit to get enough signatures to apply for the registration.

Those pictures above where way after our charter, the biggest tires we ran where 39.5 and they where huge. I've got some old pics somewhere I'll have to dig up.

11-11-2011, 11:07 AM
Yea that would have been Tony Vilardo. I met the founding members once. I remember one had ascertain catch phrase went something like I'm not gay you......... crap can't remember the rest.

Bear Chow
11-11-2011, 11:08 AM
Sorry about that, I just slipped my mind.

94Dodge Truggy
11-11-2011, 11:19 AM
4 score and many years ago I say! :beers: :beers: :beers:

11-11-2011, 11:21 AM
No problem. You forgot all about Wayne. He had a CJ 5 on 33s that went everywhere and never lifted or spun a tire.

Bear Chow
11-11-2011, 11:25 AM
No I didn't think he was a charter member, I'll never forget Wayne. Crackling over the radio. "What's Wayne doing climbing pink rock bypass, did he forget he was towing a trailer?"

Twenty minutes later, "You made that look easy." "Yeah, I completely forgot I was towing a trailer." lol.

That and d d d d dmmmmm the hat, can't ever forget the hat.

11-11-2011, 11:39 AM
I think at one everyone wore a Wayne hat. So what does everyone want to know about besides Wayne hats?

93 Krawler
11-11-2011, 12:29 PM
The server crash made the registry of members more current than what it really is.

We got backups now. No more losin data. :thumbup: I joined waaaay back in 2010... :rolleyes:

11-11-2011, 01:03 PM
Was ther ever a guy on here from cincy that use to go livingston ky that had a yellow rail buggy and I think his name was Laney or Lonnie or somthing like that. Years ago when I had a rail buggy I use to always see him at livingston. I think he would go out of town for work and take his buggy with him and ride at livingston on his down time. I dont remember what kind of work he did but I guess it was close to livingston. This would of been around 1998-2003.. seems like i remember him getting waist deep in a mudhole and pouring gas in there with him and lighting it and callin it a redneck hottub.. lol

Bear Chow
11-11-2011, 01:22 PM
In the early days we had a couple regular rails that would show up one guys name was Paul, that was an easy one for me to remember. The other one made an appearance on the 2002 video. Maybe I'll watch it tonight and read the credits at the end.

94Dodge Truggy
11-11-2011, 01:55 PM
Was ther ever a guy on here from cincy that use to go livingston ky that had a yellow rail buggy and I think his name was Laney or Lonnie or somthing like that. Years ago when I had a rail buggy I use to always see him at livingston. I think he would go out of town for work and take his buggy with him and ride at livingston on his down time. I dont remember what kind of work he did but I guess it was close to livingston. This would of been around 1998-2003.. seems like i remember him getting waist deep in a mudhole and pouring gas in there with him and lighting it and callin it a redneck hottub.. lol

I believe this fella wheeled with carwash and an orange rail. May be pics on the gallery of the questioned rail as well.

11-11-2011, 02:05 PM
Al was the other rail guy. Carwash had a yellow rail and then maybe Steve bought it I think and I believe brad had it at one time also. There is a picture of Carwash and me swimming in a mud hole at Livingston. I miss that place

Bear Chow
11-11-2011, 02:09 PM
Recalling all these memories makes me want to do something stupid like an SAS, full cage and new meats. If my bonus this year is what I expect it to be I may just write a big check come January.

94Dodge Truggy
11-11-2011, 03:02 PM
Recalling all these memories makes me want to do something stupid like an SAS, full cage and new meats. If my bonus this year is what I expect it to be I may just write a big check come January.

DO IT! :thumbup:

94Dodge Truggy
11-11-2011, 03:03 PM
Al was the other rail guy. Carwash had a yellow rail and then maybe Steve bought it I think and I believe brad had it at one time also. There is a picture of Carwash and me swimming in a mud hole at Livingston. I miss that place

Is that the buggy that ran him (BRAD) over twice? :D

11-11-2011, 03:17 PM
Mike Carwash, Geoff Pattison, Jeff Smith, Steve Waters, Wayne Henderson, Katie???, Tony Vilardo. Some others I can't remember their names.

Executive Members:

Mike Carwash President
Jeff Smith Vice-President
Geoff Pattison Treasurer
Katie???? Secretary

Board Members:
Wayne Henderson
Steve Waters
And someone else

C.O.R.E. was founded to bring together a diverse group of people with the same passion for off-roading in a safe manner, while maintaining a family atmosphere and enjoying each other’s company.
Key duties for Non-profit organization:
• Organizing Off-Road activities
• Organizing fund raisers to give back to the community in a unique way
• Holding monthly meetings

11-11-2011, 04:57 PM
Clark was Katie's last name...

11-11-2011, 05:30 PM
I have fond memories of the first time I met the fledgling offroad club CORE..

One of the original members left me and a buddy busted and dangerously hung-up on the starsteps at Livingston... he wanted me to pay him $20 to strap my rig straight so I could back off the ledge... douchebag move.

Some local in a built-ass Ranger saved my ass that day...for free no-less!

I spent the next month bashing CORE till I found the original site.. turns out there where some good guys in that group, I just didn't meet them right away.

I remember Carwash and JeffS ..I think... beating the livin crap out of Jeeps at the top of Gasstation Hill ...absolute riot.


11-11-2011, 06:35 PM
Wow those were great days. I really miss Livingston. Just now getting back into Wheelin. Tom McNees is close to getting his rig up and capable.

I have been looking for a place like Livingston to wheel at. And have not found one. I dislike Haspin, although I was there 3 weeks ago. I long to be back in the day where I can go out on a weekend and be challenged, and have a great time with friends.

11-11-2011, 08:46 PM
Wow those were great days. I really miss Livingston. Just now getting back into Wheelin. Tom McNees is close to getting his rig up and capable.

I have been looking for a place like Livingston to wheel at. And have not found one. I dislike Haspin, although I was there 3 weeks ago. I long to be back in the day where I can go out on a weekend and be challenged, and have a great time with friends.

Agree. How could we forget everyone's favorite.......................... Chris Applegate

11-12-2011, 03:47 AM
hey here is an idea - put up a post of the History to a link of the Group from all this info on the main page.. make it offical!:D

94Dodge Truggy
11-13-2011, 10:16 AM
There are many places within 5 hours from here that will challenge any rig. West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and Indiana. CORE goes on 4 runs where rock crawling is extreme.

As long as I have been a part of CORE all I have ever witnessed are good people helping when they can. The last few years this club has really grown and the people are great folks!

11-13-2011, 10:31 AM
It makes me want to go through my pictures of Livingston, that place WAS the best.:(

11-13-2011, 11:53 AM
It makes me want to go through my pictures of Livingston, that place WAS the best.:(

I agree. Gotta love the how the Feds finally closed it down using loop holes. You can't even get a vehicle back to the stair steps and pink rock is gone as well.

Sent from Sputnik. Please send more Tang.

11-13-2011, 08:15 PM
yea i miss Livingston too... I have some pictures posted on here from when i used to wheeling there back in the mid to late 90s... For 4 or 5 years back then we used to go to Livingston at least 1 a month( 1.39 gas)...

These are probavly from 98...

11-14-2011, 01:20 AM
I agree. Gotta love the how the Feds finally closed it down using loop holes. You can't even get a vehicle back to the stair steps and pink rock is gone as well.

Sent from Sputnik. Please send more Tang.

The feds didn't close anything. Can't "close" a place that was never officially "open" to any kind of offroad activity. 909 is a state/county road. It goes from rt 25 all the way to rt 80. At one time it was a maintained travelled road, evident by such things like the full size schoolbus stranded way back there, etc.

The only place you are "legally" allowed to drive down there, both currently and in the past is on the main road, as it is a county road. Everything off the main road is privately owned land, and therefore you are trespassing. No different than if someone decided to take their jeep and tear up your back yard at your house.

The landowners just looked the other way for years, because it really didn't affect them too much. Until... these landowners decided to let some logging companies come in and do some logging. This was all fine and dandy until all of the million dollar logging equipment started to get vandalized and destroyed. At that point the land owners had no choice but to get the authorities involved.

As more and more land was given up to logging, it became necessary to smoothe the areas out even more, such as pink rock now being a "paved" road.

It's sad to pull in there now and see it the way it is. I miss those trails. They were our stomping grounds for years. Big Wally, Falcon's Ridge, the Playground, Ghost Hill, the Notches, the Coal Chutes, etc. It was Livingston that made me fall deep in love with wheeling.

11-14-2011, 08:27 AM
Logging causes us to lose a lot of trails also. One of the problems we have is that we run legal township roads that are unmaintained and therefore pretty rough, but then the loggers come in with a bulldozer and gravel trucks and now it 's a two lane road you could run in a Civic.

I also find it ironic that people have a fit about the offroad guys tearing up the woods with a two track road that you can't even see in an aerial photo, but it's okay for the loggers to come in and make a 50 square acre area look like the center of a napalm strike. They never do this anywhere close to a paved or gravel road where the general public could see it......they always do nice select cut timbering and clean up after themselves in these areas, but travel back on a rough trail and we come across these barren landscapes with piles of stumps all over the place. I understand the loggers are just doing their job, so this is more geared to the anti-fourwheeling people.

11-14-2011, 11:27 AM
A few weeks ago I had to go to South Carolina for work and on the way down 75 I just couldn't resist stopping at the 49er and then going up the main trail ......


This was were we used to camp along the main trail on the left just past pink rock ( which is completly gone now ) .

I miss the big trips down there , been a few times over the last few years , we have been wheeling at a place that connects to 909 called Sand Springs , but it is just not the same....

11-14-2011, 03:14 PM
There was some very big private money involved with the closure and reclamation of Livingston. I met one of the major financers and she was definitely anti everything except for minnows and crawfish.

11-14-2011, 03:40 PM
Is Red River Gorge still available to wheel where we all did before?

94Dodge Truggy
11-14-2011, 03:56 PM
Is Red River Gorge still available to wheel where we all did before?

Not all of it but still alot to play with. Booth's property is by invite only. I will be headed down there the sunday after thanksgiving to wheel if you are interested.

11-14-2011, 08:45 PM
Is Red River Gorge still available to wheel where we all did before?

I was down there with a group two weekends ago, and happened to pass kentuckytwostep. There is a little discussion and a few pics on this thread.


11-18-2011, 08:41 PM
Here are a few picture of Livingston from back in the day