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View Full Version : 80 cj7 tub swap (first one)

11-16-2011, 09:20 PM
Picked up a 1980 cj7 with the 4cyc in it. Frame is in amazing shape and was fully re done by a local shop. How ever my buddy ran out of cash n brought it home with out doing the tube so now I bought it off him for what he owed the shop for redoing the entire frame. Well I wanna know how hard its gonna be for me to swap the tube for a tub I got off craigslist that's rust free. Iv never done a tub swap n this is my first jeep. I can weld and I got plenty of tools. So how hard will it be and how long will. It take and what all will I need?

Thanks jesse

Bear Chow
11-17-2011, 07:48 AM
Replacing a tub, is not too difficult but could be a long process. Prepare yourself for all the accessorie items that you are going to replace. Like fuel tank straps, body mounts, exhaust hangers. Practically every bolt and nut and grommet. You also have a high risk of tweeking or cracking brake and fuel lines.

Set yourself up where you can lift the body off with a hoist or come-a-long this will back the extraction much easier. I wouldn't even start unless you've got a good tap set. And know that once you start tearing into it you'll see other problems and be driven to correct or modify them. Especially in the wiring department.

As far as how long it would take will depend on your motivation, being the first one I would not expect you will finish in a long weekend. I'm not discouraging you, I'm just a realist. I've seen too many project sitting because some one has gotten things apart but never put them back together.

Good luck.

11-17-2011, 10:18 AM
I aggree with Paul.

Tub swaps are a lot of fun and you will learn a TON. I have done about 5 myself. Wiring is a key issue here. I usally wire them from scatch so everything is new and there are NO IGGY's lurking.

Apart from just about every bolt breaking, stripping or having to be cut off with a torch, it is relatively straight forward. Buy lots of NEW bolts and nuts from the hardware store befroe beginning and also order all new items from 4wd before reassembly.

11-17-2011, 08:07 PM
Good luck . what 4cyl do you have with it ? There is plenty of help and info around here so you should have no problem.


11-17-2011, 09:30 PM
It has the iron duke in it... thanks fellas. I have set up pullyes in my garage to just lift the boddy off. Should be easy considering they took it off to do the frame... so what all needs take out or off b4 I try to pull the tub??... I am just staring at this thinkingoh man that's a lot of crap!...

11-17-2011, 09:34 PM
Soo what's the harddest thing to do when it comes to the swap? And what's the worst thing that could happen? What are the major problems people have ran in to?...I think the more I know the more I can prepare for the easier n quicker it will go.

Bear Chow
11-18-2011, 07:01 AM
I've only done yj tubs, but the CJ should be the same. You ask what has to come off, darn near everything. fenders, brake lines to master cyl, steering column, lot's of wires need to be disconnected and labeled. Don't plan on remembering them just get a roll of tape and sharpie.

The worst thing is burning down your garage, Fuel lines and grinding wheels don't mix. Brake fluid is also quite flammable. Be carefull pulling wires through the tub if you skin one of them you might spend the next 12 months trying to figure out why you blinkers won't turn off.

Second worst thing that could happen is dissappointment or being overwhelmed. It's just a big jig saw puzzle unbolt and lift parts off don't pry anything if it's not separating look for that hidden bolt.

Good luck.

11-18-2011, 07:25 PM
I'm already over whelmed. I'm starting to think I should just sell and try to find another jeep. Just seems like a lot of work and lot of things can go wrong and just isn't seeming worth it. Seems like I'm better off just sellin her. Id hate to do that though. I wanna go for it. But I'm worried ill stripp her down and not be able to get her back together :(

11-18-2011, 07:57 PM
So wata guys think? Am I in over my head? Or should I just go for? I have a grinder and a tap kit..no torch though. So I'm just 50 50 on it...part of me thinks I can do it and the other part of me is telling me not to mess with it...

So let me as you guys...is a tub swap really worth it?

11-18-2011, 08:49 PM
I put a glass body on my CJ in 1990 then a new frame under it in 2000. I did both myself except for my little helper, she was 4 at the time.

I used an engine lift to move everything and I had mine done in about 3 weeks. Here is the write up I did on the frame swap

11-18-2011, 09:02 PM
Awesome thanks man. Ill diffently check it out!... what kind of troubles did u run into? And I found a fiber glass tub for 250 painted. Nready to go. But I heard they are a real pain cause of grounding everything...

11-19-2011, 12:36 AM
I just did a frame off on an 83 CJ7 with a Fiberglass tub.

Watch the cheap glass tubs, they aren't the trouble. They are thin and flimsy and in most cases aren't reinforced in areas that need to be, like where the seats mount and the steering / brake MC location. You really want to use one that is double lined.

If your going fiberglass use a bus bar for your grounds. It makes it very nice and tight setup, one place for grounds to run to. I put one in the cab section and engine compartment, just run a heavy gauge wire between the two and then one to the frame and your set.

Other than that it is a straight forward swap. I think the one watch out in mounting a glass tub is you need to either move or bridge the mounts for the 3 body mount. They make kits for it.

Also invest in some rocker gaurds they will strengthen your body immensly. Some of the older tubs are prone to cracking near the door opening.

Good Luck!!!

Bear Chow
11-19-2011, 06:31 AM
Don't let yourself get overwhelmed before you even start. Not having a torch is a good thing. When you start using a torch for these kinds of projects you should already be very familiar with what your doing.

Try to keep in mind that everything in life is made easier with preparation. So make preparation part of your process. Get reading material, just a simple hanes book will have everything you need to know about the chassis and componants. You don't need to go out and buy all the hardware yet but set aside some cash and don't fall victim to sticker shock those bolt prices will add up. Know which bolts to use, there is a reason people don't use grade 8 bolts every where and grade 5 are much less expensive.

If you really feel you can't tackle this get a few quotes for one of the sponsored shops on this site. Remember if your going to do it, then do it. Don't believe you're going to easily sell a project vehicle.

There are no special skills needed for this project except patients and organization. It's just a matter of extracting a lot of bolts and then replacing them.

Being aware of your abuilities and the fact that you inquired before beginning indicates to me you are ready to give this one a shot. It's going to be time consuming but the rewards afterwards and the gained knowledge will inspire to do many more difficult projects in the future.

I have no experience with glass tubs, except heresay and what I've heard is cheap tubs are just that cheap with misalign body mounts poor bracing and unfinished edges.

11-19-2011, 08:22 AM
Thanks bearchow. I'm. Pretty confident I can doit. Id. Like to ust run all new wiring when I do it too. No one likes guessing games out on the trails. Also when I take the old tub off I'm gonna rhino line the frame and bottom of new tube once everything is mocked up. I may even had in a few supprt bars to the frame so I don't get frame flex and a set of rockers...I'm really excited about this project. Samurais were getting boring to do after caging n restoring about 5 or 6... appreciate the info guys. I'm gonna go for it!

11-19-2011, 09:46 PM
I didn't get fancy with the grounding, I just used bolts to join the ground wires and have about 3 or 4 on the Jeep. I went to Tractor Supply and bought the hardware by the pound and I did go grade 8. I did used the ss mounting kit from 4wdh the second time I mounted the body.

Take your time and if you run into a problem think about it a day or two. Putting the glass body was no problem compared figuring out the problems I ran into with the Matkins level lll frame. I do like the stiffness of the thicker frame.

11-20-2011, 10:16 AM
there a level 3 on craigslist with a 304 in it its a roller motor n trans is there hewants 400 for it...I'm pretty tempted cause iv read a lot of good things about them frames. Id like to build two jeeps...a daily driver with at n small lift. Then a mud machine fully built. Any ways jeeps stripped and now I just gota lift body off.

11-20-2011, 12:07 PM
That would be a steal for the frame. I rented a magnetic base drill press to drill the big holes in the front of the frame for the winch. All of the stupid problems that you run into with the Matkins frame can be worked out. It just took me a day or two to solve the problems.

I should be off for the winter so I should be around if you need any suggestions just drop me an e mail. you may also want to re weld the shock mounts on it too. I need to make new rear ones for mine now. already made the front years ago.

11-20-2011, 03:38 PM
Thanks man. Ill shoot you a email. If you wanna help out this winter I could throw ya some cash your way. Now my only issue is no heat in my garage plus I'm currently restoring a 57 chevy nomad 2 dr so no room!

11-20-2011, 08:18 PM
Ill take the five seven from you so you have more room.


11-20-2011, 08:26 PM
Haha no thanks shawn...its not even movable. Its all origanal n has ben sitting for 30 years un touched..brakes locked motor n trans locked rear end locked. Plus it was handed down to me by my gpal...he'd dye if I actually took. It some where haha