View Full Version : Need some help with my YJ
08-22-2007, 10:25 AM
I just bought a YJ and it's looking like I need to change the ring gear on my flywheel. If not the whole flywheel. Anyone up to giving me a hand with this? LOL I'm a noob with this stuff so I just need a little guidance and a place to do it. I'll be glad to compensate for your time.
94Dodge Truggy
08-22-2007, 10:40 AM
Auto or clutch? Carwash, TKH fab and a couple of others on the board may be able to help.
08-22-2007, 10:42 AM
It's a manual. Sorry for not specifying that. I'm going to go ahead and replace a few things while I'm in there. Unless I can get someone to rebuild my tranny fairly cheap. I might just do that. If not, there are some things I want to replace to prevent future problems. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
08-22-2007, 11:16 AM
Auto or clutch? Carwash, TKH fab and a couple of others on the board may be able to help.
if it's a "flywheel", then it's a manual. it's called a flex-plate or such in an automatic.
Have you priced a new flywheel altogether with ring and all on it? If you have it out, changing the gear, then you might as well have it turned as well, and replace the clutch if it's questionable as well.
How did you diagnose that it's the flywheel and not the starter gear? Can you look in there and see teeth missing, etc?
All of my shop work now happens between the hours of 10 pm and 6 am, due to working another full time job, and i dont think i have any time to do this for you. wish i could help.
Do make sure that you have diagnosed it correctly before tearing into it and replacing the wrong stuff.
08-22-2007, 11:29 AM
Well, I'm not completely positive that it's the flywheel. I'm assuming. I'm going off the fact that the previous owner put on a new starter and now it's acting up. He says it didn't do this until he put the starter on. This is just what he says so for all I know it could have been doing this before he put the starter on and he put it on thinking that would solve it and it didn't so he sold it. I'm aiming at the worst possible scenario so I'm not let down. lol It's one of 3 things I guess. He either put the starter in and it isn't lined up correctly (i've been told this is possible to do). He got a bad starter. Or the flywheel is missing teeth. The ring gear is about 30 bucks (a new flywheel w/ the ring gear is about 80), a clutch is about 140 and the shop said they'd resurface the flywheel for free since I'd be buying all that other stuff from them. I was also told I should change the slave cylinder while I was in there.
08-22-2007, 12:17 PM
well, i think it's yer starter... take it out, look at the bendix gear, have it tested etc. If it is bad, should have a warranty.
what exactly is it doing?
08-22-2007, 01:05 PM
Well, sometimes it will start and other times the starter acts like it's not grabbing the flywheel. That's why I'm thinking it could very well be the flywheel since it grabs sometimes and not others. But I'm not very knowledgeable about things like this so if you've heard of this happening and it ended up being the starter please let me know. lol Is there a possibility of the starter being installed wrong and it not lining up right?
08-22-2007, 01:20 PM
the starter takes 2 bolts and a wire to get it off... take it off and have it tested.
then, look inside that hole it came out of and see if you see any bad teeth.
08-22-2007, 02:25 PM
Well wouldn't I have to rotate it as well to look at the rest of the flywheel? This might sound stupid but how do I do that?
08-22-2007, 03:06 PM
turn the crank with a wrench and the bolt on the front of the harmonic balancer. pull the spark plugs out if you want it to turn easy.
08-22-2007, 03:15 PM
Crap. I'm not looking forward to this. Once I see some chewed up teeth I'm gonna be pissed. lol
08-22-2007, 03:25 PM
So just out of pure curiosity, did this guy completely bull**** me when he said the starter could need lined up correctly? My g/f's dad also said that's what it could be but I'm not seeing on here where it'd need to be lined up.
94Dodge Truggy
08-22-2007, 04:15 PM
Some vehicles have shims for the starter to be correctly aligned. Does sound like it is a starter issue. Good thing is it is easier to change.
08-22-2007, 04:17 PM
they sell starter shims for a reason. keep in mind, your remanufactured starter has probably been on 5 vehicles before yours, so who knows how perfect that mounting surface is...
just pull the starter and take a look at it. Autozone will test it for free. if it having issues, you will be able to tell from the teeth on the bendix.
when you go to pull it, keep turning the rig off if it starts right. restart it till you find a spot where it spins and wont catch. then pull the starter. if it's the flywheel, you will be able to see it then without turning the crank.
08-22-2007, 04:17 PM
dangit, i was typing too long, you beat me with the starter shims.
08-22-2007, 04:19 PM
I swear if it's a starter issue I'm going to be the happiest bastard alive. lol I guess I've just prepared myself for the worst. Well, where it's sitting right now it won't start. So if I pull it there should be damage on the flywheel visibly if it is in fact the flywheel.
08-22-2007, 04:32 PM
pull that starter, keep us posted.
08-22-2007, 04:34 PM
Will do. You'll be hearing from me again in about 2.5 hours. lol
08-22-2007, 05:55 PM
Recently I've attempted to purchase a starter for a 91 Toyota Camry & a 93 Plymoh Voyager from Advance Auto Parts. Both times the starters they sold me were THE WRONG STARTERS for the vehicles, even though that's what was listed for the vehicle in their computers.
Both times I've had to take the OEM starters off and get the part numbers to cross reference, then the "new" starters worked fine.
I could definitely see a replacement starter being the incorrect one for the vehicle & causing a noise like this. If you have the correct starter/flywheel on your vehicle, then you really shouldn't need shims if it didn't have them on the starter that was taken off, because the replacement should be the exact same dimensions.
08-22-2007, 07:28 PM
Well guys, here are pics of the carnage. I believe I need to replace a flywheel.
08-22-2007, 09:53 PM
bummer... that stinks...
most important, what caused it to happen? was it a mis-installed starter? how were the bolts when took it out? tight?
08-22-2007, 10:14 PM
Yeah I forgot to add that part. The one lower bolt was finger loose. I took it out with my fingers. The upper bolt was tight. So yeah, the guy didn't tighten the bolt down so I'd say that's probably the culprit. I hope anyway. Well, it looks like I'm going to yank the engine out this weekend and get to work on it. Hopefully I have it done soon. I really need a car to drive. I'm not liking having to use my g/f's car. lol I have a show car but it sits in the garage and can't drive it everyday. A lot of good that damn thing does.
08-22-2007, 10:16 PM
So I get on Advance Auto Parts and Autzone's websites. Each site is showing a different part that goes to my car. lol That helps. Here they are. The first one is from Advance. The 2nd from Autozone.
Can anyone tell me which is the correct one?
08-22-2007, 10:55 PM
hmmm, hard to tell. one might be specific, and the other might be multiple applications. best way is to have yours in hand when you buy it.
you are pulling the engine, as opposed to the tranny?
08-22-2007, 11:00 PM
Yeah. I've heard from multiple people that it's easier to pull the engine rather than tranny. One big reason is pulling the engine, you'll be standing up quite a bit. Pulling the tranny and you are on your back most of the time and it's a pain in the nuts to get that heavy ass thing out from underneath. So I'd rather pull the engine. lol
08-23-2007, 12:04 AM
Tranny will be in and out in a couple hours. Engine will probably take a weekend then another weekend to find that sensor you forgot to hook up. The one on the left almost looks like a flex plate to me. I say go to a KOI. better service from my experience
08-23-2007, 12:08 AM
yes, i cant imagine pulling a motor to do this job... that's crazy.
08-23-2007, 07:47 AM
I have a show car but it sits in the garage and can't drive it everyday. A lot of good that damn thing does.
What's your show car?
08-23-2007, 09:04 AM
The tranny just seems like a pain to do on the ground. It probably weighs a ton. If I could get someone to give me a hand that's pulled the tranny before, I'd much rather do it that way. But not knowing how to do this, I feel more comfortable pulling the motor. I've done a few motors on the newer cars and it went well and this looks quite a bit easier than those. So if anyone wants to help let me know. lol I'll hook you up with whatever you need.
Oh I have a Scion xB show car. Yeah I'm gettin kinda tired of it so it's up for sale now.
08-28-2007, 05:06 PM
Ok, does anyone know if the bolts for the flywheel on this thing are one-time-use bolts? A friend of mine told me a lot of cars used these and that I'd need to check and see if mine were. Anyone have any idea?
08-28-2007, 05:12 PM
i don't think so... if you have any doubts, go get some new bolts, can't cost that much.
94Dodge Truggy
08-28-2007, 05:17 PM
I do not think so either. If they come out and are all boogered up get new. If not put thread lock on em and torque em down.
08-28-2007, 05:24 PM
Well I'd be glad to buy new ones but everyone is telling me 3-5 business days to get them. lol So I was hoping they weren't one time use ones.
94Dodge Truggy
08-28-2007, 05:26 PM
If the dealership does not stock em then I would bet on em being multi use.
08-29-2007, 09:15 AM
I have always reused the bolts and just put some threadlocker on them.
Pulling the tranny would be much easier than pulling the engine. I just pulled the transfer case and transmission on mine and it took me part of an evening by myself. Get at least two other guys to help put it back in, two underneath and one up top. The hard part is getting the the tranny to slide back in the pilot bushing. Sometimes it slides right in, other times it can be a pain. I would say plan an evening to pull and an evening to reassemble or it can all be done in a weekend day.
08-29-2007, 10:56 AM
The tranny is already out. We only worked on it for 2 hours the first night. We didn't bust our balls on it by any means. We got it out the next day. I've been busy as hell so I haven't been able to get back in there and finish the job. It'll be done this weekend though.
08-31-2007, 02:50 PM
The tranny is already out. We only worked on it for 2 hours the first night. We didn't bust our balls on it by any means. We got it out the next day. I've been busy as hell so I haven't been able to get back in there and finish the job. It'll be done this weekend though.
That's good to hear!
Let's get it out on the trails!
09-01-2007, 01:13 AM
i used to be able to get the engien out of my YJ in a little over 30 minutes, that was a fuel injected 4.0l. we got pretty good at it over the years. not too hard if you mark all the wires before hand as to where they go, and make a list of everything to reconnect as you pull it (had a buddy write it down while we tore it down) then used that as a checklist when reassembling. make sure the bolt holes on the new fly wheel are EXACTLY the same as the one you pull off. we did it one time, and upon reassembly, found out one hole was 1/8" off, the other 3 were right on. took a week before the right one showed up (this was on a 91 auto). good luck. it's pretty straight forward to pull. i'm probably going to start pulling my TJ's sunday.
if it were me, i would try a new starter before replacing that though. looks like the gear on the starter is pretty chewed up, you never know, a new starter could get you by for another year or 2. you are going to have to replace it anyways (lifetime warranty??)
09-24-2007, 12:15 PM
Hey, did you get this tranny job done?
I need my tranny jack back soon!
10-08-2007, 11:32 AM
Hey, does anyone have this guy's number?
I lent him my tranny jack for this job & now I can't get ahold of him to get it back! I'm sure he's done with the tranny job by now. I fear I've been scammed! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
10-08-2007, 11:39 AM
that sucks, i checked his profile it says he hasn't been on since august 30th
10-08-2007, 11:44 AM
how did he get it from you? you drop it off, he pick it up?
10-08-2007, 12:45 PM
I heard back from him, should be getting the jack back this week.
He picked it up but I lost all his contact info since then. (emptied my PMs)
94Dodge Truggy
10-08-2007, 01:05 PM
Glad to hear you are getting it back! I will cancel the APB then. ;)
10-08-2007, 01:15 PM
Glad to hear you are getting it back! I will cancel the APB then. ;)
yeah really, blue trash isn't that big we couldve found him:D
10-09-2007, 12:15 AM
i thought this was humorous when i saw it.... hahahah
10-09-2007, 09:52 AM
i thought this was humorous when i saw it.... hahahah
The jack he borrowed is well-used; no mistaking it for a new one. That is a funny coincidental post though & a good price for a tranny jack.
10-09-2007, 02:30 PM
oh i wasn't accusing, it was just funny as hell.
01-17-2008, 02:28 PM
Maybe that was my jack, it never did make it back!
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I guess it's time for that APB???
94Dodge Truggy
01-17-2008, 03:20 PM
Give us all info. possible on him and we will track him down! :eek:
01-17-2008, 04:43 PM
Got a name ?
Approx. age ?
01-22-2008, 11:59 AM
Give us all info. possible on him and we will track him down! :eek:
I can't find anything cause my PMs are long gone, anyone else on the board know this guy or where he's at in Blue Ash???
01-22-2008, 12:10 PM
Got a name ?
Approx. age ?
Date of Birth: July 25, 1982
Age: 25
Location: Blue Ash
In addition to the YJ he has a Scion xB show car, but that's all I can find on him from the board here.
I have no idea what his name is anymore.
This has been quite a while... No good deed goes unpunished, right?
94Dodge Truggy
01-22-2008, 01:13 PM
What color is the toaster he drives. Know where he works?
01-22-2008, 03:19 PM
What color is the toaster he drives. Know where he works?
That's all I know - I got all that off the CORE board from his posts here...
Guess I shouldn't have trusted someone who's not an official member of CORE.
Edit: found photo of his starter - it appears his YJ is blue, not sure whether it is driven or not:
01-22-2008, 03:38 PM
Name is: Randy Sears. This was the show car he had but was talking about getting rid of. Hasn't hit that site since Aug.
01-22-2008, 03:49 PM
I had just found that name & website but you beat me to posting it...
01-22-2008, 03:58 PM
Well I was surprised since I found it on TS....haha
01-22-2008, 04:00 PM
Well I was surprised since I found it on TS....haha
That's the result I got it from too after looking at his old Jeepforum posts for 1/2 hour. I had forgot he was on TS.
94Dodge Truggy
01-22-2008, 04:21 PM
Randy Sears from blue ash! Sarge, can ya lend a hand on this? :D He drives one of those scion toasters
01-22-2008, 04:34 PM
Randy Sears from blue ash! Sarge, can ya lend a hand on this? :D He drives one of those scion toasters
A very purdy toaster. But no matter how you dress it ... it's a toaster. How about Ohio license plate: RLR TSTR
94Dodge Truggy
01-22-2008, 04:46 PM
A very purdy toaster. But no matter how you dress it ... it's a toaster. How about Ohio license plate: RLR TSTR
LOL! I like that! You cant polish a turd. No matter how much you clean and rub it is still a tird.
01-22-2008, 04:59 PM
I emailed him and got this reply back within minutes of my question:
Yeah I still have it. I'm not stealing it. LOL I'll give him a call sometime this week to bring it back to him. I still have his number.
94Dodge Truggy
01-22-2008, 05:23 PM
Are you serious? He best give it back rather promptly! :mad: I think his address may be posted up here soon if not returned. :eek:
01-22-2008, 05:43 PM
Yes, I'm serious..
01-23-2008, 07:50 AM
PMd you his number, jfiscus!
01-24-2008, 01:37 AM
4447 Victor Ave. Cincy ( just off of UC campus I Believe) is what I'm getting .
You may want to tell him to contact Clermont Co. reference a little warrant issue also . :D
I also came up with this one , prolly gonna be it !
5 E. Lakeview Apt. 17
Cincinnati , 45237
01-24-2008, 01:56 AM
You may want to tell him to contact Clermont Co. reference a little warrant issue also . :D
you let someone in trouble borrow your ****! uh o not good
01-24-2008, 01:06 PM
4447 Victor Ave. Cincy ( just off of UC campus I Believe) is what I'm getting .
You may want to tell him to contact Clermont Co. reference a little warrant issue also . :D
I also came up with this one , prolly gonna be it !
5 E. Lakeview Apt. 17
Cincinnati , 45237
boy you just gotta love having a cop in the group:D
have a clermont deputy go with you to get it as a little bonus for him holding on to it for so long
01-30-2008, 03:47 PM
I emailed him and got this reply back within minutes of my question:
Yeah I still have it. I'm not stealing it. LOL I'll give him a call sometime this week to bring it back to him. I still have his number.
Maybe you should contact him again. I still cannot get him on the phone & he is not returning my calls or messages...
94Dodge Truggy
01-30-2008, 04:31 PM
You have his address. Go pay him a visit.
01-30-2008, 04:43 PM
i would just call the cops at this point, if you really want it back.
01-30-2008, 05:25 PM
Maybe you should contact him again. I still cannot get him on the phone & he is not returning my calls or messages...
I'll let you know.
02-01-2008, 04:06 PM
Well, I've gone from getting responses in minutes to no response in days. I know he keeps the toaster and Jeep at his grandpa's farm off amelia-olive branch. But don't know his DD.
02-01-2008, 04:22 PM
Well, I've gone from getting responses in minutes to no response in days. I know he keeps the toaster and Jeep at his grandpa's farm off amelia-olive branch. But don't know his DD.
He told me when he was working on the Jeep it was at his grandpa's. I was even going to come help him pull the tranny! Maybe that is where I need to stop by?
02-01-2008, 05:33 PM
Maybe. I know he said he's in Eastgate quite a bit.
02-02-2008, 08:30 AM
I live very close to amelia olive branch. Give me some more info if you have it. Might be a late night recovery mission.
02-19-2008, 01:22 PM
I have an idea, I just saw this post on craigslist.:
I think I want to go "check out" this vehcle, I'll have to call him and set something up, anyone want to go on a road-trip to amelia with me? I'd be leaving from Middletown & It would be around 6:00 tonight or tomorrow evening depending on what he is available for. PM me if you're interested.
At this point it'll cost me about what the jack's worth to go get it but it's the pinciple that matters to me.
02-19-2008, 01:43 PM
i hate this crap man, i had a long convo on yahoo messenger about this... and he swore he would take care of things... let me find the text from the message...
02-19-2008, 01:47 PM
Yea i know. He's stopped responding to my emails as well.
02-19-2008, 01:53 PM
Hey, here is an IM message i had with randy on Yahoo IM...
supercarwash9: hey man
randyasears: whats up
supercarwash9: you take care of your business with that guy from core yet?
randyasears: the chick that emailed me and i are going to meet up so i can give her the tranny jack. she offered so i'm going to give her some gas money for doing that for me
supercarwash9: im just getting with you in hopes you get it taken care of before your name gets trashed anymore
randyasears: no it's ok man. i understand. i'm not trying to steal anything. it's a $40 tool. I wouldn't steal a $40 tool. lol
randyasears: i know it. well, tell him i terminated my cell phone account and i'm currently switching to t-mobile. i'm waiting on them to ship me my phone. once i get it, i'll give the chick that emailed me my new cell # so he knows I'm not trying to jerk him over. hopefully by then though she and I can arrange a time to meet up so i can give it to her
supercarwash9: you need to make a post about all this on that thread ifyou want to save your name at all
supercarwash9: or maybe you don't care, either way, just informing you.
randyasears: honestly man, i've already talked to her about working it out. no reason for me to go in there and taking a beating over a $40 tool. seriously. i'll just give it to her and that be it. i'm not hard to get a hold of obviously. you and her have been able to get a hold of me so i'm not hiding. lol
randyasears: i even told her she can give him my email. i gave her my cell to give to him and everything. so i'm not trying to hide. yeah i still have the tool but it's not like i've taken off and he hasn't been able to get a hold of me.
supercarwash9: good deal man...
supercarwash9: i can understand what yer saying, just don't let it go on much longer, no need to
supercarwash9: honesly you should drive the jack to him, wherever he is
supercarwash9: what is your reason for not doing that?
randyasears: that's fine. if that'll fix things then i'll drive it back to him personally. the only time i've had lately is later on at night. i haven't had many free days lately. yeah it's a bad excuse but you know.
randyasears: and to be honest, the project i was/am using it for still isn't done. i planned to have it done the weekend i borrowed it from him. but you know how those things happen. lol i'll just go buy my own and take his back. it's all good
randyasears: no worries. i'm sorry my name is dirty on the site now over that. it sucks but nothing i do will fix it now. i'll take it back and i'll still have a bad name i'm sure. lol
supercarwash9: i don't agree, all it takes is an apology and a returned jack.
supercarwash9: if yer name was bad on the site, id make it go away for good
randyasears: that's fine man. i'll be glad to apologize to him and return his jack. hell i even fixed a broken castor on it for him since he let me use it. again no worries. i'll have his jack back to him
supercarwash9: take it easy man, just wanted to touch base with ya
randyasears: ok..again i'm sorry for it bro. i promise i'll have it back to him
02-19-2008, 02:12 PM
I sent him a message to just drop it off at my house any time on the voice mail I left him. I still haven't seen it though... that has been a week or so ago.
So when did Carwash's IM take place ?????
02-19-2008, 02:39 PM
Feb 3rd
02-19-2008, 04:04 PM
I think I want to go "check out" this vehcle, I'll have to call him and set something up, anyone want to go on a road-trip to amelia with me? I'd be leaving from Middletown & It would be around 6:00 tonight or tomorrow evening depending on what he is available for. PM me if you're interested.
I live in amelia.......
02-19-2008, 06:36 PM
hey fiscus, im gonna pick that jack up for you tonight if you want me to. i already told him i was coming to get it. at least then it will be someone on the board that has the jack.
02-19-2008, 06:41 PM
Are you the one? Randy just emailed me saying someone was coming out to get it tonight. I wondered who it was.
This is what he said:
"Hi I'm actually selling my Jeep right now. A guy came to look at it. He called me back today and told me he knows the guy who owns the tranny jack that I borrowed it off of. Apparently he told the guy about my jeep and the guy told him I had his tranny jack. He's coming to pick it up today so I just wanted to let you know what was going on so you could let him know. He's coming to pick the tranny jack up today. He drives a Toyota pickup. Blue cab and green bed. Like I said, I just wanted to let you know that the tranny jack is on it's way back. "
02-19-2008, 06:43 PM
yeah its me, i figured id be a little easier to get ahold of than him
02-19-2008, 06:53 PM
i figured id be a little easier to get ahold of than him
02-19-2008, 07:09 PM
and if the guy cant even return a jack like he said he would i dont think i would buy somethin off him cause i wouldnt trust his word about what was done and what it needs!!! thats my $.02 worth:D
02-20-2008, 09:27 AM
hey fiscus, im gonna pick that jack up for you tonight if you want me to. i already told him i was coming to get it. at least then it will be someone on the board that has the jack.
YES PLEASE! I'll get it from you whenever possible afterwards!
02-20-2008, 10:14 AM
hey fiscus, im gonna pick that jack up for you tonight if you want me to. i already told him i was coming to get it. at least then it will be someone on the board that has the jack.
YES PLEASE! I'll get it from you whenever possible afterwards!
I live in Anderson; work in Mason. I can get it from Hardluck and get it to someone in Fairfield. Be closer to you anyway...
02-20-2008, 01:24 PM
i got it last night, its missing one of the bolts for the strap. it don't have a handle does it? just use 1/2"drive.
i work in oakley and go to school in batavia so i could drop it off to you jeepjeep maybe friday if you pm me your addy and a number so we can set up a time
02-20-2008, 01:57 PM
That is great to hear! I sent you a PM, hardluck.
02-25-2008, 01:41 PM
I finally have this issue resolved, thanks to two CORE members; Randy & tjjeepjeep!
Thanks for your extra above & beyond efforts!!
02-25-2008, 01:42 PM
i got it last night, its missing one of the bolts for the strap. it don't have a handle does it? just use 1/2"drive.
i work in oakley and go to school in batavia so i could drop it off to you jeepjeep maybe friday if you pm me your addy and a number so we can set up a time
A bolt missing is just fine, I have plenty of bolts.
Yeah it just uses a 1/2 inch drive ratchet or impact so no bar was included.
02-25-2008, 05:32 PM
I finally have this issue resolved, thanks to two CORE members; Randy & tjjeepjeep!
Thanks for your extra above & beyond efforts!!
I think you mean Josh, not Randy. And I'm always glad to help out.
02-25-2008, 05:50 PM
I think you mean Josh, not Randy. And I'm always glad to help out.
yeah, it was early I hadn't had my coffee yet.
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