View Full Version : odd stalling on dodge neon

12-07-2011, 03:36 AM
Well GF has a dodge neon and it loves to stall going around the corner to the right...it will spit and spudder some times you can save if if you feather the gas and other times it just stalls. pull over and fires back up but very odd.

I took a look at it about 2 months ago and found that the front motor mount was bad so i replaced it. The problem steem to go away..
Then last night she got into a small crash at a stop sign, guy pulled out and infront of her and she hit him in the right front fender go les than 5 mph.

here is a front mount.

right side mount

After all over she drove away and turn the corner to the right and stalled again and would not start up.
towed it home. put it up on jack stands and it started up.. weird right...
looked at the motor mounts and it looked like the engine moved about 1.5 inches to the left. noticed that new motor mount i put on was side out to the left and one of the brackets was bent. maybe happened durning crash maybe not.

got a replacement on motor mount again ( warranty yeah)... motor still seems to off a little to left still but car stays running on flat ground. drove around block and did not stall going right. what could cause it to stall out like this? I did not see any pinched line or anything...

12-07-2011, 08:04 AM
My first thought would be a wire getting pinched or a connector getting pulled and losing connection intermittenly because of the engine shifting. Start looking at the wiring and try to find a spot where this might be happening.

12-07-2011, 08:42 AM
put more than 2 dollers worth of gas in it sounds like its running out of fuel to me there isint alot that makes one of those run

12-10-2011, 01:11 AM
My first thought would be a wire getting pinched or a connector getting pulled and losing connection intermittenly because of the engine shifting. Start looking at the wiring and try to find a spot where this might be happening.

That is what i was thinking..Just can not find it... dang Gremlins!!!:rolleyes:

put more than 2 dollers worth of gas in it sounds like its running out of fuel to me there isint alot that makes one of those run

Has fuel in the tank...