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01-10-2012, 10:40 AM
last night and don't remember paying for your dinner. Please PM or email me (lisa.lorts@cincyoffroad.com). We have two tickets that are still open at Rib City from last night. I know there was a lot of movement right after we finished, so I'm assuming they were just overlooked. Please call, PM or email me ASAP as this reflects negatively on the club. Thanks!

Pork dinner w/soft drink or
All white chicken dinner w/iced tea

01-10-2012, 03:46 PM
ttt no replies yet ?

01-10-2012, 03:57 PM

01-10-2012, 05:02 PM
I will step up and cover the bill if no one else does. This is bad juju!

01-10-2012, 05:38 PM
I will step up and cover the bill if no one else does. This is bad juju!

Thanks for the offer, we have had a couple of those actually. The club is covering the cost but would really like to understand if it was merely an oversight or for some other reason.

Red Dog
01-10-2012, 07:52 PM
I will step up and cover the bill if no one else does. This is bad juju!


93 Krawler
01-10-2012, 08:55 PM
Find out what tables it was. Maybe someone will recognize the number. How can you forget to pay your bill. :confused:

01-11-2012, 10:41 AM
The numbers were 13 and 19. The chicken dinner had iced tea to drink, if that helps.

in training
01-11-2012, 11:08 AM
:mad:well i know who 19 was

93 Krawler
01-11-2012, 11:23 AM
:mad:well i know who 19 was

Our tables were single digits, like 5 & 6, or 6 & 7, so they ordered after us. What number was your table Corey?

01-11-2012, 11:24 AM
I'm reaching out and asking the story from him now.

93 Krawler
01-11-2012, 11:27 AM
I'm reaching out and asking the story from him now.


01-11-2012, 11:32 AM
and the plot thickens....

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01-11-2012, 11:38 AM
I assume nothing. It's just as feasible that tickets were paid and not closed out. Right? Finding out both sides of the story is the key to understanding.

01-11-2012, 11:43 AM
probly really easy to forget when ur done eating and start talking off road stuff heck id forget myself;)

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01-11-2012, 06:22 PM
The waitress said I was seat 19 I paid by credit card. The charge went through yesterday. :confused:

01-11-2012, 06:30 PM
I left the first print out and just took the charge ticket. They wouldn't have seen it and thought it wasn't paid would they?? I dunno??

01-11-2012, 06:48 PM
Waiting to talk to the owner about this at this point.

Thanks for checking Patrick!!!

01-11-2012, 06:53 PM
Welcome. I was just talking to Tool Man about it this morning. Didn't realize anyone thought it was me lol

01-28-2012, 02:34 PM
This will be lengthy, so my apologies to those with short attention spans. I will post a Cliff Notes version for those who fall asleep by paragraph 2:

I was off work yesterday so I took to opportunity to go by Rib City. I got lucky in that both Rhonda (our normal server) as well as the owner (Mike) were there. We opened the conversation with Mike asking how he could help. I said I was there to figure out what needs to be done so he doesn't call Scott the Tuesday after every meeting.

We started with the "open" tickets. I asked how it was possible that a ticket paid with a credit card still shows open. He said it's not, that the computer would show it closed. I replied that one of the two was and that the person was willing to bring in copies of his statement to prove it went through. We pulled it up, and sure enough; it showed as closed with a credit card. So he said he'd give me my/club money back on that one. He asked about the other and I said I'd not heard anymore on it. It showed as cash, which wasn't conclusive on when (unfortunately).

I then mentioned some service related issues, as well as kitchen related issues. He said there shouldn't be issues with the kitchen staff keeping up with us since we place orders as we get there versus one big order of 40 people. That it could be how it's typed in as well as when (yes, meaning we're back to server). So I said to both of them how can we as a group help to ensure things go smoothly, here's what we came up with:

--When you order, Rhonda will give you your order number. Please try to remember it.
--They will open the drink station near us. Rhonda said we complained stuff tasted funny from it, but Mike said he'd call Coke to come look at it. The intention of this is not for us to necessarily have to serve ourselves (though I personally would rather than wait) but to reduce time for Rhonda to go back in the back for drinks.
--They will put pitchers of drinks out so when we mill around we can fill from those (I think this has been done a couple of meetings).
--Rhonda will try to get the tickets distributed shortly after Scott ends the meeting, rather than waiting.
--We are going to now pay at the cash register at the front instead of paying Rhonda. Hopefully this will ensure all cash sales get taken care of. In addition it will ensure no tickets are lying around appearing as unpaid (I personally believe this may have been what happened).
--Tips: you can add it on your credit card at the front. However if you're going to leave cash, I will have an envelope for them whereever I happen to have my stuff gathered. Please put the cash in it and I'll give it to her at the end of the night. I did convince them that it was in their best interests to continue to refrain from automatically adding the tip to the check.
--I will check before I leave that all of our tickets are closed out.
--Keep in mind that it can be difficult for Rhonda to know who's come in since she was last in the room. Feel free to stop her if you've not placed an order and have been there a few. Or let me know and I'll send her your way.
--Mike said he would be there til 7:30p at the meeting, if you wish to give specific feedback you've experienced. Please feel free, so he's not just hearing from Scott or myself.

I'm personally (not on behalf of the club, my thoughts only) disappointed that the open ticket issue didn't produce a more apologetic reaction from either one of them. I refuse to believe that any one of us would intentionally walk out without paying. Based on their lack of reaction to the credit card; I immediately shifted my goal of the meeting to protection of our members. And I was glad I did because after 45 minutes with them providing specific examples/issues, I never once heard any apologies or mention of needing additional people to support us ...not from Rhonda, nor from Mike as owner. It felt like I was just given a constant stream of excuses.

That said, I will do what I can and am personally asking for each of your assistance in getting the meeting to work to the best of our ability. (This may be just short of me taking orders to the kitchen, and delivering food honestly.) If we can find some sort of happy medium where we're happy and Rhonda/Mike are too; then we've found middle ground. I would ask that you please refrain from any soapbox posts. However as always, I'm interested in constructive feedback/ideas. I know it's far from a perfect solution, but it is what it is. We will see how the Feb meeting goes. Thanks for your attention and patience.

01-28-2012, 02:40 PM
Stopped at Rib City and have a plan to help the meeting go smoothly.

-You'll get a ticket number when you order
-You'll pay at the front cash register instead of the server
-The drink station closest to us will be open
-Pitchers of drinks will be available as needed during chat time
-Cash tips need to be left with me, I'll have an envelope, instead of on the tables. Credit card tips can be done at the front when you pay.

We will see how Feb meeting goes. Thanks.

01-28-2012, 03:31 PM
Just curious as to why the meetings are held at this location?

01-28-2012, 03:43 PM
Just curious as to why the meetings are held at this location?

Moved to here a couple of years ago when Tavern on the Green became difficult to deal with.

01-28-2012, 05:05 PM
Common sense is so rare it should be classified as a super power... :D

i'll try more attention at the next meeting too...:D

01-28-2012, 05:07 PM
Common sense is so rare it should be classified as a super power... :D

i'll try more attention at the next meeting too...:D

save me a seat hodgie:)

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01-28-2012, 05:12 PM
save me a seat hodgie:)

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i got your back... but if you don't make this one you are no longer invited :D...


93 Krawler
01-28-2012, 07:17 PM
Moved to here a couple of years ago when Tavern on the Green became difficult to deal with.

I would still like to see us somewhere else in the near future. Some place with really good food. That way I won't have to eat before I go to the meeting. :(

01-28-2012, 07:39 PM
I would still like to see us somewhere else in the near future. Some place with really good food. That way I won't have to eat before I go to the meeting. :(

Please feel free to try to find someplace that can accept anywhere from 16 to 45 people on the first Monday of each month (except Sept which is second and no meeting in Dec), with no additional notice regarding number showing up. Has a separate room for us to use and is family friendly. Has good food consistently. Has good service consistently. Needs to be in the Springdale or Fairfield area, as that seems to be where most are located.

I am not saying I will consider moving, but if you think this is an easy task...feel free to look.

01-28-2012, 07:43 PM
I would still like to see us somewhere else in the near future. Some place with really good food. That way I won't have to eat before I go to the meeting. :(

I know you said no soap box comments. I am a new memeber and have been to two meetings and can honestly say that the service has been beyond poor both times. That is why I ask the reason for the meetings being held there. I did not know if the was a club or personal tie to the place. To be honest, it was quite rude for them not to appologize to you, Lisa, and the fact that they actually had to look back and see that the one bill was paid by credit card was rude. I am sure it has been mentioned before but I am sure that there are other places that would love to have our business. :beers:

01-28-2012, 08:07 PM
move it to ky:D ....or lisas house- i hear she cooks good:thumbup:

lisa, sounds like u put a lot of effort into trying to make it right, and beers to you for your people skills. lot of detective work on your part. your a regular nancy drew:cool:

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01-28-2012, 09:08 PM
I know you said no soap box comments. I am a new memeber and have been to two meetings and can honestly say that the service has been beyond poor both times. That is why I ask the reason for the meetings being held there. I did not know if the was a club or personal tie to the place. To be honest, it was quite rude for them not to appologize to you, Lisa, and the fact that they actually had to look back and see that the one bill was paid by credit card was rude. I am sure it has been mentioned before but I am sure that there are other places that would love to have our business. :beers:

I said no comments only because I feel confident that anything said; I'd already gone through 50 times. I was more than irked when I left the place; you really cannot imagine. It took great self control on my part to continue to remain calm and discuss with them. As I know we need to have the meeting there for, at the very least, the near future.

You're local to the area...do you know of any place we could move to that meets the above items? It's not an easy thing to move a club (though it's much easier when it's 10 people than 40) meeting. You can't just move it month to month.

move it to ky:D ....or lisas house- i hear she cooks good:thumbup:

lisa, sounds like u put a lot of effort into trying to make it right, and beers to you for your people skills. lot of detective work on your part. your a regular nancy drew:cool:

I don't think my car could find ky ;) I'm on a first name basis with most of the staff at Bob Evans...I believe you may have been misinformed.

Thanks. I try to gather facts before I make any statements or accusations. You really gonna come to the next meeting...or tell me you are and crush my little feelings again? smileypoke

01-29-2012, 08:50 AM
It sounds like the steps that have been taken for the next meeting might smooth things out, paying at the cash register,assigning ticket #'s and collecting tips all together all sound like great ideas.

Hopefully things will go much better for all involved. Good work Lisa and thank you for your time.

01-29-2012, 09:00 AM
Why do the meeting have to be at a restaurant? We could all just meet at Armstrong automotive and make Scott grill hot dogs and hamburgers for everybody. I'm sure he won't mind :party::hugegrin:

01-29-2012, 09:34 AM
If it helps Lisa, Ill star asking around some local restaurants. Input from other members would be greatly accepted as in their opinion on where they would like to see it go. I personally would think a buffet style place: service, food, pay before you eat type place will suit the needs of the club from issues like these. Like golden coral, cici pizza, bees

01-29-2012, 09:51 AM
Why do the meeting have to be at a restaurant? We could all just meet at Armstrong automotive and make Scott grill hot dogs and hamburgers for everybody. I'm sure he won't mind

Most days, I'm not sure he'd notice the extra people...ha

If it helps Lisa, Ill star asking around some local restaurants. Input from other members would be greatly accepted as in their opinion on where they would like to see it go. I personally would think a buffet style place: service, food, pay before you eat type place will suit the needs of the club from issues like these. Like golden coral, cici pizza, bees

You can ask around if you want but please keep in mind that I haven't said we'd move. Not everyone likes buffets either. Also no asian food. It has to have a private dining area.

93 Krawler
01-29-2012, 10:03 AM
Richards pizza had several party rooms, and they have good food. There is one on Niles rd in Fairfield now. My wife was just there for a party and is a picky eater. She said it was real good. Menu: http://www.richardspizza.com/docs/Richards_Pizza_Menu.pdf

I will stop in and have a chat with them.

01-29-2012, 10:31 AM
Richards pizza had several party rooms, and they have good food. There is one on Niles rd in Fairfield now. My wife was just there for a party and is a picky eater. She said it was real good. Menu: http://www.richardspizza.com/docs/Richards_Pizza_Menu.pdf

I will stop in and have a chat with them.

Ok Have I said, I've not said we'd move locations?

93 Krawler
01-29-2012, 11:12 AM
Please feel free to try to find someplace that can accept anywhere from 16 to 45 people on the first Monday of each month (except Sept which is second and no meeting in Dec), with no additional notice regarding number showing up. Has a separate room for us to use and is family friendly. Has good food consistently. Has good service consistently. Needs to be in the Springdale or Fairfield area, as that seems to be where most are located.

I am not saying I will consider moving, but if you think this is an easy task...feel free to look.

Would be nice to have a few alternative places in mind is all.

01-29-2012, 11:28 AM
Would be nice to have a few alternative places in mind is all.

Sure, ask away. Thanks

01-29-2012, 01:01 PM
Rib City is nice cause it is right off 275...that being said... Just remember everyone doesn't live in Hamilton and i would be kinda disappointed if the meeting place got much farther away from me...

I also agree with Lisa, we have to have a seperate room/area away from other customers because we can get a little rowdy...

derick was it u that looked into D&B for the xmas party? Maybe that would be another alternative too, I know they have a few private rooms there....

I also will volunteer to man a grill/cook for the meetings if we end up somewhere like Scott's...

Since I have been in the restaurant business for over 20 years I try my best to not bash on other restaurants... The things i see at Rib city are not to bad that they counldn't be fixed easily, but the owner and management have to be able to see the problems... Which i don't think they are seeing right now...


01-29-2012, 01:18 PM
d&b would be cool place but they are more coorporate and not easily worked with on arranging and they will charge for a party. i think like golden coral because although its a buffet the have party room which can be easily reserved im sure at no cost just for the promise of 16 - 40 more customers. and they are right off the highway by cincinnati mills mall too so just as easy to get too as rib city.....

to lisa, be it as it may that some may not like to move but if in fact rib city cannot change their ways maybe its time to bring it to a member vote to see what the feelings are in general as to changing locations and then conspire a list of places who are willing to work with us and seem convient enough for the normal meeting population and bring it to a mamber vote.

or just do like we did the new pic for shirt and just bring to a silent vote on a ballot type level listing rib city and other places willing to have us and let everyone have a say.

on a personal level, i hate the atmosphere of the place, the food to me is far from bragging about, and service def seems to be a prob that has yet to be fixed from my standpoint

01-29-2012, 01:22 PM
d&b would be cool place but they are more coorporate and not easily worked with on arranging and they will charge for a party. i think like golden coral because although its a buffet the have party room which can be easily reserved im sure at no cost just for the promise of 16 - 40 more customers. and they are right off the highway by cincinnati mills mall too so just as easy to get too as rib city.....

IMHO buffets are just a problem waiting to happen... especially on what could otherwise normally be a slow night...
just my .02 on buffets....:D

01-29-2012, 01:32 PM
be that as it may, i look at it from the standpoint of no waiting for food or having servers bring food in middle of meeting or trying to find out where your food is during the meeting, or if you a lil late getting food after meeting is over it is there for you instantly and with a selection of different foods

my .02 on it lol

i mean im willing to go meet with the manager there and give them what we are, when we will be there, what to expect and get there feedback as to what their nights normally look like on first monday of each month on average....

i mean honestly i really like the idea of someone just hosting at their place, but who is capable and willing? im willing, not capable

01-29-2012, 01:50 PM
i really like the idea of someone just hosting at their place, but who is capable and willing? im willing, not capable

I agree on this... we could pull this off at my house when it is warmer out, and if it rains we could hang out in the garage... It would take an army to clean up my garage though :D... But if i had to guess there is a few people that would not want to drive to Deerfield twp..:D

To me... Buffet+slow night= poor food quality... But i have always had issues with any godlen corral i have eaten at...

01-29-2012, 03:02 PM
To me... Buffet+slow night= poor food quality... But i have always had issues with any godlen corral i have eaten at...

I hate golden corral with a passion.

01-29-2012, 03:03 PM
d&b would be cool place but they are more coorporate and not easily worked with on arranging and they will charge for a party. i think like golden coral because although its a buffet the have party room which can be easily reserved im sure at no cost just for the promise of 16 - 40 more customers. and they are right off the highway by cincinnati mills mall too so just as easy to get too as rib city.....

to lisa, be it as it may that some may not like to move but if in fact rib city cannot change their ways maybe its time to bring it to a member vote to see what the feelings are in general as to changing locations and then conspire a list of places who are willing to work with us and seem convient enough for the normal meeting population and bring it to a mamber vote.

or just do like we did the new pic for shirt and just bring to a silent vote on a ballot type level listing rib city and other places willing to have us and let everyone have a say.

on a personal level, i hate the atmosphere of the place, the food to me is far from bragging about, and service def seems to be a prob that has yet to be fixed from my standpoint

i nominate you for Secretary effective now.

01-29-2012, 03:09 PM
i nominate you for Secretary effective now.

Lol :D... we will all just be guy or girl(?)... smileypoke

Hope Springs Hauler
01-29-2012, 03:58 PM
.......Sometimes the enemy that we know is better than the one we don't.

I don't know about anybody else, but I don't come to the meetings for the food.

01-29-2012, 04:01 PM
Few thoughts:
It's not realistic to host at someone's house honestly. New members would be less apt to show up at a persons house where they know absolutely no one. Plus there is some level of liability involved. I would be unsure how that could translate to personal property. It really needs to be a business.

That business front will then represent CORE to a certain point. Realizing I'm jaded as heck, the picture I have of Golden Corral isn't necessarily how I want to think of CORE. And yes I know right now, we don't taste very good and have bad service; but it looks good up until that point.

This subject cannot come up at a meeting to discuss, until we have someplace to move. You think your service is bad now? Wait and see how that goes. This is what makes this tricky and requires planning and patience.

01-29-2012, 04:17 PM
.......sometimes the enemy that we know is better than the one we don't.

I don't know about anybody else, but i don't come to the meetings for the food.

^^^ x2

01-29-2012, 04:19 PM
Few thoughts:
It's not realistic to host at someone's house honestly. New members would be less apt to show up at a persons house where they know absolutely no one. Plus there is some level of liability involved. I would be unsure how that could translate to personal property. It really needs to be a business.

That business front will then represent CORE to a certain point. Realizing I'm jaded as heck, the picture I have of Golden Corral isn't necessarily how I want to think of CORE. And yes I know right now, we don't taste very good and have bad service; but it looks good up until that point.

This subject cannot come up at a meeting to discuss, until we have someplace to move. You think your service is bad now? Wait and see how that goes. This is what makes this tricky and requires planning and patience.

Very good point Lisa! And Thank You for taking time out of your personal life nd handling this situation. :beers:

93 Krawler
01-29-2012, 04:52 PM
[QUOTE=Hope Springs Hauler;60356
I don't know about anybody else, but I don't come to the meetings for the food.[/QUOTE]

Me either, so I eat before I get there. I could deal with so so service if the food was better, but it blows. How long will they let us do the meetings there when they see many of us not eating?

01-30-2012, 04:27 PM
from what i can remember there were the same issues when the club met up at famous daves... it was put up with for a while then it got moved to village on the green... then rib city... the problem being that you will run ito the same issues anywhere you go especially when you do not know the number of people that will be attending... i remember ordering food at famous daves at the beginning of the meeting and never getting my food but got a bill.. :( i was NOT happy about that one especially when i asked about my food numerious times.

93 Krawler
01-30-2012, 07:43 PM
from what i can remember there were the same issues when the club met up at famous daves... it was put up with for a while then it got moved to village on the green... then rib city... the problem being that you will run ito the same issues anywhere you go especially when you do not know the number of people that will be attending... i remember ordering food at famous daves at the beginning of the meeting and never getting my food but got a bill.. :( i was NOT happy about that one especially when i asked about my food numerious times.

This is where a buffet would work well.

01-30-2012, 10:12 PM
You could move the meetings closer to Dayton, then you have to put up with me. So you better stick to what Lisa suggests since she always works her ass off for the club.

Everyone won't be 100% satisfied 100% of the time so you can have a bad meal out with just the family.:D

01-31-2012, 01:37 PM
I know when Rib City was at Jungle Jims the summer car show crew there just put up with him because of the location. I remember visiting my in-laws and watching the salt shaker get lodged into the wall.

I'm not a paying member yet. I didn't know and honestly never asked if kids could come to the meetings.

Anyway, since people are making suggestions you could consider Reilly's in Springdale, just south of 275 on Rt4.

Also, I think this thread should probably move to the private section (if there is such an area) of this forum just because of all the emotions in some of these replys. I know its an open forum, freedom of speech, etc, but the way people interpret what is written and meant can have separate meanings. You know what I mean. However, if the owner sees some of this hopefully he will take it and make a positive change for the club to keep the business.

93 Krawler
01-31-2012, 08:02 PM
However, if the owner sees some of this hopefully he will take it and make a positive change for the club to keep the business.

Or get some spit in your food... :sweatin:

02-01-2012, 08:05 AM
I can't believe any of what we've experienced is malicious in nature. I haven't gone back to re-read all the posts (full time job, you know) but I don't remember seeing anything that either Scott or myself has not mentioned, at least generically, to him about.

I will be curious to see how the Feb meeting goes. To see how the changes we are making have an impact.