View Full Version : 302 vs. 351w

08-27-2007, 11:12 PM
Right now I have a 302 from a 86 Cougar in my Jeep. I recently aquired a 89 F-250 in very very rough shape but with a 351w with 60,000 miles.

I cant decide if it would be worth it to stick this in my Jeep. Will I have to change the wiring harness? I didnt look too close at it but it doesnt look the same.
Any input? Im not real familiar with the 351. Will I see big power gains?

08-27-2007, 11:20 PM
I'm not a Ford man but, I would stick with the 302. There are endless power bolt-ons for the 302 5.0 motor. I don't think bolt-ons are the same as 351W.

08-27-2007, 11:20 PM
Tony ,
Is there something wrong with your 302 ? Sounds like alot of work just to gain a few pony's in an off road vehicle....

08-27-2007, 11:25 PM
Tony ,
Is there something wrong with your 302 ? Sounds like alot of work just to gain a few pony's in an off road vehicle....

Im with sarge leave it be if it works.

94Dodge Truggy
08-28-2007, 07:08 AM
351 is heavier also and would put more stress on the driveline. Not worth it.

08-28-2007, 09:25 AM
i'd say your 302 is prolly as strong as the truck motor. the truck motor was probably worked way harder than your current motor in it's original vehicle.

and the bolt on stuff is endless for the 302.

what you need is some exhaust tony... they make kits for the 302 that make some serious power... and it would sound a little better too... ha.

08-28-2007, 10:22 PM
Well the 302 is coming out regardless. I run around 1 psi on oil pressure. Thats with straight 40 oil. With 10w30 the guage barely ever came off the needle. And yes I tried a new guage and that didnt make a difference. Oil pressure only registers if the engine is revved and the engine is very very sloppy. It is not making near the power it should. The 302 is actually a 78 with 86 fuel injection. But I have a 302 from a 94 Grand Marquis with about 90,000 miles as well as the 351. And heck I have a 460 also but I dont think that would be the best choice. But dont think I havent been tempted by that 460.

As far as exhaust, I think Flowmasters will give me the sound I want. The Cherry Bombs were a heck of a lot easier to fit up though.

08-31-2007, 08:45 AM
i would stick with a 302 if you could. They make plenty of aftermarket parts for the 351 but cost twice as much as 302 parts, you would gain a slight power boost with the 351 but its not worth the price you have to pay. Just my two cents