View Full Version : Changing glow plugs 99 super duty

01-24-2012, 06:27 PM
Just thought I'd do a little write up on how to change glowplugs. I know alot of you guys have diesel tow rigs.

To start off I bought my gp's from koi auto parts on the west side of Hamilton, their ford factory replacements.

I started with the drivers side, first remove the intake system, intercooler tubes, and then the bracket that holds part of your intake system, then proceed with the valve covers. After you do that remove the black and white wire with the plug next to the injector, the glow plug is under that you can break them loose with a socket wrench, but I had to use a rubber hose to finish taking them out because the extended socket would hit the rocker and prevent further removal. After you remove and replace check your valve cover gasket to see if it is still usable, then if it is reusable replace everything in sane order you removed, I didn't torque any bolts I made sure they were "snug" and went back and checked them again last night.

The passenger side is more of a pain because all the stuff in the way, i loosened the degas bottle to make the intercooler tube removal easier, then removal the valve cover and replace glow plugs, this is where I ran into a problem I believe it's the number 3 cylinder the glow plug was seized into head! So after 4 hours of getting aggravated about it, when finally removed injector for more room, and took a pair of vise grips and welded a nut to the handle and used a slide hammer to remove it. After it came out upon further inspection the injector had a bad seal so I replaced and good as new.truck starts amazing.


Strokin' Away

01-24-2012, 08:31 PM
Hey I have a 2000 7.3 F350 you can come do next!!!!


01-24-2012, 09:09 PM
Lol.I'm wore out on changing them.lol.that's why I posted this to help y'all. I had the one side done and put back together in an hour

Strokin' Away

01-24-2012, 09:58 PM
Im about to do mine again, my injector seals are bad I think/hope.

01-25-2012, 06:26 AM
I had one bad, really isn't bad to change them I was surprised.


Old glow plugs


Glow plug where it goes into head


Valve cover removed

Strokin' Away

01-25-2012, 07:00 AM
Im really surprised you didn't change the o-rings on all your injectors while you were in there... If you had one bad, you had more. You were in there, and those things are cheap enough...

Good write up, take some pics along the way next time.

01-25-2012, 08:39 AM
Well I started to take pictures and after my issues I was more focused on getting the seized one out than taking pictures and by that time I was grease and oil covered, I am planning on getting back In there and replacing o rings or new injectors havent decided, but since I newly engaged and getting married in September injectors will probably have to wait. Lol. Weddings aren't cheap

Strokin' Away

01-25-2012, 09:27 AM
I did mine right after I got my truck bc try were bad when I got it(previous owner was from Nc, so he didn't worry about them), and changing the seals never even crossed my mind. Now I have most of the signs of them.being bad (I did then too, but knew nothing about diesels then). I had a cruel pump.go bad 1 day after installing it, and sprays ether in it to start it while diagnosing it, thus ****ting out my new glow plugs too, so I need to get back.in there anyways. Gonna finally replace the leaky flange on my up pipe while im at it too since its been leaking since I got the truck. Hopefully i'll finally feel like it has the power it should.

01-25-2012, 10:58 AM
So what exactly is a sign your glow plugs are going bad and how often should they be replaced? My truck has 150k on it and to my knowledge have never been replaced

01-25-2012, 12:12 PM
Really depends, hard starts and multiple cranks to fire especially when cold. There's a few other things to check like always battery, and your glow plug relay if you have a 99-03 sd the relay is located on the motor in the valley or middle,by the fuel bowl, if you look there you'll see two relays look like a starter relay the one closer to the firewall is the gpr the left big stud should have constant power take a multimeter and see it for 20, and it should read 11-13 volts with the key off, then have someone turn the key but not start it to read the right big stud they should be close if not your gpr is bad and could be the cause of hard starts. Mine read 11.4 and 12.6. If that checks out I'd go ahead and replace glow plugs, there about 100 bucks for motorcraft don't use auto lutes they tend to break off in the cylinder. My truck has 175000 and they were toast. Should only take you three-four hours tops depending on motivation and if you run into any problems like I did.

Strokin' Away

01-26-2012, 08:37 PM
I have driven a 95' f-250 w/7.3,a 99' f-350 w/7.3 pulling a bobcat daily for work and my personal 2000 f-350 cc dually w/7.3 and in my experiences the 95' was a plug junkie. Once we started plugging it in in the winter it did not want to start even in 40degree temps without being plugged in. The 99' and my 2000 would start down to about 10-15degrees with ease.

I loved that 95' though. The boost in the early power strokes came on like a ton of bricks. The 99' and 2000 were more "civilized"

Sorry for not really adding much to this thread but just wanted to share my power stroke experiences. The 7.3L are the best bar none.

Cummins, duramax and 6.0L ps.......meh!
Never have driven/ pulled 10,000lbs around daily 30,000mi a year with any of the above and never really wanted to. Stock power stroke suited me fine.

01-26-2012, 09:45 PM
Nothing to add,but this thread and a few threads on d-max injectors have made me realize how awesome my 12 valve is!:D

02-07-2012, 06:39 PM
Thanks for the info goin to do mine any day now.