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View Full Version : Haspin strikes again

02-04-2012, 07:29 PM
spring like wheeling in the middle of winter ,,,,,,

http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y150/sgtcherokee/420815_3120251961111_1108901954_33285974_205142756 0_n.jpg

about two hours before the above pic was taken I was not in the best position .....


after barrel rolling down the hill and like a complete dumb ass not having my harness on I'm left with a flat hood a few knowledge knocks and almost a broken arm ....... I guess it doesn't matter how low and wide you keep your rig , if you try hard enough you can still end up on your lid ...

02-04-2012, 07:47 PM

02-04-2012, 07:49 PM
Have you ever considered taking up quilting or maybe bowling? :evilgrin: :silly:

Red Dog
02-04-2012, 07:52 PM
I kinda know the feeling :eek:

02-04-2012, 09:51 PM
That sucks. We went out today and it was a mess

02-04-2012, 11:38 PM
well it sounds like bottom line, safty first.. buckle up!:evilgrin:

02-04-2012, 11:42 PM
well it sounds like bottom line, safty first.. buckle up!:evilgrin:

exactly why I buckle up every time... might sound silly but I flipped a riding mower over on top of me when I was a kid and I still remember how heavy it felt as I tried to push myself out from under it. That is what I think about when I see people reaching thier arms out from inside a rig. :sweatin:

02-05-2012, 01:40 AM
You never know, one minute it's all good ,then oh hell what have I got myself into...:eek:

Thankfully your okay.

02-05-2012, 06:43 AM
glad ur not hurt bad. i bet ull keep that harness on all the time now huh?
roll over'd hoods give a jeep character i think:)

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02-06-2012, 11:19 AM
Arms ok, still really sore, but ok ...... I alway wear my lap belt .... I just wasn't think'n . We had just come up from the Back Bone and headed over to play on the mud hills on the way to Shoe Tree we stopped and talked for a little while then jumped back in the rigs and OOOOPPPPSSS 10 feet away I realized I didn't have the lap belt on ..... lesson learned .....