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03-05-2012, 12:29 PM
The outpouring of offers for assistance that were posted as well as those I’ve received has been incredible. I can’t even begin to imagine the volume you’ve seen. It is difficult for those of us to want to immediately react by showing up ready to help, as unfortunately, it’s not quite that simple for many reasons. Since just getting access to some areas can be difficult with National Guard involved, for everyone’s safety. With the donate link active, we hope to alleviate some of the immediate financial stress but knowing that this isn’t something that will be complete in a short time.

That said, our offer for help isn’t just a now thing. You mentioned the possibility of a clean-up party in a month or so. Hopefully this will allow you time to see what the National Guard cleans up, as well as allowing for whatever inspections by the city/state/anyone else you need. You mentioned that you knew a mobile home from across the road blew on your land by the garage. You had a chance to hike your land last evening and found that there is another mobile home, from who knows where, way over on another hill. There is also a car, a tractor, wagon, and everything from inside the home over there (having 15 acres). And that’s just on your land. Sounds like a lot of work, but we can pull together and get it done.

I’m starting a contact list for you that will give you an idea of who has what type of equipment available. That way if you are in need of something specific (bobcat,etc), we can get you in touch with someone who has it…as well as just a list of bodies willing to work. So the minute you're ready to plan for a bunch of us to show up to work; just say the word.

To others: I know this was a far reaching storm, so if anyone else needs clean up help (or help rebuilding something destroyed in this), please let us/me know. I know there are others who have been touched by this, and we want to help; that’s what friends are for. So the offer is out to anyone needing assistance from this. Let us know.

03-05-2012, 08:16 PM
i have open 18' car trailer to load stuff up on it with a winch also on it.. 5000 watt geranator to run stuff lights, heater, what ever... and 2 hands to help!!! Free normally Sunday - tuesdays

03-05-2012, 08:41 PM
If anyone has shingles off their roof right now we are drying them in for free.. I am donating all of my and my employees time this week to help. call us Wendling Roofing & Chimney service 859.609.5356

03-10-2012, 12:46 PM
Rob -- How about a group of us coming down next Sat the 17th? Realizing this is St Patty's Day and some people may be otherwise occupied. ;) Believe a few from Muddy Buddys may have this day semi reserved for them to help.

You mentioned the firehouse is helping to organize so I will try to contact someone to see what supplies are needed. (Been reading that needs have changed in some areas as people begin to clean up and work on getting established again. So instead of clothes it's more kitchen essentials like flour, sugar, etc.)

03-11-2012, 07:50 AM
lisa, a week ago i never would have thunk it, but my place is cleaning up good. we may save you guys a trip....

we had 40 freinds come clear the hillside saterday and we had two bobcats and multiple quads too. its still ruff but most are coming back today. and national gaurd is pulling that trailor out from down over the hill. they already got the car aand tractor. if today is like yesterday it will look ....almost....like normal.

the building commitie inspected trailor. we arent gonna put it up where it used to be but just level it where it sits. when we got it it was just temperary till we built a house anyway..its not gonna impress anyone....but we can make it dry and livable again. we prob start on fixin trailor next week.

they recomended replacing windows, fixin trusses and sheeting it but wrapping roof in white commercial roofing rubber stuff. i dont recal what they called it but ive seen it on commercial roofs. anyone ever work w this stuff? they said it heat welds together..

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03-11-2012, 11:46 AM
I'm glad things are working out for you and starting to look up. That's more important than anything. Offer is there if you need us, just holler.

03-11-2012, 06:16 PM
pics of piles we retrived from my landhttp://img.tapatalk.com/6b2dee62-243f-bd4a.jpg

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03-11-2012, 06:20 PM
and heres neighbors land .we ran out of room and had to make piles over with his piles. the trailor frame was not moved by us but by national gaurd with big equipment.

the entire road is lined w piles of everyones house debris.http://img.tapatalk.com/6b2dee62-2542-7906.jpg

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03-11-2012, 06:28 PM
yeah. i mean we will be finding stuff for years still... but the freinds really cleaned up. its insane how bad it was vs how good it looks now. i have lots of trees down to cut but i wouldent ask people to come just for that. the offer is VERY well appreciated though!

my wife said im more conceerrned w land and garage than our trailor...lol.. but yep, this week getting game plan on it as well.

edit..just got call from fema...im meeting them there tomoro. ive heard the name slung around in hurricane katrina but not exacly sure what they do or what to expect. neibor says they help so hopefully it goes good:beer::beer:

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03-11-2012, 10:13 PM
Fema came by my place today. They were very friendly and acted as though they wanted to help. They were mostly offering information on where to submit claims, information on the claim process, and some recomendations on how to proceed. They should be a lot of help for people that did not have home insurance, or if you didn't own multiple vehicles and had your primary vehicle damaged. Also, you can apply for grants for additional funds if your home insurance dosen't cover all of your damage. He said you could at least take the damages that aren't covered by insurance and possibly write them off on taxes, pending inspection by a fema inspector.