View Full Version : F150 4x4 not working

03-21-2012, 10:24 PM
Last weekend my buddy got his truck stuck in some deep mud, so i went over to help him out and give him a tug, well in the process of that my 4x4 quit working. I was in 4hi and heading back to road and went through some deep ruts and i got stuck, my 4x4 kicked out for some reason so after him pulling me out and many attempts i made it out. So i got to looking and theres some solenoid or something located on the front differential i heard about on another forum that has two vacum hoses going to it which engages the 4x4, and i didnt see one, i did see two hoses which appear to be vacuum hoses but no solenoid, any ideas? anyone have any pictures of what one looks like? im afraid it was ripped of the bracket but not 100% sure since i dont know what im looking for. Oh its a 03 f150 fx4 four door with a small lift, and the 4x4 on the fly with automatic hubs.

Thanks in advance,

03-22-2012, 10:47 AM
on my dads 04(should be the same) the vacum lines are out at the back side of the hubs
they use vacum to dissingage the front end hubs when you start the vehicle. on his i tested the vacum at the hubs and found i had 20"s on one side and only 5"s on the other. found that the one hubs diaphram was bad and that caused the other to wear the splines out from trying to ingage. ended up having to replace both (pricey) but thats what it took to fix his
good luck.

03-22-2012, 12:00 PM
What about the Actuator on the front axle Scott? Do you know what I'm talking about or where it's located on the axle? I saw a bracket of some sort and it look to be broken, It worked great in 4hi and 4 low until it popped out and wouldn't go back in.

Strokin' Away

03-22-2012, 03:24 PM
i dont see anything for a solinoid in a parts diagram all i see is what they call the center shift actuator which is mounted to what i would call the stub axle housing and it appears to just be vacum opperated. i would jack the front end up and see if the hubs are turning the axles then move backward from there.
i will see if i can find anything else out.

03-22-2012, 04:05 PM
Ok thank you Scott.the actuator your talking about I think its broke off. There's a bracket broken on the passenger side I'd the axle close to the pumpkin with two lines above it.

Strokin' Away

03-22-2012, 04:58 PM
on my dads 04(should be the same) the vacum lines are out at the back side of the hubs
they use vacum to dissingage the front end hubs when you start the vehicle. on his i tested the vacum at the hubs and found i had 20"s on one side and only 5"s on the other. found that the one hubs diaphram was bad and that caused the other to wear the splines out from trying to ingage. ended up having to replace both (pricey) but thats what it took to fix his
good luck.

Are you talking about an F250 or 350 Super Duty? Didn't think the F150's had anytype of locking hubs?

My bro-in-law had issues with the piece that mounts on the driver's side firewall basically shorting out. Water would run on it from the cowl area and get into the electroncs. I believe his is an '04.

03-22-2012, 05:12 PM
Brad those the the solenoid that engage and disengage 4x4.right behind the battery?

Strokin' Away

03-22-2012, 06:29 PM
Are you talking about an F250 or 350 Super Duty? Didn't think the F150's had anytype of locking hubs?

My bro-in-law had issues with the piece that mounts on the driver's side firewall basically shorting out. Water would run on it from the cowl area and get into the electroncs. I believe his is an '04.

yeah its a 150. there not like a normal locking hub its an internal vacum operated (expensive)pos. looks like a unit bearing in design but has a vacum opererated cog ring inside. dont know if that started in 04 since there was a body change but i know my dad wasnt impressed when his 4x4 was only 4x2

03-22-2012, 06:31 PM
Ok thank you Scott.the actuator your talking about I think its broke off. There's a bracket broken on the passenger side I'd the axle close to the pumpkin with two lines above it.

Strokin' Away

yeah that sounds like what your missing. it operates a fork inside the edge of the pumpkin that ingages a collar on the stub shaft. i can get you a part # if you need let me know..

03-22-2012, 07:00 PM
I'd like a part number and a price if you'd be willing to order part with bracket? In going to parts store to see if they have it

Strokin' Away

03-22-2012, 08:08 PM
Well looked it up in a Chilung manual and wouldn't you know it bracket is gone it appears.

Strokin' Away

03-23-2012, 10:11 AM
yeah its a 150. there not like a normal locking hub its an internal vacum operated (expensive)pos. looks like a unit bearing in design but has a vacum opererated cog ring inside. dont know if that started in 04 since there was a body change but i know my dad wasnt impressed when his 4x4 was only 4x2

Learn something new every day. I knew the Super Duty's had the vacuum hubs that can also be manuall engaged but did not know the F-150s had the vacuum portion of the system.

For the other question, yes I believe it is the solenoid (not sure if where the battery is at) but pretty sure it is on the driver's side firewall area. On my brother-in-laws trucks it would randomly try to engage 4wd while cruising down the road.

03-23-2012, 10:28 AM
Huh, never heard of that.yeah the superduty hubs are a PIA. I know what it is it's that actuator that's plastic and rubber,lol that sits I a bracket on what I'd call the ear of the axle tube by the pumpkin, well the bracket broke off apparently and now I have to either find the old one and weld it back on and reenforce it or see if I can just buy one from a junkyard and use it. Just thought o could cut one off a axle at a junk yard if they'd let me and weld it to my axle...

Strokin' Away