View Full Version : real estate people

05-10-2012, 02:36 AM
I've been looking into a particular house around me that was forclosed on a while back.
I have dug and dug and the only info I have some up with is that US Bank bought it back last july.
I have called severaly people at us bank and they continue to give me the run around and transfer me from person to person with no help.

Ive been looking at houses but this is the one I'd really like to have. I'd hate to buy something else and then this go for sale next week.

So anyways, does anyone here have any tips or could point me in a better direction possibly?

05-10-2012, 04:06 AM
Are you sure it's not owned by HUD? They buy a lot of foreclosed homes, I'm doing the same thing and ban that owned the house wanted an outrageous number for what it was and I told them that ad they ended up selling it to HUD within a week and now dealing with them

05-10-2012, 06:47 AM
Contact a realestate agent. They can get any info you need on the property.

05-10-2012, 09:20 AM
I just bought one that was empty for over a year. Hud bought it and 3 days later I bought it. But like they said call a realitor and they should be able to help. They want to sell a house as bad as you wanna buy one.

05-10-2012, 10:09 AM
I kinda went through the same thing. House right down the road sat vacant for a couple years. I knew it would eventually go up for sale, but everytime I contacted the financial institution that owned the house, they couldn't give me a straight answer on when it would go on the market. Bought another house and it went on the market a little over a month later.

Wish I could give you some advice, but good luck with the house. Only thing I can say is keep bugging the bank until you get someone that is willing to help you.

05-10-2012, 04:52 PM
Thanks for the help guys, ill try to get ahold of a real estate agent and see if they can get me some info