09-10-2007, 10:11 PM
Jeff was unable to attend tonight because he went to the Bengals game - Wienie!!!
So the meeting was headed up by yours truly. I opened up the meeting and greeted our guests. Chris was there for his first time, he has a Taco on 35's, also in attendance was Pete Krier, and honary guest (not ther) Braeden Eli - Brad and his wife had there baby yesterday and Brad snuck away to comoe to the meeting.
Bob gave the treasurer's report and we have money in the account.
Brad gave a brief update of what he new about the web page in that it is up as of now.
It is that time of year again for nominations and election of club officers. This is a rare year in that every elected position is open this year. A thread will be created to post nominations and they will be compiled and a list generated for next months meeting. Voting will be held and tallied at the October meeting and posted. We will try to get the new officers in place by November or December. If you are curious as to the duties of the positions please see the home page for that info.
Last month wew discussed a benefit for next year. We talked about the same venue and again for the Craig family, sort of a 2nd annual benfit show. This will be setup in a seperate thread if you have any thoughts or would like to volunteer your services.
Trip report was given by almost everyone in attendance about a trip to Natural Bridge, lots of fun was had by all. By the way we need to get the pink hook back in to give to a new victim I mean recipient.
The next trip is to West Virginia next weekend.
The trip for next month is not set in stone but two weekends were listed, the first and towards the end of the month. As always if you are going somewhere post it up.
Don't forget that our Christmas party is write around the corner on the 1st of December.
So the meeting was headed up by yours truly. I opened up the meeting and greeted our guests. Chris was there for his first time, he has a Taco on 35's, also in attendance was Pete Krier, and honary guest (not ther) Braeden Eli - Brad and his wife had there baby yesterday and Brad snuck away to comoe to the meeting.
Bob gave the treasurer's report and we have money in the account.
Brad gave a brief update of what he new about the web page in that it is up as of now.
It is that time of year again for nominations and election of club officers. This is a rare year in that every elected position is open this year. A thread will be created to post nominations and they will be compiled and a list generated for next months meeting. Voting will be held and tallied at the October meeting and posted. We will try to get the new officers in place by November or December. If you are curious as to the duties of the positions please see the home page for that info.
Last month wew discussed a benefit for next year. We talked about the same venue and again for the Craig family, sort of a 2nd annual benfit show. This will be setup in a seperate thread if you have any thoughts or would like to volunteer your services.
Trip report was given by almost everyone in attendance about a trip to Natural Bridge, lots of fun was had by all. By the way we need to get the pink hook back in to give to a new victim I mean recipient.
The next trip is to West Virginia next weekend.
The trip for next month is not set in stone but two weekends were listed, the first and towards the end of the month. As always if you are going somewhere post it up.
Don't forget that our Christmas party is write around the corner on the 1st of December.