07-07-2012, 11:45 AM
What: Malachi's Trap 4 X 4 Road Rally
When: July 29th, 2012
Where: Begins at South Dearborn High School in Aurora, Indiana and ends at Versailles State Park, Versailles, Indiana.
Who: Open to all four wheel drive vehicles. 50 vehicle limit. (28 teams currently registered as of July 7) Pre-registration highly recommended.
Time: Gates open at 9:00 am. Drivers meeting is 9:45 am. Rally starts at 10:00 am.
Course: 60 mile road course includes 7 stream crossings up to 20" deep.
Entry Fee: $45.00 per vehicle.
For a flyer with complete details and a registration form, go to: http://www.scenicroadrallies.com/downloads/2012Zimmer4X4RoadRally.pdf
To visit our FaceBook Page, go to: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Scenic-Road-Rallies/103578389708295
To view a video of this event over the past few years, go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9hYdZmXgfc&feature=relmfu
To pre-register: call 812-623-5727 or send an email to info@scenicroadrallies.com
When: July 29th, 2012
Where: Begins at South Dearborn High School in Aurora, Indiana and ends at Versailles State Park, Versailles, Indiana.
Who: Open to all four wheel drive vehicles. 50 vehicle limit. (28 teams currently registered as of July 7) Pre-registration highly recommended.
Time: Gates open at 9:00 am. Drivers meeting is 9:45 am. Rally starts at 10:00 am.
Course: 60 mile road course includes 7 stream crossings up to 20" deep.
Entry Fee: $45.00 per vehicle.
For a flyer with complete details and a registration form, go to: http://www.scenicroadrallies.com/downloads/2012Zimmer4X4RoadRally.pdf
To visit our FaceBook Page, go to: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Scenic-Road-Rallies/103578389708295
To view a video of this event over the past few years, go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9hYdZmXgfc&feature=relmfu
To pre-register: call 812-623-5727 or send an email to info@scenicroadrallies.com