View Full Version : selling on craigslist

08-20-2012, 01:30 PM
I have my jeep posted for sale on craigslist. I have had 2 different people contact me wanting to know if it was still available. I get back with them and give my name and phone number and tell them to call.

Then i get another email with them telling me they will buy it. One was for there uncle and the other was for there dad. They want to pay through paypal and have someone come pick it up after paymet clears. They want my paypal name and email address and more pics. I really feel like it is a scam. Just didnt know if anyone else has had this happen or sold items this wasy.

In fact here is one of the emails

I'm interested and consider it sold, I'm buying it for my father and payment would be through PayPal, my agent will come for pick up, actually I'm working in a ship and most time I am off shore. Expecting your prompt reply, with the name and email address on the your PayPal account so that I can make the payment and please provide me with recent pictures including this item so I can see the condition before we proceed since I would not be seen it in person so I can make a payment right away, and pick up would at your residence. And lastly, I'm offering additional $100 to your final price for you to keep it off from other offer. If you don't have paypal account yet, it is very easy to set up, go to http://www.paypal.com and get it set up.. looking forward to your response.

08-20-2012, 01:39 PM
is a scam...
i always send them a phone #.
if they dont call' they aint interested

08-20-2012, 02:18 PM
No one buys anything with out looking at it. At least I don't. I always sleek out a number in my phone number when I list anything on Craigslist. Like 5one3. And most of the time hide my email so someone has to call or text me.

08-20-2012, 03:16 PM
I was leary of the first one but now another with pretty much the same story. No thanks what happened to cash in hand?? I dont buy much without seeing it and never something like a car or truck. Just wanted a couple second opinions
Thanks for the advice i hid the email and did write out my number and put to call or text only

08-20-2012, 03:23 PM
i got my truck on there and get the same one two times a day i alway freak out on them bad and they keep it up i ever find out whom it is ill shank them:thumbup:

08-20-2012, 03:55 PM
Im going to flag them as a scam on craigslist link at the bottom of the email

Hope Springs Hauler
08-20-2012, 03:55 PM
The "agent" is a kicker, though. What a rip.

93 Krawler
08-20-2012, 07:29 PM
You get use to their emails after a while. If they ask if the item is still available, just delete it. They just want your email to sell. If it looks like they can't spell or talk right, delete it. That shows they are probably foreign. Usually if they don't ask legitimate questions pertaining to the item for sale, they are scamming you. Always post no shipping so you don't get those jerks trying to get you to ship the car and get a bad cashiers check. I like the one that asks to verify the mileage when I have a pic of the odometer showing the mileage. They are ruthless.

08-20-2012, 09:50 PM
For some reason they're always on a ship somewhere .... must be lots of boats.......:D

08-20-2012, 10:38 PM
Funny you say that cause i had a guy off pirate ask me to ship it to Romania. Horrible it is that bad that people make thier living trying to screw everyone else